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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. As much as I would love see her get the Lake Placid treatment , a croc would probably spit her out!
  2. Can Zachary Stephens file an order as well to keep Hudson away?
  3. Well, now we know what she has been doing with her time while NovaLou Who is at daycare.
  4. According to the Grace Report, Ryan was arrested for missing a drug test. Is it wrong to say being legally barred from contacting Maci or Bentley is a dream come true for Ryan?
  5. It just makes the whole scene in the car all the more infuriating.
  6. I think Tyler looks forward to the day where he doesn't have a wife or at least Cate as a wife.
  7. Maybe it's her head in proportion to her body but Nova looks like a little person.
  8. So, if he was arrested in April of 2017 and they were married a month later, then that means Mac knew his ass was a damn addict but chose to marry him anyway!
  9. https://radaronline.com/photos/kailyn-lowry-tax-lien-debt-money-problems-teen-mom-2/ Hmmm...maybe if you didn't go on vacation every other week...
  10. *claps hands in total agreement* Like did she forget she is star grifter of the entire franchise?
  11. I did that. I got the screen shot off of FB and didn't think it was right to post strangers addresses and such. I also blacked out Ryan's address.
  12. Well, Mac. Time to see if Ryan has his 40 work quarters needed to receive full RSDI benefits for that little bun you have cooking.
  13. In Mac's mind, this is somehow Maci's fault.
  14. So it is ok for her to bash Chris publicly but Gary should refrain from venting his frustrations with the deadbeat mother of his child?
  15. How does that work when you are the one your family needs protection from?
  16. Too bad Ryan's baby gravy isn't as lazy and lethargic as he is. That poor kid!
  17. Anything for d-list fame and a check, I guess!
  18. But isn't the visitation agreement legally enforceable? Why isn't Maci in trouble for withholding it from Ryan? Somebody said Ryan and Maci's kid would look like a sea horse! *Dead to the bed* I can't believe she played herself, getting pregnant by a junkie. Whoever said that the Edwards knows about the pregnancy at the bowling alley due to the way Mimi Jenn reacted, ICAM. No wonder she had that big glass of beer.
  19. See, this is why I give Taylor a pass for that tweet because Ryan and that shit-stirring aardvark he is married to love to sit around and rewrite history or or use the custody agreement for Hudson to paint Maci as some evil witch, keeping Bentley. IIRC, there is no court-ordered agreement and Ryan refuses to petition the court for one. Thank you, Gary for pointing out how you can't just check out or how millions of parents don't just check out of parenting because they're dealing with mental health issues. Hit dogs will holler! Amber is pissed because Gary, Christina and even Bew Bew have her number. You can't overcome your depression to parent your child, but miraculously find the energy to enter into a new romantic relationship?
  20. I really feel for Kaiser when Kaden is there. Imagine if Kaiser and Kaden get into a spat? Regardless of who started it, you know it will be Kaiser's fault and Lurch will unleash holy hell.
  21. Vee is out here making moves, not babies! I would be shocked if Kail develops a sudden interest in real estate. Lol
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