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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. How lazy are you that you can't put a shirt on your child?
  2. I think Maryssa has taken it upon herself to try to fix Endtable's head.
  3. The creator of Krypton, David S. Goyer is also the creator of DaVinci's Demons. Lol
  4. I thought about that but I don't think she would get as much out. A few articles and interviews and back into obscurity she goes.
  5. She needs to pray she never finds Ryan, slumped over, dead from an OD.
  6. I am not mad at Taylor for that tweet. About time somebody fired back at Toucan Sam. Oh, and to sit there with a straight face and say that Ryan would make a great dad! Yeah! Because he's had such great practice with Bentley! @GreatKazu I didn't know Bubby defends Amber's antics on Twitter. I was waiting for Andrew to say that before he go into cinematography, he use to be the groundskeeper at Hogwarts. Lol
  7. I am all for Shawn receiving some type of compensation for wasting his time. Amber isn't going to listen to him or anyone, so might as well get something out of it.
  8. Nursing school? You don't need that in order to administer Narcan to your addict husband. My 40 year-old self wants Nova Lou Who's ladybug backpack. Don't judge me!
  9. True, but it still quality time with a parent.
  10. Billy looks like he works the ticket booth at an adult movie theater.
  11. Well, Lurch, would you rather they have fired you for abusing Kaiser, calling Dr. Drew the F-word or threatening staff on camera?
  12. I really hope this is a case of MTV giving Jenelle just enough rope to hang herself. Barb and Jenelle have always had a volatile relationship but things are different now with Lurch in the mix. David's controlling ways won't let him tolerate Jenelle filming with Barb; something will happen and that something will be the thing that will make Jenelle quit or give MTV the justification to fire her.
  13. True since it's the man's sperm that determines the sex of a baby. Or he is side-eyeing her because he's come to the realization that he is failed trap baby!
  14. So did Tyler's sister marry Billywade Elkins because on SM, she goes by Amber Elkins? Talk about water seeking it's own level with those two.
  15. I have to give it to Chris Lopez because he really could come up financially by going public with details of his "relationship" with Kail. I imagine he has a sizable student loan debt that could easily be paid by appearing on the show and running to every tabloid that will have him. But alas, he doesn't. I guess to some people, no amount of money is worth having to interact with Kail longer than they have to.
  16. So Maci plans to forgo alcohol for 3 weeks? Lol maybe Naked & Afraid is low-key way to get help for addiction to alcohol. Rehab without having to go to rehab.
  17. How dare you challenge the narrative, Chris! Lol Someone called him poor and said that Kail is a powerhouse...powered by that 6 figure check from MTV. Do people not understand that if it wasn't for MTV, Kail would be a run of the mill, struggling nobody?
  18. So with Cate being gone, her segments have turned into As the Trailer Turns? Amber want to marry her drug-dealing boyfriend and have more kids she probably can't afford. And Amber being addicted to Adderall...I guess she figured it sounded more palpable. No airtime for McKenzie this week, I know she is pissed. *In my Maury voice* In the case of 30 years old Gary...Jodie, you are not the father. SMH, looks like Gary's mom is shaping up to be Indiana's version of Marisol( one of Maury Povich's most infamous guest)
  19. I don't think Kail or Javi are media master manipulators but they're definitely playing the reality tv/social media game. People are interested and there is money to be made off of that interest so why not cash in. Javi is just more thirsty with it because he is stage 4 famewhore.
  20. Of course she gets medical attention for something that can be hidden under clothing. Lol
  21. Color me shocked that David can even pronounce the word "ambidextrous" let alone know the definition of it! Is there something wrong with Endtable's foot?
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