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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Fame before pride and dignity! Javi will do anything to stay relevant in the Teen Mom sphere.
  2. The Bug-worship dumpster orgy....I have no word! This show is over the top but I hoped they would never go the rape/sodomy route. How does Smoothie go to the bathroom? Blue Jr was a little creep but I dont think he and his mother deserved to be blown to bits.
  3. She doesn't have a 9 to 5 or forced to work 70 hours to week to make ends meet, she doesn't have 2 of her children full time and has a set of lackeys to help with the 3rd so why can't she just exercise and meal plan? Why go through painful, risky and expensive surgery?
  4. Cate, please stop raiding your middle-age auntie's closet for shirts! I think Tyler desperately wants out of this marriage but doesn't want to give up the Teen Mom lifestyle. Aww, Jayde is a Daddy's girl.
  5. Kid is finally starting to look cute. Those pants make him look like a little hobo. Kail's arms look like wet newspaper and which leg-humper lied and told her those Shamu-colored compression pants looked good on her?
  6. Yep! All that healthy food in the fridge and the expectation that she should eat it sent her anxiety into overdrive. Lol
  7. You officially win the internet. Lol Poor thing, I hope she lift that noggin back up!
  8. I think real story behind Nova's conception involved Porn hub, a cup and a turkey baster.
  9. You were too depressed to spend time with Leah, but not too depressed to film Marriage Bootcamp. You're "working" to take care of Leah but Gary has to remind you to pay your child support obligation?
  10. What is the definition of insanity? Do in the same thing over again and expecting a different result?! Stop trying to turn these hoes into a housewife, Javi !
  11. AFAIAC, Gary and Christina were too tame in their critique of Amber. I don't think I could contain my anger knowing you owe me 9600 in back child support but have the funds to take you and your new boyfriend to Hawaii. And don't get me started on how once again they have to play detective to make sure this guy isn't some damn molester or psycho because Amber can not be trusted to make good decisions when it comes to romantic partners.
  12. Considering that Ryan admitted Larry use to do the same thing to him, he should be grateful that Taylor stepped in.
  13. I wonder if something happened with Taylor off camera for Ryan to have this sudden vitriol toward him. One thing for sure, whatever happened, it wasn't Ryan exhibiting any guilt of being a crap father or jealously toward Bentley and Taylor's relationship. @AirQuotes With the exception of his time in rehab, I don't think Ryan has ever been off the H.
  14. A hit dog will holler. Gary and Christina told nothing but the truth and Amber knows it! Good for them for feeling like they can finally express their frustrations with Amber! There were 7 chins at that table but only 4 people is the only way I can sum up that scene with Mac, her friends and Jen. I thought I had zero rhythm but Mac struggle twerk takes the cake! When Farrah told Sophia that Italy is part of her heritage, I couldn't help but think, "so is the Upside Down!"
  15. The Shirley's are the ones supporting this child financially(because this cow is too depressed to pay child support), physically and emotionally and this bitch has a nerve to get her panties in a bunch because they dare criticize her?! The nerve! And the nerve of her to act like she made Gary and criticized his living situation when he was a single parent trying to raise a child because her druggie abusive ass was in gel!
  16. She can host the inevitable special about Jenelle's death at the hands of David.
  17. That's what I was trying to say. Lol also, I think that is the main reason for this trip because I don't know many 8 year olds who want to go to Jamaica. If she really wanted something catered toward an 8 year old, she would have picked Atlantis in the Bahamas.
  18. She needs someone to watch the kids while she goes trolling for Jamaican strange.
  19. That head!!!!! Why bother taking her to the doctor when you're just going to ignore his\her advice?
  20. What does she do that is spin off worthy? Also, podcast are a dime a dozen!
  21. Handcrafted???? By who...Mimi from Drew Carey???
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