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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Next time Kail wants to spout off about her degree and how that somehow makes her more worthy of a person than than Briana and her family, someone needs to show thear pics of her degree-holding babydaddy acting like he never left the block. Furthermore, do these people not understand that potential employers look at your SM? Good luck trying to find a job with those pics floating around, Chris!
  2. But Jo can't lounge around his home in sweatpants but Chris can show up to his son's first birthday dressed like that?
  3. Briana strikes a nerve with Kail because Kail knows she would be Briana minus the family if it wasn't for those MTV checks.
  4. I can't imagine what it's like for Isaac and Lincoln to have this man whom they don't really have a relationship with, move into their home.
  5. No way I would have talked to Kail off camera and let her try to control the narrative. Besides, Kail made comments about Chris getting physical so it's not like Briana pulled that accusation out of thin air. Also, I agree that Briana doesn't owe Kail shit as Kail and Javi are divorced as well as Briana and Kail are not co-workers in tradtional sense.
  6. Russell is his middle name. Apparently, Chris and Kail reconciled so now he is shacking up with her. However, I think it was Druzy who did a little research and discovered that Chris was served with an eviction notice recently so reconciliation isn't genuine. Javi's latest victim is someone he dated breifly last year.
  7. Such pretenious trash. A cake tasting for a 1 year old's birthday party...a party he won't remember? Did Isaac get a cake-tasting this year? Did she do more than just have him be surrounded by her horde of DUFFs while he opened presents?
  8. I doubt it had anything to do with Kail possessing some sort of vaginal voodoo and more to do with Javi's thirst for airtime.
  9. Sorry Jenelle, but the suggestions sections on Netflix and Amazon don't count as being approached for a deal!
  10. You want out of your contract, Jenelle??? How does it go? "So long, farewell, Auf Weidersehen, good-bye!" Amazon and Netflix????? Since when do they produce Reality TV? Thank goodness Barb took action even though it looks like nothing came of it. Please, no more close ups of Soapy. That preview for the reunion! Kail, since you're so into hip-hop now, let me introduce you to a song called, "Punks Jump Up to Get Beat Down" So, Ali is essentially terminally ill? Leah is way better than me because I don't thinknI could have immediately drove home upon hearing such devastating news.
  11. Too bad it doesn't love you! Lol
  12. The pattern isn't very forgiving as they say.
  13. I took one look at that outfit and just knew it was a Fashion Nova. https://www.fashionnova.com/products/power-stripe-belted-jumpsuit-multi
  14. But have you seen how her ass kissers dress? Lol
  15. *mic drop* And he had a nerve to make a comment about how associating with the DeJesus family negatively affected his image. Lol
  16. Kail, you't don't give a fuck about Javi either! Sorry, Javi but you knew how the Coven rolled! Why are you so upset that the Coven acted like...well...the Coven! And why are you bitching about it to your ex-wife of all people...oh, because you're famewhore, that's why!
  17. Only Lurch and Jenelle are allowed multiple medications as exhibited by that a mini-pharmacy on their countertop.
  18. Petty Papa Randy strikes again:
  19. Lots of people don't have parents in their lives and still manage to accomplish something, personally and professionally. Once again, you aren't special.
  20. I am little peeved at Barb because she knows David fires weapons on the Land and expressed concern about whether he does so safely. That should have been enough to pursue supervised visitation. Now you have Jenelle thinking she is Annie Oakley, then blantantly lying about it and yet, Jace is still allowed to spend time on the Land. Come on, Barb! Jenelle's wrecklessness could have gotten Jace killed!
  21. And there will be future arrest now that Ryan has no income. He is going to resort to something illegal to feed his habit and will likely do jail time as a result. Boy, did MacKenzie royally screw herself getting knocked up by him. Oh, well!
  22. I agree. Jenelle doesn't care about him. Her crazy actions could have lead to her being killed right in front of him!
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