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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. What a fucking bitch! Now, I know she has complete say in whether Isaac can go with Javi, but is there something in their custody agreement that states that either parent can't leave the state without the others permission because I can't think of reason how she can legally bar Lincoln from going to Disney with his father.
  2. Zach can't have sex with her(well, at least vaginal)since once a person is turned, they lose their genitalia.
  3. I hope gets the maximum amount he is entitled to because if the situation were reversed, she would take him for every penny should could get.
  4. *files sulfuric acid bitch swsy for future use* lol She should just name the kid after Chris and be done with it.
  5. I think she is incapable of feeling empathy, shame or remorse.
  6. I wonder if Jo was trying to get his business off the ground around the same time as Kail wanting to increase in child support? I just hope the business is something that has a high chance if succeding and not a vanity project like t-shirts or age in-appropriate children's clothing. ETA: A boy with no name is definitely Chris's; they have the same nose and eyes.
  7. Javi is an idiot to even entertain the thought of getting back together. Her behavior immediately after he just got back from deployment alone should have been enough. Plus, they just aren't compatible; Javi is clingy and borderline possessive and far more into traditional gender roles then he lets on while Kail is cold, self-serving and doesn't like to answer to anyone.
  8. I can't wait to see how she responds to Javi's request for child support. From my understanding, the have a 50/50 custody agreement which means whoever makes less is entitled to request CS. Oh well!
  9. "I don't want Jace to have a fucked up childhood." Ummmm...to late for that, Jenelle. If you really didn't that to happen, you should have placed him for adoption like Barbara begged you to do! And BTW, where was little Endoscopy while they were they were chasing Barb all over the Carolinas?
  10. You think Kail would have the decency to put some BB cream or something to cover up that pizza face. After all she's put him through, he tries to make the effort to be cordial. You're a better person than me, Javi! I really felt for Leah trying to rationalize that Ali's breathing trouble could be caused by something as allergies. Unconditional love be damned! Barb is no saint but Jenelle is just toxic. Time to pull the plug, Barb. You have 3 young children who depend on you, you shouldn't have to be harassed by those two assholes.
  11. I don't know hiw things are in Delaware, but here i PA, if you are an umarried woman, paternity has to be established before the father's name goes on the birth certificate. Paternity can be established by the father signing a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity form the hospital or at a later date or via court ordered paternity test. I agree that neither Jo nor Javi should have to play surrogate dad to No Government Name. It sucks but Kail should have thought about these things before she tried to trap an apparent fuccboi.
  12. What in the early 70's back up singer hell is Cate wearing?
  13. He Who Doesn't Have a Government Name really does look like Chris. Honestly, should just name him Trap since I suspect that is what she was trying to do to CL with that "I can't get pregnant" line of BS she told him.
  14. The title of her next book should be called "Hustling Backwards" since she went from having a husband who was a loving father and actually holds a day job outside of Teen Mom to getting knocked up by a guy who doesn't want to be seen with her in public.
  15. You know neither one of them bothered to give Jace his medicine. I find it awfully convenient that Marissa goes away with grandparents and now David's nephew comes over for weekend. Those two will do anything to try to keep the kids occupied so they don't have interact with them for extended periods of time. Love Kail searching for positive comments about her shitty choices. Watching Ali describe how she has trouble breathing is so heartbreaking. I hope the school provided an aide for her and if not, Cori and Leah need to contact an advocacy group to fight to get Ali the services she is entitled to. So when will the Coven get in Brianna's ass about continually making poor choices? Glad to see that Briana has a day job but how long will it last once the TM checks start rolling in.
  16. I cringe at the thought of what David would have done to the Roll had the cameras not been recording him.
  17. I think that is fine by him. I can see Kail's threats backfiring on her where Chris pays child support but has nothing to do with her or He Who Remains Nameless.
  18. Brandon and Teresa are saints for granting those two a visit especially after they showed their asses the past two seasons. Now, I see that news of visit is all over the internet and Tyler is giving a play-by-play of it. Good Lord!
  19. I believe Kail when she said that she didn't. We all know that reality TV can anything but so I take it this is the storyline given to them by the producers of the show.
  20. It's not mean at all. Look at it this way, not even a nice check from MTV is enough to make him want to be seen with her publically and then there is the issue of him allegedly refusing to tell her where he's currently residing.
  21. Is this a new thing with her because she sure didn't care about Isaac needing his dad when she wanted to alienate him from Jo. Both of them are a trip! Is there anything they won't do for a check?
  22. @GreatKazu I was thinking more like Gunther from Sing
  23. But are you looking at him in person or on Snapchat or pics sent by Kail? Ok, why is she arguing with people on Twitter at 6 am in the morning?
  24. Well, in all fairness, the guys she is involved with aren't the most aesthetically pleasing. Lol I know Jace is maybe too young right now, but maybe a boarding school or military academy might be the best thing for him in the near future. I wonder NC has a school similar to what have in my state(the Milton Hershey school) for children from disadvantaged background?
  25. I understand why he didn't call the cops on her since we know she is a lying liar who lies and most likely it would have been him being led away in handcuffs.
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