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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I know Lopez wants nothing to do with the show and is pretty vague about his relationship with Kail(which in itself is very telling about how he feels about Kail) but I would love for him to actually confirm or deny Kail's claims about their relationship.
  2. Someone on FB asked how were they dating if he had her listed in his phone a Dominos? Bwaahahaha! So, if they were "dating" for two years before Miracle Baby was conceived, that would mean she was sleeping with both Javi and Chris when she miscarried? Correct me if I am wrong.
  3. More like two years of trying to get Chris to love her before she devised Operation: Trap Baby.
  4. I read it as he will do anything to stay relevant in the Teen Mom world even if it means kissing his ex-wife's ass. I know the money is nice, but damn, have some pride! Lol
  5. Haven't Jenelle and David's sister confirmed that David stopped working shortly after he started dating Jenelle?
  6. I read a comment today where someone likened Brad Pitt to tofu because he lacks his own flavor(personality) and takes on the flavor of whoever his romantic partner is at the time. Of course I instantly thought of Jenelle. Yep, the girl is human tofu; dull and flavorless until her soulmate of the moment injects some flavor into her.
  7. MTV should be petty by having any post-David firing episodes only feature Jace with Barb and Kaiser with Nathan and Doris. Whatever footage they have of Jenelle, leave it on the cutting room floor. One final "Fuck you!" to Jenelle and Lurch before they inform her that her services are no longer needed.
  8. I just hope that once the hammer comes down and Jenelle is fired( I believe It's coming but after MTV milks David being fired for all that it is worth), she becomes persona non grata in the world of Reality Tv. No Marriage Boot camp for her and Lurch; no other appearances on any other network, not even Iyanla: Fix my Life. Lol
  9. Ummm , if Jenelle leaves , she'll have to find a job too! Lol
  10. Was she dating Keiffer at the time she declared she was an athiest? Do we have an confirmation of Keiffer claiming to be an atheist? You know she adopts whatever beliefs and lifestyle of her soulmate of the moment.
  11. Have we ever seen Endtable crawling or attempting to take any steps?
  12. So far in the span of 4 years, three people(Olivia, Doris and Barb) have tried to take measures to protect their loved ones from David.
  13. Like the evidence from the show of you strung out on drugs and neglecting your kids?
  14. When David if referred to as Uncle ID Channel, it's not in jest.
  15. Send your little gargoyle to school and you won't have to worry about a set teacher giving her candy, Farrah. Didn't Catelynn tweet "I've thought of all the possible ways I could kill myself" line also. I also don't buy Tyler really wanting that baby either and he also seemed relieved to send Cate away to rehab. You don't show yourself living the life on social media while your wife is away, being treated for severe mental health issues. I love how the doctor mentioned a change in diet could help with PCOS; that means cut back on the alcohol, Maci! At first I thought Maverick favored Maxi, but now I see he has Taylor's features but with Maci's coloring and big head.
  16. You know on his mind he is teaching Kaiser to be a "real man".
  17. One of Jenelle's exes or current soul mate has a run in with the law...to quote Buffy, "must be Tuesday!" Someone mentioned Endtable having posiible developmental delay/ autism. As someone with a child on the spectrum(HFA), I shudder at the thought of how Uncle Selective Bible-thumper would react if Eggsley was diagnosed as being on the spectrum. I can imagine the developmental pediatrcian or pediatric neurologist that Jenelle and Lurch have probably been forced to take End table to for an evaluation, explaining things to them and the only thing Lurch hears is r-word!
  18. So Kail has a YouTube show now? Lol , girl, you aren't Nikki & Jamie, Casey Neistat or even that douche, Logan Paul.
  19. Of course clicks chaser Javi couldn't wait to part those beef curtain lips to give his opinion!
  20. I sure won't miss looking at Ensley's dinosaur egg- shaped head! I agree they should film just Barb and Jace. Let Barb collect that 300,000 salary the girls alledgely make since she is the actual parent of Jace.
  21. Someone allowed that it might have something to do with the custody hearing. The judge may have ordered him to take a drug test and since we all know he isn't clean, he thinks he can beat the test by shaving his head.
  22. How fitting of a comuppence for Jenelle. She's not fired but she's alienated friends and family in favor or fear of David which in turn jeopardizes her ability to do her job.
  23. The amount of schadenfreude I am feeling right now... If Jenelle was smart, she would grab the kids and high tail it out of there because its definitely DEFCON 1 on the Land.
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