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Everything posted by irisheyes

  1. irisheyes


    Just finished watching Day 2: Suni’s red leo and lip was EVERYTHING. Next quad will be just as competitive, if not more, than this one Jordan’s personality is great, and I’m glad the Karolyi’s are gone, cause we would have never seen that My team right now: Simone Shilese Suni Skye Jordan (if she hits both days at Trials. I think the way she stepped in in Tokyo is going to help her cause)
  2. So did Derick. Hmm. . . 🤣🤣
  3. If that all happened, it wouldn’t be a public event education initiative. 🤣🤣 Usually, we get told something is happening and we’ll get training “soon.”
  4. This is the first episode I actively disliked Barbara. Why did she think that her opinion was the only one that counted? I wish we would have seen her apologize to Janine.
  5. He was there, but almost impossible to see.
  6. I said the same thing. Are we finishing on time? Down to the big ones and 45 minutes.
  7. Getting expensive services of any type for kids is almost impossible. I could definitely see the district putting up tons of red tape so they don’t have to pay. I really like when we see the “I’m here for the kids” side of Ava. I think it rounds out her character.
  8. Love how they got the old Ava back. 😀😀
  9. Alyson looked like she was shocked she wasn’t gone.
  10. Do my ears deceive me, or have they used real Whitney for two out the three songs?
  11. My parents replaced the floors in their house with cork and they love them. My mom has arthritis, and she says her feet don’t hurt as much when she’s on them cooking or doing dishes.
  12. irisheyes


    So, Simone basically takes two years off to live her best life (including getting married), goes back to the gym to start training, doesn’t announce her return but lets USAG do it, then comes in and blows away the competition. 😀 The next year is gonna be fun to watch.
  13. Watching Ep 4 now, and I had completely forgotten that JB ran for state senate WHILE Josh was on trial. OMG, his pomposity (and stupidity) knows no bounds.
  14. Like Jill has ever bought anything for her kids at Carter’s. If she did, the little girls would look cute and not like orphaned waifs.
  15. Monica (and the entire Navarro program) has been sued for covering up a SA report. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/28/entertainment/monica-aldama-navarro-cheerleader-lawsuit/index.html
  16. “You did not go over the wall.” - And I’m a puddle. So perfectly done. I don’t think it needs a 2nd season.
  17. Can our next spin off be Violet finding a new man? Cause the scene with Lady Danbury and her “garden” was fantastic. 😂😂
  18. Jacob’s reaction to finding out about Janine and Gregory was classic. I ended feeling “meh” about it. Gregory took a risk and told Janine how he felt, and because she listened to Maurice, she shut him down. I wish Jacob had talked to her, cause he’d have gotten her straight. Jacob can be kooky, but he gets relationships.
  19. Preach. Fell in love in ‘83 and have suffered ever since. 😀 (And they just lost to the freakin’ A’s. 🤨🤨)
  20. From just that clip, I’m ready to nominate her for an Emmy. The look she gave the kid who called her “Ms. Grandma Teagues”. 🤣🤣 “VIPs don’t need badges, we need refreshments!” I can’t wait for Ava to meet her. 😂😂
  21. I think she was trying to, but the mom kept cutting her off. She did mention that he was throwing books, and there was no reaction from mom. I do like how they showed that some parents aren’t as caring as others. They’ve done a really good job showing the parents that are working hard to hold everything together and want the best for their kids even if it doesn’t look like that from a teacher’s perspective, but it is good to see that there are parents out there that will immediately blame the teacher and attack. As hard as it was to watch, it’s something every teacher has faced.
  22. Ok, THAT was “legendary”. I love how the parents came together to save Abbott. And, Gregory calling Tariq??? That was the best. And this??? EPIC.
  23. I love how the $50 Buffalo Wild Wings card joke continued through the whole episode. And Barbara’s face when she found out Mr. Johnson won the gift card! 🤣🤣
  24. Quinta Brunson’s mom was a public school teacher in Philly. That’s why the show feels SO real. I ❤️ their love for public schools that are full of kids who aren’t perfect and teachers who are doing their best without the resources they need. I love the continuity with this. It wasn’t just a throwaway opening.
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