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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Kail is taking a kid who is a dead ringer for Herve Villachez to a tropical island? The jokes write themselves. Costa Rica effectively rid the country of measles until some a French couple brought their little unvaccinated crotchgoblins there for a vacation. I wonder what Kail with her degree in Immunology from the University of Netflix would say about that?
  2. And yet, she is using the topic of Lauren making money of of Teen Mom to make money herself via her podcast. As for never getting along with Lauren...not everyone places a premium on your friendship or even your presence, Kail.
  3. She is going to need surgery. He looks like a douchebag scion of a very rich and powerful family.
  4. Reason no. 4,456,123 I am so glad those kids have been removed from the Land. Jenelle will never leave this fool!
  5. Kail is one messy ass Hulk. She knew she was being filmed. And then you have Leah chiming in with the "they always want to come back to their baby mommas...!" Well, maybe it's because they know you're probably desperate and easy.
  6. Amazing what being out of a mold-laden, infect-infested house will do for a kid. I see Ensley catching up, developmental-wise within the next 6 months because Barb is very on top of addressing any health concerns.
  7. So it's field trip day at The Barbara Evans Home for Displaced Grandchildren?
  8. So Lurch realized he can't control Maryssa anymore so he drops her like a hot potato? Typical. I think at this point, Lurch is planning his exit. Jenelle can't spawn anymore nor bring in the six figures and we all know he'll refuse to abide by the court's requirements for reunification just on principle. I give it 6 months before he bounces and eventually finds some other naive woman to dominate and spawn with.
  9. Vee is way better than me because the hoodrat and haircut comments on top of the fact that she is a unabashed user would have been the end of it. I would be cordial; I would acknowledge her presence; I will do my best to do what is in the best interest of the child, but friendship would never be an option.
  10. https://people.com/tv/teen-mom-2-kailyn-lowry-concerned-jenelle-evans-children-lost-custody/ Please don't speak on what's in a child's best interest when you won't even get yours vaccinated because you watched a documentary on Netflix.
  11. She cannot bare to be alone with her children or any child for 5 minutes. Poor Maryssa! It's bad enough she has to witness these two fight but then have to listen to her step-mother get ready to off-load her onto someone else with such a quickness. It can't be said enough that thank goodness those kids are out of the house and all signs pointing to them never having to go back.
  12. The judge said that Jenelle failed to protect her kids?! Thank you, judge...thank you! Those kids are as good as gone from the Land at this point. As much as Jenelle claims she is devastated, she is secretly elated that they're gone. As for Lurch, this is simply an issue of his property being taken from him by the big ol bad government. He will never humble himself to follow any requirements for reunification because he truly feels he has been wronged and no one is going to tell him what to do!
  13. Looks like Barb took Endangered and Co. to the beach for weekend.
  14. I am going to assume that the rules are the same in NC as they are in my state since TANF is a federal program. If Barb is awarded permanent custody of Enslsy, she could receive TANF and medical assistance for her under a child only budget as Ensley and Jace would meet the requirements for deprevation. Barb's income would count for the program. The money is much, but it's something , plus the kids would have medical insurance.
  15. Jenelle is industrial strength grade delusional if she thinks the judge is going to remove Kai from his father's custody and give him to a friend of hers. Lol @lovesnark I agree that if the reporter were a woman, Lurch would immediately went into intimidation mode. You know it would be a "get that camera out of my face, bitch!" instead of threats of an arrest.
  16. Jenelle didn't reject the offer, Lurch did! He will be present at all visitations or there will be no visitations. Of course Jenelle will go along with this because 1) she doesn't really want to spend time with Kai and 2)she does whatever Lurch tells her to do because as we all know, she doesn't have a mind of her own.
  17. They probably felt safe giving it to him. We know if he received it why still in Lurch's care, it would conveniently disappear or be destroyed as some sort of punishment.
  18. Poor Maryssa. She probably thought she would finally be able to go back to school, do normal things, not be stuck on the Land playing sister mom to her younger siblings and in walks Lurch and Jenelle.
  19. I hope Barb notices like the rest of us have, that something isn't right with Ensley. I hope the first order of business for Barb is to have her evaluated by a developmental pediatrician. Jesus! I know Barb is no saint but I tend to cut her some slack because she was women trapped in an abusive marriage with very few avenues of escape . She's made many mistakes but none of them warrant her having to spend her twilight years raising her grandkids, especially from infancy or toddler stage.
  20. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2019/05/21/exclusive-judge-orders-jenelle-evans-david-easons-daughter-ensley-to-be-placed-in-care-of-jenelles-mother-barbara-evans Barb can't catch a break!
  21. I hope it was Jace( via his GAL) who spoke and not Maryssa because I feel like she might be too afraid to go against Lurch.
  22. I doubt Jenelle is broken up about losing the kids. Visitation and sabotaging any reunification plan would suit her just fine. Lurch on the other hand, wants his girls back simply because in his eyes, they're his property that was wrongfully confiscated. I would even venture to say that he wants Kai back too, simply because he's been in dick measuring contest( where he is the sole participant, lol) with Nathan for years.
  23. I thought it said 120,000? I guess I was too distracted by the vitiligo defense. Lol
  24. Vitiligo as to why you can't work outside????HAHAHAHA! The same vitiligo that didn't stop you from going to St. Thomas; that doesn't stop you from getting in your pool? You never heard of SPF, bitch? I can't believe he really tried to use that as an excuse. LOL Damn, so he made six figures from MTV? And he is baby daddy, no.3 No wonder why Javi is so desperate for screen time! Lol
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