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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I wonder if she was here in Philly this weekend for the Tattoo Convention. If that is the case, makes me glad I didn't go.
  2. As much as I dislike Kail, if one of the boys required medical treatment, she wouldn't hesitate to follow through with obtaining it no matter how it comes across on social media or if one of their father's was against it due to ignorance. Now, on the other hand, Jenelle would..well...we know what she would do.
  3. The cat is out of the bag...we all know the kid's head is shaped like a Yoshi egg from MarioKart. No need to cover it up on social media.
  4. Nor will it score her a big time gig in front of the camera post Teen Mom 2.
  5. David's little Twitter tantrum pretty much confirmed why Blue Apron cutting ties was the right thing to do!
  6. Didn't Ryan show up several hours late to Trick-or-Treating one year or two?
  7. I definitely think he lifted this from somewhere else but changed a few things around and fails spectacularly because he is an idiot who happens to also think he is untouchable. Isn't Morgan his boss? Why are you biting the hand that feeds you? As much as I enjoy snark-watching this show, I can't wait for the cancelation ax to come down. I can't wait for Mr. an Mrs. A gazillion mugshots between them try to maintain their lifestyle without MTV money.
  8. Someone hash-tagged this #cookingwithjunkies! Lol
  9. If not having to worry if today is the day I become an episode of Dateline is boring, then sign me up. Also, if Chelsea is so boring, why does Jenelle try to copy everything she does?
  10. Which one of you made this parody account Check out David Eason (@Davidisrakin): https://twitter.com/Davidisrakin?s=09
  11. Jenelle's wedding was a shit show...but so was Kail's. The Tattoos under Sea theme and Kail coming down the aisle looking like a anaconda that just finished swallowing a big meal...she really is in no position to judge. As for the "black baby" comment, I think Jenelle is lying about Kail saying it. Besides, Kail doesn't need to say it, her actions speak for her; in what, four years time, she went from white boy hair cuts and trying to play upper class suburban mom with her ethnic but not too ethnic husband to quoting rap lyrics on Twitter, openly fetishizing black men and changing her body to what she think appeals to them aesthetically.
  12. I look at it like this; even a four year realizes Lux is a stupid name to give a child. Lol
  13. Jesus, Mary and Joseph...you could slide right down thing.
  14. There is something off about her...her head is shaped like a dinosaur egg courtesy of parental neglect and she is starting to take after Lurch, looks-wise.
  15. Someone said that Cate's pink hair makes her look like a "fat-ass unicorn". God, I know it's body-shaming but I cant stop laughing! Bad Flower of Carnage!
  16. Someone needs to tell her that Pinterest isn't just for over-decorating your house or planning a tacky ass wedding. There are thousands of healthy, easy and tasty recipes on there she could make to help her lose weight. I know I've gotten many great meal prep and clean eating recipes from there.
  17. I see Ryan is now a card-carrying member of the The Brotherhood of the Couch. And speaking of of one of its senior members, was that a Christmas jumpsuit Amber had on?
  18. Amber's mom reaction to the pregnancy...poor woman was shaking because she knows this will end in disaster. Her whole speech to Andrew about treating Amber right and being a decent person was her way hoping this baby will have one decent parent. Of course it would never occur to a woman who eats her own eye boogers that giving your used pee stick to you toddler is gross and unsanitary.
  19. What's the new phrase? Living your best life. Yep, I think Tyler is doing exactly that with Cate away. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if he heavily encouraged her to go re-enter treatment.
  20. Simon lost me with the adoption comment. There is nothing "pussy" about realizing that you can't care for a child and placing her with a family who can. Furthermore, Simon looks like fool comparing Tyler's situation to Farrah because Sophia is a hot ass mess. Yes, she wants a for nothing material-wise but she is being raised around nothing but dysfunction. Her grandmother infantilizes her and mother exposed her to situations you shouldn't expose a child. All the toxic behavior she is exposed to has her acting in ways that make people throw the "you shouldn't talk about children" rule right out of the window.
  21. It would be hilarious if she upgrades to a McMansion and MTV finally decides to pull the plug.
  22. I wish I had money for plastic surgery and to put a down payment on a house.
  23. Sad to hear the miscarriage. Honestly, I am shocked she was pregnant because Tyler looks like he's reached the point where he would rather attend a dinner party hosted by Hannibal Lecter than have sex with Cateynn.
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