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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. He admits to killing Nugget on his Instagram account along with a video of Egghead all in Nugget's face until he bites her. There is a second pic of Ensley's face post "bite" that just looks like a red mark. Nothing in the video justified murdering Nugget. All he did was basically incriminate himself by posting the video.
  2. According to Radar, Nugget snapped at Ensley, David then took the dog outside, shot her at point blank range. Allegedly, Jenelle has fled the Land with Kai and Ensley.
  3. The only redeeming thing about this past episode was seeing Magnus die at the hands of the woman who abused and raped for years.
  4. Word is Lurch shot and killed Nugget. https://radaronline.com/photos/jenelle-evans-david-eason-killed-dog-sheriff-cops-911-call-teen-mom-2/ The Ashley said she will have info soon.
  5. I think MTV is done after this season. This past season was test run to see if they film around David and now that he has made that damn near impossible, it's a wrap.
  6. Your broke ass baby daddy had a podcast too. Matter of fact, pretty much anyone can start a podcast. For someone with a college degree, she doesn't to understand that she is successful because of Teen Mom not in spite of it.
  7. David and Jenelle are the type of people who are programmed to self-destruct and what we are witnessing now is the countdown. How else can you explain David's actions?
  8. I heard that Kail is taking the unvaccinated one to Mexico tomorrow for family vacation.
  9. I love that he made a dig at Jenelle's 2 day old Arby's roast beef sandwich-looking labia. Lol Does Lurch realize that his doubling down on this Southern redneck persona with treasonous flag shirts, boots, small arsenal of guns and ridiculous screen name just makes him look silly and cartoonish?
  10. If 2019 Jo used his Teen Mom money for studio time and spent most of his time trying to peddle a mixtape then yea, I would say there is a major problem but he isn't doing that. Also, I never got why anyone would harp on him for wanting to rap back when he was 20 years old considering it's a dream for many young men. I think we know someone who played in a local band or rapped back in our young adult days. @TheRealT you make a very good point about her not being entitled to that money and spending it anyway. That is really foul of her to know that she was supposed to file to have the support order vacated but continued to spend the money.
  11. If Javi showed up to a meeting with Lauren in tow, it would be DEFCON 1. Kail would immediately storm out and go on some tirade about Lauren's presence and how the child support issue has nothing to do with her, how Javi brought Lauren there to agitate her, yada, yada, yada!
  12. Vee isn't playing mediator out of the goodness of her own heart, she's doing this because she knows what a petty hosebeast Kail is. If Jo was awarded child support, it would be nothing but strife for the next 10 years. Honestly, Jo's business, if done right will last a hell of a lot longer than a gimmicky over-priced hair company.
  13. Nipsey realized the gang life was a dead end, open a profitable business, taught his friends about ownership and how to invest money, helped children in his community and was a loving father and husband. You're just a pregnant woman- choking, unemployed treasonous flag -worshipping, homophobic, racist prick with a sinking house.
  14. Leave it to David and Jenelle to produce a child who constantly looks like the lights are on but no one is home. Family. Tradition. Heritage. Treason! Because that's what that flag stands for among other heinous acts.
  15. Heard Jenelle and Lurch are in Philly. Damn, I almost want Lurch to start some shit so he can catch a beatdown or a bullet for his trouble. We don't play here in Philly! I bet they're driving around Kensington right now, looking to score some drugs.
  16. Mo' baby daddies, mo' problems! Huh, Kail. Will being on speaking terms with your all of your baby daddies at the same time will rip a whole in the fabric of reality or something? " I am not speaking to Jo or Chris this week, but I am speaking to Javi. Oh, Chris called me for a booty call, so I am speaking to him now and not Javi becasue Lauren was in the car when he dropped Lincoln off...and I am still not speaking to Jo!" Adam's parents need to learn the hard way that being in Aubree's life is a privilege and not a right. Of course Lurch's first instinct is to shoot Kail's "peace gathering". As much as I can't stand Kail, I have to give her props for turning Jenelle's little fiery tirade into a promotional opportunity for Pothead which btw is no different than the 50-11 million other haircare products on the market. The first ingredient for two of the products is silicone; that's what gives you the silky feel and takes the frizz. Also, CBD oil is no different than argan, borage or any other oil that is high in EFA.
  17. Imagine telling your employers to kiss your and still expect to have a job? As cliche as it sounds, time to pull the plug. See how many people care about her over-priced Hempz shampoo, podcast and or your sad love life six months from now!
  18. Because MTV knows that building a house doesn't make for interesting TV. You making a fool out of yourself, posing for failed thirst trap photos does.
  19. Looks like she is wearing a cod piece over her pants. Outfit inspired by the lead singer of Cameo( popular 80's R&B band for you youngins who may not know who they are)
  20. Due to my line of work, I've seen enough birth certificates issued in PR to know that Brianna's name is most like Briana Soto-DeJesus. It's a cultural thing to have both parents last names with the mother's name being last so Briana going by DeJesus is technically going by her last name. @Dance4Life can probably explain it better than I can.
  21. The same could be said for about 75% of the cast.
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