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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Briana can't afford to live on her own, has to share a bedroom with daughter and decided to add a baby into the mix ? SMH I can't believe Jenelle flew to New York just to buy that glorified table cloth she called a wedding dress...actually, I can believe it.
  2. Lux Lopez sounds like the results from one of those porn name generator things you see on Facebook.
  3. Well, it's official that Novalee Reign no longer holds the title of " Shittiest kid name in the Teen Mom franchise " Poor kid is going to have a hell of time in school with name that rhymes with "sucks" and "fucks"!
  4. Issac,Lincoln and Lux??? Sound like the name of a law firm.
  5. Well, now we know why David hates Nathan so much! I am shocked David would apologize about anything and didn't fly into a rage over Jenelle having dick pics of any man let alone her ex on her phone.
  6. As much as i would love to see Vee express what she really thinks of Kail, it's best she barely acknowledges Kail. They say the best revenge is living well and from what I can see, Vee is living well. She and Jo have been together for over 5 years and will be married soon...for love and not military benefits. She found something she is passionate about and turned it into a career that allows her great flexibility. Oh, and she also knows how to look put together and not sloppy while in public.
  7. Silly Javi! He probably thinks that because he isn't a deadbeat, Briana and her family won't come together to form man-hating Voltron ready to vanquish his ass the minute he does something they don't like!
  8. Apparently, Ashleigh wears wigs because she suffers from trichotillomania. TBH, I would probably rip my hair out too if I had Jenelle for a sister.
  9. Lol! Tell on yourself some more, Jenelle. We've all seen how annoyed and frustrated you get when Kaiser wants some of your attention.
  10. The nerve! He wasn't concerned with Kaden's future when he almost killed him and his mother.
  11. You win the internet for today. Lol I feel for Doris because if Nathan goes to jail there is no need for visitation and you know those two assholes will never let her see Kaiser especially now that she has accused Uncle Bad Touch of child abuse. She has to worry about a son in prison and grandchild living in a domestic situation that is one bad arguement away from becoming an episode of Dateline.
  12. Ok, how did I miss that? Lol I think I was thrown off by the "my mom won" text. And to think she had that ridiculous post-courthouse meltdown knowing she consented to the custody rearrangement.
  13. And let's not forget "Jace doesn't need me, he has my mom."
  14. Barb begged Jenelle to place Jace for adoption but Jenelle wouldn't do it and then proceeded to dump newborn Jace on Barb so she could party.
  15. Jenelle and her selective memory! The courts didn't think you should have custody, blame the judge, not Barb for why you can't get your son back! Chelsea's "We're doing this all for you so..." line rubbed me the wrong way. How much did Kail or Mtv pay that woman to kiss Kail's ass? No way was that impromptu since the woman would have to sign a release in order to be filmed.
  16. What is it with these girls and hideous back tattoos? Maci and that cupcake monstrosity, Kail and that shitty 9th grade quote and now Jenelle.
  17. Mom should be concerned why meeting Kail would be the highlight of her daughters' day.
  18. Ha ha! Glam Glow is like the biggest rip off! You're better off buying pure kaolin clay and making your own mask.
  19. I figured something was up when Endtable started crying and Jenelle didn't go into meltdown mode!
  20. Somebody needs to tell her that no matter how many black penises she entertains or half-black children she gives birth to, that word in any of its various forms is off limits! I have two white female friends who prefer black men, have mixed children and they know not use that word. Its not that hard, Kail!
  21. You mean to tell me this whale makes 300 grand a year and can't arrange child care for her Wednesday class? Jenelle, Jace tells you what you want to hear because he doesn't want to face Uncle ID channel's wrath. There was no need to show that clip of Ryan; a simple phone call to Maci would have been better even though Maci would have been insufferable. Lol Birds of a feather flock together which is why I am not surprised Briana's friend is a PITA nag as well.
  22. I am going to hold off on whether I find little "My name was randomly chosen from a bag" aesthetically pleasing considering my daughter had a big Frankenberry head up until she was about 3 and as another posted noted, Isaac was not a cute baby but blossomed into an adorable-looking young man.
  23. Jace going to The Land two weekends a month is two weekends too many. He is terrified of Lurch and shouldn't be forced to spend time with him. Jenelle is going to come to regret this set schedule because she is use to seeing Jace when it's convienent for her. I am glad Jo didn't cave into Kail's " I am six months pregnant!" That is not his problem. Matter of fact, it's part of the problem. Too bad Aubree couldn't spend all of Father's day with man who has been her father in every way that counts. The Coven...
  24. Did anyone catch that Nathan has Jenelle listed as "SheDevil" on his phone ? Lol
  25. I wouldn't want to meet the man who laid up under my wife in my house while I was away serving my country. That's great he moved near Jo and the boys will have more time together. Also, between Javi, hos parents and the Riveras, there is always someone there for the kids. The dinner thing...Javi, keep it formal with that habitual line-stepping hosebeast. She's already gone through your phone and destroyed personal property. You look like a simp trying to be her friend.
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