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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. But they do bother you, otherwise would ignore all the negative comments directed against you!
  2. Not surprising that Endtable has been shipped off to daycare as well!
  3. Lol! Girl, it's so hot here in the mid-Atlantic states, Chris was willing to put up with you for central air and time in the pool. The temps go down tomorrow and he'll go back to pretending you don't exist until the next heatwave!
  4. I wish someone would try to lecture me about bad choices while they're holding their failed trap baby! And thank you Javi for pointing out that Kail and Chris were never in a relationship.
  5. I missed most of it because I was unaware of the time change. So, explain to me why Kail needs members of her Grenade posse to be present at a pick up? So let me guess, because Chris didn't want to play house, nothing he does for Lux will ever be good enough? If there is any justice in this world, the swamp will open up and swallow the house while Methsquatch and Jenelle are the only ones home. Ran across this little gem on Twitter:
  6. So how long before Kail sports a tin foil hat?
  7. I know it is a touchy subject but I stood up and clapped when Dean told those protesters off. I take it every season is going to include a scene where Desna chases after Virginia. So Hank likes his salad tossed? You learn something new about a person everyday. Lol I love that no one seems to bat an eye at Uncle Daddy's bisexuality.
  8. I hope Jo's refusual to have Isaac participate will be the catalyst for MTV pulling the plug. Not going to lie, I find it fitting that Jo's actions cause Kail's gravy train to end giving how she poorly she treated Jo, Vee and the Riveras over the years. Funny how Chris didn't sign the birth certificate and Lux doesn't have a dad, yet Chris can demand that Lux not be featured on the show?
  9. Chris just graduated from school and probably has significant student loan debt. I would imagine that hopping on the MTV gravy train would help him out significantly and I bet it just burns Kail that up that even the promise of a significant payday isn't enough for him tolerate her.
  10. Lurch will blow his top if that is the case. My daughter is on the spectrum, high end but still, it can be very difficult at times with trying to arrange therapies, insurance, dealing with meltdowns, etc. I can't imagine two people like Lurch and Jenelle dealing with all of that considering they can't handle regular kid things like spilling juice or a potty accident without getting violent or having a verbally abusive.
  11. Is it me or does Brittany seem over it? I know she always looks dour when with her mom and sister, but appears that her mother's dramatics and her sister's lack of common sense amd poor life choices have started to wear her down. During the restaurant scene, she really looked like she would wanted be anywhere else in the world rather than listen to her mother interrogate Luis. Furthermore, sorry, Nova but Ti Ti is not lazy, unfortunately, is just not obligated to take care of you!
  12. Here is an idea. Maybe if you two assholes got off the couch and engaged with the children, planned fun family activites, they wouldn't be doing things that annoy you. Man, they really told on themselves this episode; they only interact with those kids when it's for Instagram or some other SM platform. Oh and the reveal that the Land is beginning to swallow the house set my schadenfraude meter to maximum. Speaking of telling on themselves. So, how can a man who didn't sign a birth certificate or VAP papers manage to obtain for emergency custody? Me thinks the paternity test came back and established Chris as the dad and Hulk decided to leave that part out. In a way, I don't blame him for staying away until paternity was established because who wants to get attached to a child who may not be his and who wants to deal with Hulk anymore than they have to? I have to say, I love that all of Kail's attempts to get Chris to be with her have blown up in her face.
  13. So they turned Shady Pines into the Carter? Only in this show! Lol Ok so why are Desna and Co. forced to baby-sit Roller's baby momma? Looks like Toby raided Aunty Mama's closet. I am a little confused, did Jenn know Hank was recording their sexscapades? And if so, why is she still sleeping with him if she wants to reconcile with Vanilla Bryce? Speaking of him, the clothes and hair mean nothing if you don't have swag to go with it! Lol I need to know what kind if vaginal voodoo Desna has going on that make Roller still want her after she tried to murder him?
  14. OMG! Basic bitch is right. Down to the daily Starbucks drinks.
  15. Curse Fashion Nova for giving these girls the impression they can pull off any outfit! Lol
  16. I know Jo doesn't want to rock the boat but IMO, he should ha e a talk with Kail about having every Dom, Dick and Harry she dates around his son.
  17. I forgot about the make up artist. Was that intentional? Those brows...that Gozer the Gozerian blush job...the contacts...why?
  18. My God! Everytime Kail says that Briana isn't a good person, my eyes do a 360 degree roll. Look in the mirror, Kail! Briana is just impulsive and stupid, but you, you're calculating. You marry people for benefits, file false PFA's and lie about your fertility. Also, just because you reserve the fisticuffs for your baby daddies doesn't mean your aren't trash as well. Javi...Javi...Javi, you messy-ass weasel. You knew inviting Briana to Lincoln's party would cause drama. You aren't slick.
  19. Chris didn't sell her out because is probably afraid she would track him down and attack him again. She already cut his dreads, who knows what she would try to cut off next.
  20. I agree! In those times, men would have whole (not so) secret families and their wives would just have to accept it because they were financially dependent on their husbands.
  21. Let us pray the baby doesn't inherit Javi's lips and inability to close his mouth. Is it wrong to say these people need a McDonald's sign next to their genitalia?
  22. Apparently, not! Also, statistically speaking, shouldn't one of these people contracted herpes by now? Oh, and don't get me started on how there are now drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea. Discount Ruby Rose should told Moniece to mind her business!
  23. https://radaronline.com/photos/javi-marroquin-new-girlfriend-pregnant-teen-mom-2/ Stop the reproducing!
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