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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. She really called Javi greedy and evil knowing damn well if the situation were reversed she would squeeze every dime out of Javi she could. She really acts like she built some empire through alot of hard work, discipline and sacrifice. Girl, please! You were lucky enough to be chosen to have your life as a women who got pregnant as a teen documented and you were also lucky enough that it became popular, allowing you to earn close to a million dollars in 6 years.
  2. No the "I date black guys" ponytail!
  3. The recording Jenelle or it didn't happen! Obviously, she isn't too concerned since she went to Disney. Uncle Cro-Magnon could have went with Melissa while she stayed behind. Time for Barb to quit the show and not allow Jace to be filmed.
  4. So Ty and Cate ship Tierra Del Fuego or whatever it's called directly from Casa de Petting Zoo? I can only imagine ordering something, opening the box and having my item(s) smell like combination of weed and animal poop( or Nova's)
  5. Apparently, Larry started screaming at Bentley during one of Bentley's baseball games. Taylor had enough and calked Larry out on it. Taylor also stated that Larry had a history of this type of behavior at Bentley's games and that Ryan also commented that Larry behaved the same way when he played sports as a child.
  6. During that scene with the hairdresser , Deb's face was saying mid-forties but her neck was saying late 50's. You can't neglect the neck! The whole situation with Ryan is just a hot ass mess. Maci's concerns are valid regardless of the motivation for her having them. Jenn and Larry want their time with Bentley but also want to continue to enable their son's shitty ways. You can't have both! I really want to punch MacKenzie in the mouth. The Grace Report nailed it when she called her a predator. So Taylor is a cocksucker because he had the audacity to call Larry out for being verbally abusive toward Bentley?
  7. I saw the beginning of the episode , dozed off and woke up at toward the end of Larry and Ryan's bitchfest about Maci. I agree that Taylor is Bentley's dad and should be able to spend majority of Father's Day with him. Ryan's behavior toward Bentley is that of a put upon big brother while Taylor is the one providing Bentley with the structure and guidance a father is suppose to provide.
  8. 120,000 grand...how much was Amber's tax lien again? Maci is so damn insufferable and self-serving. This is why Ryan hates you. If you were so concerned about Bentley, you would put your big girl panties on and relay your concerns to Ryan and his parents to maybe...I don't know, try to work something out. OK, Ryan, you ever stop to think that maybe because you parents didn't give you chores and try to instill some sense of responsibilty in you is part of the reason why you're such a bum. That black tank top didn't do Catelynn any favors!
  9. Nope, Salazar Slytherin would roll over in his grave if Jenelle was sorted into his house.
  10. Lurch can get all the Invisalign in the world but it won't take away from the fact that he looks like one of those facial reconstructions of a Neanderthal that you see on some National Geographic special.
  11. @lilmarysunshine I bet the pediatrician has at least addressed the issue and they ignored his advice.
  12. You have to be on drugs to look at that head and think that's ok!
  13. She looks like a an adult film star being interviewed by Howard Stern.
  14. So does Ryan treat Hudson like a little brother too?
  15. Is it me or does David look like member of an 80's soft rock band that still tours with other 80's soft rock bands? I am sure Paola made a nice chunk of change escorting...I mean visiting New York with Farrah.
  16. I think it's safe to say that David has always been a butterface. I remain bewildered as to why Jenelle sent C & D when it's glaringly obvious that Kail, Leah and Chelsea are pretty much indifferent towards her. I wonder if Doris and Nathan received letters as well?
  17. Amber's hair, makeup and clothes makes her look like a Vegas loan shark's wife. Christina, be a dutiful wife and shave your husband's shoulder hair before he appears on TV in a wife-beater. MacKenzie just needs to stop insulting the audience intelligence and STFU. You lived with this man and couldn't tell he was high especially if he was using 3 times a day? You didn't notice his finances? And speaking of that, Teen Mom money is damn good but not enough to support a 10,000 a week drug habit good! He had to have fallen behind on bills and child support at some point. Looking back, it's safe to say that Ryan did indeed steal Larry's tools to sell for drugs. Maci can STFU too. You know Ryan doesn't give a damn if he sees Bentley or not and is it really a good idea for Bentley to see him at the rehab center? Speaking of rehab, Butch could probably benefit from a inpatient stay at a cushy rehab. So, the cow finally decided to buy a horse? Good lord! That petting zoo they have at their house! Catelynn loves animals so much, maybe she should volunteer at a animal shelter; it will get her off the couch. Who knows, it might spur her to pursue a career, working with animals in some capacity. I am already going to hell so I'll just come out and say it: Sophia needs all of the make up she can get!
  18. Doesn't "cease and desist" usually involve intellectual property? So, what have the other cast members done that requires them to "cease and desist"?
  19. Which, IMO that despite the fame and money, this show is still a cautionary tale. How many ofnus have looked back at that people we dated in high school and shuddered at the thought. Imagine being stuck with them for life because you had a child with them?
  20. My goodness, that is disturbing! I expect her head to crack and a baby velociraptor to peek out. There is no way the pediatrician hasn't commented on that head...no way! Just think if Nathan and Barb weren't Kaiser and Jace's primary caretakers during infancy, they would probably have the same mishapen skull issues as Endtable.
  21. Why do I get this image of Jace singing in Mandarin and Lurch chastising him for it? "This is America, speak English. Don't be speaking that< mocking Mandarin> in this house!"
  22. Javi continues to be a simp. If I had an ex who treated me the way Kail treated Javi is no way in hell I would entertain listening to their problems. "Is there an issue with the boys?" "Somebody dying?" Nope, then comes the dial tone! Jo really wanted to say "I don't want my son exposed to your revolving door of dicks...and vaginas!" Briana is too stupid to realize she is stupid! So, Devoin's family is supposed to break fire code and crowd into the Shoebox of Misery to see Nova? While Roxanne gives the stink eye the entire time?!
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