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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Just wanted to add that Vee is a saint for entertaining Kail. No way would I be hanging out with her just because and I especially wouldn't want to reminisce about those times she was an asshole to me considering she still that same asshole! Confession time: I think Cole is gorgeous but yeah, the voice is a real panty puller-upper!
  2. So how do you go from not wishing any harm on Lauren and basically treating her with indifference to going out of your way to embarrass her on national TV? Wouldn't Kail allowing her little Oompa Loompa to run around on the mat during a lesson be a liabilty issue for the school? I am so numb to Jade's situation because I have a caseload full of Jades! The way Victoria just causually dismissed having unprotected sex with a stranger...the common sense isn't well in Leah's family. Cole looked so cute in his man-romper!
  3. Now if Lauren decided to be petty and fire back with how Kail has no room to comment since her own love life is about as messy as explosive diarrhea, it would be DEFCON 1!
  4. Does she forget the part where her POS son in law made it damn near impossible for Jenelle to film? That the crew were afraid of him? Does she forget that the outrage from Nugget's murder caused sponsors to pull out, thus messing with MTV's bottom line? If she wants to place blame, it lies squarely on the shoulders of her daughter who became too much of a liabilty!
  5. So now David euthanized Nugget? If only someone would euthanize him!
  6. Victoria is lucky a baby is the only thing she got from her vacation hook up! So Victoria has a daughter named Cerenity! Jesus God! The names in this franchise!
  7. Well played, Kail! Well, played! Eta: I use to think Issac looked like Kail but boy did he morph into Grandma Janet.
  8. Well at least he isn't trying to put out a mixtape.
  9. Someone should donate under ,"David Eason: Sea Janitor at your service." I guess you're not allowed to use white trash because I thought for sure, " white trash that won the lottery" would be one of the first names used. I think what started all of this is Swamplings received another child support enforcement notice, prompting them to push for custody. Notice how both of them have mentioned his "insane child support amount". Raise your hand if you read "F**KIN DONATIN" in David's voice!
  10. Do I want to break my personal rule of limiting my involvement with these people to discussing them on the internet?
  11. Someone commented, " the outfits aren't well here!" and I am mad I didn't think of it first! Lol I just can't...I really can't with that "late 80's/early 90's" Friday night at the working class neighborhood bar" couture.
  12. Friends don't let friends walk out of the door, looking like these two!
  13. She claims it was due to harassment. Also, someone claims to have an email from the coach, stating that they pulled Kai because Favid wouldn't be allowed to coach. The screen shot is blurry so I can't confirm.
  14. Lol! Actually, your wife pulled him off the team, most likely with some "strong" encouragement from you!
  15. There is a debate on Reddit if people are going to far with this. Personally, since they're still trying to ride the wave of Jenelle's Teen Mom fame with the clickbait, make up line and reporting every going on in their life on social media, they get what they get!
  16. I find it hard to believe he is doing anything in any official capacity because Pop Warner does background checks.
  17. If Lauren has any shred of pride and self-respect, she should take Eli and hightail it back to her home state and never look back. Cheating is terrible, but cheating in the home you share while your partner is home is a particularly visceral type of disrespect.
  18. First be asked you but then he accused you? Which one is it? Furthermore, he didn't ask you via Twitter, so why are you blabbing on Twitter? Finally, what could she blab that we haven't already deduced? Javi and Lauren's relationship was bound to crash and burn at some point given the messy ass way in which it began.
  19. It's bad. There is an Instagram account dedicated to how bad things are. *warning* serious graphic content* https://instagram.com/kensingtonbeach_?igshid=1p1zglpd3gea7
  20. Philadelphian here! I work near Kensington & Somerset. Watching the show, it's hard for me to feel any empathy for these folks. I know this sounds horrible but these people have made riding the El almost unbearable. Going to work, I have to keep one eye on the ground to make sure I don't come into contact with any needles. We now have an outbreak of Hepatitis A in Kensington from all of the poop left by addicts.
  21. He is a 2-3 his own damn self!
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