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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Is there stipulation in their contracts that they have to follow each other on SM? If I were the rest of the cast, especially after those C & D letters, I would have blocked Lurch and Jenelle so fast.
  2. I am calling it now: The monks will come back and Sunny will willingly turn baby Henry over to them. Good to see they addressed how Sunny was able to provide nourishment for Henry. I have a feeling this new bad guy is going to make me long for the time where Quinn was the main villain. I am going to countdown to the time when those kids turn on him. How in the hell do those bowler hats stay on ? I haven't hopped back aboard the Team Widow train but I enjoy her fight scenes immensely. Was hoping they would introduce Lewis Tan's character in the premiere. Hopefully, he is introduced next ep.
  3. Molly and Luis...lol. Stevie Wonder could see her was running a green card scam on her. Hopefully, Kail isn't that stupid but then again, the girls on this show aren't know for their smart decision-making.
  4. Because Jace is probably the only person who pays attention to Kai.
  5. I am a little late to the party but think of it this way; you don't live with a speckled psycho who is one bad argument away from expiring your social security number.; you're employable because you don't have an extensive criminal record and have marketable skills that can help you find gainful employment while Jenelle and Lurch will be up shit's creek when the gravy train ends and finally, you don't have multiple kids with multiple men and thus haven't lessened your potential of finding a suitable long term partner.
  6. I love when someone produces the receipts. Lol If Ryan doesn't get serious about seeking treatment, the only check Mac will receive is an RSDI one. I hate to say it, but given the BS excused Ryan gave about seeking treatment, Mimi Jenn and Larry need to prepare themselves for the worse.
  7. Cate's reunion outfit??? Did she watch reruns of Married with Children and decided was going to copy Peggy Bundy's style? Girl looked fresh out of Wanker County with those pants and top. And don't get me started on these plastic horse hooves shoes! Larry's "get 'em girl!" Is he back to being fed up with his son's drug use? And Ryan saying he is there during his visitation with Bentley...So for how long? Do you just walk in, tussle Bentley's hair, make a joke and leave Mimi to do the parenting?
  8. Well, at least we go some answers on how Ryan ended up a junkie. Could he look more like he could not wait for filming to be over so he could get high. I know everyone deals with things differently but I am so over Cate. As far as Amber and Discount Hagrid. I am just going to leave this here:
  9. You must be an Aussie? Lol Supposedly, the Jagger thing is fake. I hope so because Bentley( I think the name is fine by itself), Hudson and Jagger sounds like the name of someone's dogs, not someone's kids.
  10. In my city (Philly) the socks and slides look is prevalent regardless of season. Lol
  11. But what is she doing to make Tyler feel special and appreciated?
  12. One of the reviews I read stated that Judy is Maureen's child from her first marriage.
  13. Congratulations, Lurch! You've just completed step 1 of " The Racist Guide to trying to Prove he isn't a Racist"
  14. Carly truly is the lucky one because aside from being placed for adoption, she managed to not inherit Cate's unfortunate head shape.
  15. That's what is called a self drag. She is basically talking about herself because she couldn't file for divorce fast enough once Javi became of no use to her.
  16. There was a court order for Jenelle to pay child support but Barb eventually had the order terminated.
  17. I can only laugh at Jenelle insisting that Lurch is black. Sorry, but your hubby isn't getting into Wakanda with those percentages.
  18. North Africans are usually classified as Caucasian aka white. 23& Me will tell you if you have Neanderthal DNA or not.
  19. Good Lord! Cate looks like a thumb with hair!
  20. Lurch hates Barb because she has his number. Plain and simple!
  21. *Flatlines* And I thought my Discount Hagrid was a good description of NuMatt.
  22. I agree. Larry, to me, always came off like a reluctant enabler. He's wanted to put a foot in Ryan's ass for years, to get him to be more responsible but here comes super-enabler Mimi Jenn to the rescue. I think he just accepted it because prior to his addiction, Ryan was a semi-functional adult and the only other option would be leave Jenn.
  23. I hope this doesn't look like I am sticking up for Cate because I am not but I think the problem is Cate only knows how to subsist, to get through day-to-day. Actually living, planning long term, functioning beyond basic survival is overwhelming for her. She isn't wrong when she says that her current issues are related to her childhood when you consider her childhood is filled with nothing but dysfunction. Congrats, Mac. You are officially the biggest idiot in the entire Teen Mom franchise.
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