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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Just look at what Thomas Hamilton's father did to him.
  2. My mature side just wants Javi to take the L, realized he was used and move in but my Evil Kermit side wants him to continue to put all of Kail's dirty deeds on front street.
  3. Now he is disgusted with her??? Dude she shook your head like an 8 ball on national TV, filed false charges against Jo because she was jealous he moved on and upgraded to boot.
  4. I have low-key respect for Eleanor because she went from facing certain death to back to being a power-player in Nassau (even if it is behind the scenes) within a year's time.
  5. Watching Barbara make sure she had some wine before the coming shit storm was the highlight of this episode. Did Jace say to Jenelle, "It isn't right!" or am I imagining things? People bugging Barbara at work??? You know Jenelle is a fuck up, let Barb slice her lunch meat in peace! Of all the things to see and do in California, yoga on the beach was the highlight of your trip? Jo continues to show that Isaac's wellbeing is his top concern unlike Kail. Kail with her double chins and standards. So you have a problem with Javi showing up to the house (his fucking house at that) without asking but last year, you had no problem showing up at Jo's home without asking and made fun of his attire to boot! Ensley Eason sounds like a character from some shitty fan fiction on Tumblr.
  6. I love that Madi is a boss in her own right and not just Silver's woman. I feel for Max but her speech to Silver left a bad taste in my.mouth. Seems to me that Max forgets that it was piracy and the anti-civilization nature of Nassau that allowed her to get to her current position. Billy and Flint try to hack each other to death...how do they come back from that? I knew that Eleanor would use her new respectable position to gain some type of influence with her family.
  7. Or a dude with sisters who will beat a chick's ass if she messes with their brother!
  8. Oh Javi, a person can't fall back in love with you when thet never loved you in the first place. Lol You were a means to an end for Kail.
  9. Javi learned the hard way that you can't turn a ho into a housewife. Ok, what the hell did she do to this guy that he had to cut his hair. Like I said, he should have pressed charges on her and filed a restraining order to be extra petty. I am hoping we get a scene where Javi contacts Jo, not to have a bitch session about Kail to but to apologize for the way he treated Jo.
  10. <cue diabolical laugh> at his mother telling him "haven't you watched the show". So Kail hasn't changed and is still putting her hands on people. Dreads should have called the cops on her ass and pressed charges.
  11. So is Dreads moving in or just staying with Kail for a short period of time because I saw him take a full shower caddy out of the trunk and you could also see luggage in there. Interesting that Jo greeted him very casually like he had already met him...or he decided that getting Isaac out of there was more important than a confrontation with this guy at the moment. ETA: I watched the deleted scene. Kail telling Javi that it's none of his business! No bitch, it is his business who you have his son around!
  12. Kail needs to realize that Isaac isn't like her; he actually loves and cares about others. I really hope Jo checks the shit out of her next week, but we all know she'll just get defensive and probably kick him out.
  13. I think that Eleanor sees her family as a possible ally because she is somewhat respectable now as the wife of a governor who is dedicated to restoring law, order and proper commerce to Nassau.
  14. Lil. I just imagined him screaming "SHIITTTTTT!" in his head. Lol Did anyone catch when Eleanor told Rodgers that her family might be able to help him out. I am very interested in seeing how that will play out.
  15. I still think Javi is a labia-lipped jerkass but good for him for shutting Kail down about that house business.
  16. I guess there has been a long time jump between the finale and the premiere because I would imagine it would have taken months to year for Rodgers divorce to be finalized so he could marry Eleanor( I can't believe fricking married her). It also explains Silver and Madi already being lovers at this point( because we all knew their relationship was headed that way, lol).
  17. Poor, little Emery Board Eason has no idea what awaits her.
  18. No, but MTV does! About Kail on the scale: she is what some people like to call "badly built".
  19. This isn't going to end well because when had Jenelle ever taken care of a newborn full-time? She dumped Jace on Barbara and I remember seeing Nathan being the primary caregiver to infant Kaiser. If she thinks David is going to help or take over she is in for a world of hurt because Uncle ID Channel strikes me as someone who thinks infant care is woman's work.
  20. Knowing Leah, she'd probably leave the wheelchair home anyway.
  21. Leah probably would have been better off looking into some place like Atlantis in the Bahamas. Family friendly and probably has great wheelchair access for Ali. In a perfect world, The Simms and Leah could plan one big trip to someplace nice for all the kids to enjoy plus there would be extra support for Ali and sad to say, Leah as well.
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