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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I think it's time for Olivia to find a new daycare if they just let him in to see Kaden.
  2. Maybe the dumpers felt justified in dumping trash on the Land because they know trash lives there. Furthermore, you can't call someone a crackhead when you just returned from a cross country drug run thinly disguised as a road trip. About Jenelle's Southern Pride:
  3. Endive looked at her thumb like, "great, now I have meth residue on my thumb!"
  4. Your heritage- being sent to die to protect the right of rich plantation owners to own other human beings. Wish I could find that tweet where someone called Jenelle a "crackhead hypochondriac". Lol
  5. Baby Laby( thank you to whaoever came up with that) was born today
  6. Jo probably wants to make sure Isaac is protected financially from his mother pissing her money away on Chris Lopez. Building a new home with his and her sinks, the new Benz, the day trips to Phillies games and God knows what else. Not to mention Kail stated of her Podcast that her finances aren't all that sound when it comes to having savings.
  7. So where are the children while these two galavant across the country?
  8. I distinctly remember there was a scene maybe two seasons again where Cate revealed that B& T were done with the show and that Teresa asked her not discuss any details of their private conversations. So what does My Little Slug go and do, reveal details of her conversation with Teresa regarding a potential visit! I really wish Carly's family would bite the bullet and as what Juno would say, " close her on up" or limit contact to a written yearly update; no pictures, can't trust them not to put them online.
  9. I will never forget when Bill Maher said, " Bristol...Willow...Track...Trig, sounds like you're calling in an air strike!"
  10. If Chris were really smart, he'd convince Kail to pay off some or all of his student loan debt. Lol
  11. We all know trainwrecks bring in the ratings but sometimes, trainwrecks become complete liabities. The Easons have become a liability and MTV needs to say, "enough is enough!"
  12. WORD! I know his vitiligo isn't his fault but his legs are gross. They remind me of peeling paint.
  13. Went to "Uncle" Marcus's Instagram....hubba, hubba, hubba! Is he single and if so, does he like older women?
  14. Yep, you have guns, but that's all you have, Lurch! Randy has a respectable profession and will continue to thrive financially when the Teen Mom gravy train ends. Randy actually put in the work to get to where he is, not purposely target an Reality Tv star so he could live the high life. More importantly, he has a wonderful family; his children and grand children love and adore him. You will never hear Aubrey or Chelsea call Randy a POS on national TV.
  15. Lurch calls Kail a lesbian as an insult but probably has tons of lesbian porn on his phone.
  16. The state of that house would be grounds for me to never speak to my sister again. Addict or no addict!
  17. I really wanted Kim or Tyler to slap Cate with a menu for having the audacity to say that about Amber. On a shallow note: Cate continues to look like a potato and the hair looks like a unicorn vomitted on it. Tyler is really serving up post-apocalyptic twink couture with that outfit. Lol
  18. How can you love the red, white and blue when you're draped in flag of traitors?
  19. Jesus, this isn't the Wild Wild West! Why does he need to carry a gun for a family outing? SMH. Jenelle is basically a dead woman walking.
  20. I just hope none of the kids are home when Lurch goes full ID Channel.
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