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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Let Jenelle get fired or the show canceled. Once the money runs out, we'll see just how much Lurch cares about Kaiser. Jenelle is full of it as usual.
  2. I hope Nathan consulted with an attorney or LO official regarding the legalities( which is why I was hesitant to post the link) of posting those photos on Twitter. I can see this backfiring on him with Jenelle and Lurch accusing him of child porn or something.
  3. I believe her in regards to the news of the pregnancy. Also, given how she got knocked up when the ink on her divorce was barely dry, she really has no room to say anything negative. I think her issue with Lauren stems from the comments Lauren made in those text messages to Javi. However, IMO, Kail needs to have several seats because she had no business putting her paws on Javi's phone in the first place.
  4. It was a screenshot of a tweet from Nathan. Someone posted it in a Teen Mom group I follow on FB. Eta: it's still up on Twitter.
  5. Nathan posted pictures of Kaiser's bruises. I scrolled kinda of quick because it made me uncomfortable but as someone who has been beat with a stick as a kid, those bruises look awfully similar.
  6. Bird logic: Giving a guy who has you dickmatized, praise for doing the basic bare minimum. Example of bird logic: Kail's statements about Chris Lopez during this episode. Kail being Kail has to make the situation more complex than it has to be. How hard is it to keep it cute, introduce yourself, make a little small talk about the kids amd keep it moving. All that sourpuss face is so unnecessary. I get Barb's flipflopping, I hate it but I get it. Like she said, that's her daughter and she will be there for her. David's filming ban opened the door to a reconciliation with Jenelle so a desperate Barb seized the opportunity. Too bad it's at the expense of Kaiser. Jenelle thinking that Nathan wants to control her is laughable considering he couldn't get away from her fast enough when he dumped her. I love how Jenelle's tearful declaration that David isn't the bad guy can be easily contracted by months worth of Lurch's SM antics and that pesky 911 call where she claims he broke her collarbone. Lol ETA: I forgot about the Coven. Where the hell was Devoin sleeping in the shoebox? Speaking of the shoebox, why haven't the Coven moved to a new place? They're all suckling from the MTV teat in additions to holding day jobs, they should have enough money to secure a bigger place.
  7. Not the Birdman gif. Lol Word to everything you said about GI Broke. Tasha doesn't owe him an apology, he owes her one for using the the fact that they are family to kick her out into the street and frame it as "tough love." Tasha could have went to the rental office an raised holy hell but didn't because at the end of the day, Eric is her dad. Funny enough, Steven isn't even a millennial, he is Gen Z.
  8. I couldn't take Larissa's banshee screaming over everyone and cliche insults. Everytime someone tried to talk she went into maximum overdrive; it was just frustrating and annoying moreso than the rest of the cast Mean Girls attitude toward her. Fuccboi Jay's impression of her was spot on BTW! At the end of the day, GI Broke is a broke, bitch bum who had no business trying to import a wife. His ex and daughters spilling the tea on him really put things into perspective in regards to how delusional he is and how it was easy dor him to turn on Tasha. Also, all those proclimations of Tasha being an adult, well...as an adult, Tasha doesn't owe Leida a gotdamn thing. Ashley...girl...piss or get ofd the pot! Either send Jay or home or forgive him and move foward.
  9. Someone deactivated his FB because he got slapped with a 30 day suspension: https://twitter.com/FUNB18/status/1083812537416761344?s=19 I am displaying this as a link ad a precaution because the tweet contains offensive language.
  10. Someone should do a video of the theme music to Jeopardy playing in the background while Jay stalled trying to answer the question of could he be monogamous. Sorry Leida but those tears and apology don't cut it. There is no coming back from telling a man to ditch his children for you and your child on national TV. Also, it doesn't help that you are still a bitch to Eric's children. I agree there is more going on with Asuelu than just innocent, carefeee island boy. Seeing that footage of Steven being a complete abusive ass again makes me wish Olga had some uncles or some male friends to set Steven straight. Someone said Jon and Fernanda probably returned those Loubitouns later on. Lol
  11. I honestly think that is what Eric is banking on. He is waiting for Tania to put her foot down, discontinue visitation so he can have in his mind, a valid excuse to disappear from Jennica's life.
  12. My opinion of Tania has changed for the better. Some highlights: He blames American women for his dating woes. Blamed Tania for his bad credit despite the fact they kept separate finances during the marriage. Tania says he is very cocky, over-confident and constantly talks down to people. Has ghosted on Jennika several times since the marriage. Tania wasn't supposed to meet Leida but the producers ambushed her.
  13. Since Eric practically disowned her, I hope Tasha lights into his ass(and Leida) at the reunion.
  14. I think had there been no show, Jace could have been placed for adoption if Barb forced Jenelle's hand. Barb could have given Jenelle an ultimatum that once Jenelle turned 18, she can Jace would no longer be welcomed in her home unless she placed him for adoption. I think the prospect of homelessness with an infant would have pushed Jenelle to place him. Of course she would never let Barb hear the end of it, but at the end of the day, Jace would be a loving home. What about the actual cute kid, Kaiser? No Insta for him?
  15. Someone said that Leida and Eric's wedding looked a like pyramid scheme seminar and now I can't unsee it. Lol I thought someone was bound to slip up and mention the pregnancy at the wedding given how everyone who knew couldn't stop talking about keeping it a secret. Also, I love watching Asuelu rep Samoan culture much to the consternation of the Family Kalani. Poor Olga. Steven didn't apply for the K-1 visa because he had every intention of leaving Russia with only Richie.
  16. To quote another trashy reality show: "When you do clownery, the clown comes back to bite!" So does he have to turn himself in or do they go to Swamplandia to arrest him?
  17. The eldest looks like a real life Peppermint Patty.
  18. For Eric to sit there and tell Tasha that " you knew you had to find your own apartment!" She did have her own apartment, you moved in with her because you obiviously had trouble securing housing for yourself. Watching him try to play the parent card to muscle Tasha out into the street is so infuriating. Can someone please explain to me how a 40 year ( at least on paper) old man feels that this is his "last shot at love?" Lol
  19. Can you imagine if David had to spend tine in jail leaving Jenelle as the sole caretaker of the kids? Kaiser would be deposited on Doris's doorstep so fast; Ensley would find herself spending a lot of time with Mama Eason; Jace can't come for his weekend visits because Jenelle doesn't feel well and as for Maryssa, she might keep her because she needs someone to clean up and wait on her.
  20. Apparently, any damage over 1k is a felony in NC. If he's found guilty, he can kiss his penis extensions aka guns good bye.
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