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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Luxembourg!!!! Why didn't I think of that?
  2. I imagine Javi's sisters all collectively shaking their heads at his new choice of mate! Next year's birthday photo will include Lincoln's new sibling or a pregnant Briana.
  3. How long have they've been dating and they're already and insta-family? Anything for that Teen Mom check, I guess.
  4. Well, at least she can't bring an innocent life into the world in an effort trap this girl.
  5. Since Kail wants to blanch her poopchute and Brianna has already a beef curtain rejuvenation, maybe Javi being the famewhore he is will agree to a free ball ironing session with the procedure being posted on Snapchat. https://www.salon.com/2013/06/11/ball_ironing_is_a_thing/
  6. Poor kid has the most vacant look on her face.
  7. That's the look of a kid who realizes what a shitty situation he was born into.
  8. I so wanted to there when I first heard she was in Atlanta. Thanks for having the strength to do what I couldn't. Lol
  9. Now I know Javi is a simp for real . No self-respecting Eagles fan would ever marry a Cowboys fan. She is lucky she didn't get her ass beat for wearing that hat to Lincoln Financial Field. Seriously, the hate for the Cowboys here in Philly is unreal. I don't even like football but I know I hate Dallas! Lol
  10. I guess Kail is trying to upgrade herself in the looks department to counter the fact that she racked up 3 kids and 3 baby daddies by the age of 25.
  11. @CaliforniaLove Is is possible to love the Smiths and dislike Morrissey with a passion? Lol Brianna started it and Vee finished it! Jo and Javi are neighbors so if Briana moves to Delaware, she might not want to alienate Jo and Vee. Briana, you finally found a man who treats you right so does this mean you'll stop complaining?
  12. My co-workers and I always joke about going to work to get a break from our kids. Lol ETA: I agree with the post upthread about Javi. Big Papi is doing whatever he has to in order to maintain the lifestyle he has become accustomed to.
  13. But sadly, there are a legion of idiots on Twitter and other SM who do buy her bullshit.. Kail's too! I'll never forget some idiot saying it's ok that Kail has 3 baby daddies because it means she doesn't take any shit from men she is in relationships with.
  14. Berryman being Bessie's father threw me for a loop. I figured he was one of her "regulars". This certainly makes the scene where Berry confronts Creely about the crucifixion alot more interesting. Creeley chiding Berryman for not acknowledging Bessie's greeting and telling him he should show a little more respect to her because it appears the two were well acquainted...makes me wonder if Bessie revealed to Creeley the true nature of her relationship with Berryman. I want to believe that the blonde assassin woman's(can't remember her name) didn't murder that little girl.
  15. Remember when Javi wanted to see Kail's phone because he suspected she was cheating on him? Remember Kail's reaction? Funny, it's ok to violate Chris's privacy because she suspects he is seeing other women.
  16. Whatever you have to tell yourself, Jenelle! We all know after therapist testified and Barb's lawyer presented other evidence showing how unfit you are, your lawyer "begged" you to sign a visitation agreement.
  17. Someone needs to inform Kail that it's not cheating when you're not in a committed relationship with the other party. David is so manly but can't handle questioning from a so-called f-word? Jenelle will be contained alright...in a shallow grave somewhere on the Land.
  18. Lol! Not Gidorah! Now the nerd in me is wondering if Hulk could indeed take on Gidorah or any of the monsters from the Toho universe. Lol
  19. They did meet on Tinder . Also, word is Jenelle was friends with UBT's sister prior to dating him.
  20. Is anyone the least bit surprised? It's only natural that Jenelle's current husband did a stint in jail with her former husband given her dating pool is limited to trash like herself.
  21. I hope the judge rules that Isaac and Lincoln stay put and it's up to Kail to make sure she is back in DE for her court-appointed time.
  22. Someone tell Kail that it is possible to do a podcast where the co-host are in different states.
  23. Quoting from a popular meme "oh no,what is you doing?" Lol Come on, Jo! You of all people know Kail's grifting ways. Next thing you know, you'll be signing gaurdianship papers for that boy so Kail can go "work" for extended periods of time.
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