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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. I'm watching the commentary free stream on Peacock and haven't had any issues.
  2. That Daniel guy from Italy looks like he has anime hair.
  3. Ideally (look, if they cast well, I would change my mind)
  4. Brit/Dante would be super awkward with the whole baby thing, but.... Lulu would have an aneurism if she woke up to find them as a couple.
  5. Also, trailer parks are very very very common in Florida. Like, ubiquitous. you don't have to be "poor" to live in one here. Moving into a trailer isn't a lowering thing. Now, obviously they were going for "oh noes, she lived in a TRAILER, how pathetic" in this instance, which is just...annoying on the face of it.
  6. Yeah, I do not buy Carly's background from LW. I don't mind her acting, but being an actual poor Florida girl who is nearly a comparable age to Carly, just no.
  7. Harmony's reasons for the fake BC are definitely at least a real fudge of the truth. No way is it that cut and dried. She would have cleared that up ages ago if it was. Now, if the whole truth is more "someone handed me a baby on the compound and I had to forge a BC to keep her" or "I left the compound and met her dad after and we didn't know how to do the adoption process with a small child who didn't have a real BC and nobody to confirm her birth at all except me, so we just forged it up and stuck his name on there", that wouldn't be a surprise, and it would be drama. I DO think that the show was trolling the hell out of us with this little fake out, since they knew all the N+S=W spec that has not gone away for years now.
  8. Maybe the sperm donor jab is actually accurate. Maybe some of these women just want children and Nick's willing? I do feel for the mother of his son who passed away, but I would hope that she was aware of this new baby before the rest of the world. Nick said he wasn't planning on making it public, but it wasn't a secret, obviously, since there was the gender reveal party.
  9. Yeah, it's not legal til the papers are signed and recorded at the courthouse.
  10. Does it sound to anyone else like maybe Chad and Courtney realized before the wedding that it wasn't going to work, but they were set with all the publicity and stuff, so they just... did the wedding anyway and didn't do the legal stuff?
  11. It's not "required", no, but if someone is uncooperative with the mob...
  12. Well, at least we know that Arman finds out about Garrett quickly instead of that reveal being some super drawn out season finale cliffhanger.
  13. I do agree that in general, the right thing to do would be to be more proactive on checking on Trina, except in this instance, Cam and Joss were the thing that Trina was upset about. They were not the people who needed to be checking on her. Spencer should have actually done it instead of being pressured out of it by his shitty girlfriend. Of the three there who actually care, Spencer was the one in the position to not make things worse by bugging her.
  14. Hey, a well placed bullet and a forged organ donation card can solve a lot of problems, lol.
  15. I am not seeing what Cam and Joss did wrong with Trina after she left. Joss checked on her, and the door was locked so she tried talking to her and got nothing. There is no reason to think anything is physically wrong with her, since they only know she had a single drink, and breaking into her room would only make the situation worse. It's called personal space. I guess they could have spent the rest of the night sitting around awkwardly talking about "what to do about" Trina and not getting anywhere (cause, can't fix anything without Trina actually participating). Leaving Trina alone, which is quite obviously what she wants, is the right thing to do. Forcing yourself on your friend when your actions are what is bothering them is just selfish. This is based on the information that the kids have at this point. I liken it to Sonny hounding Carly to forgive him right this second when she asked him to give her some space. Joss linking her first sexual experience with her hate boner for Esme is an interesting choice though.
  16. how is it that I remember seeing that wedding, but not the Stone/Robin stuff? I admit, I didn't actually care about them, but you would think it would stick in my mind.
  17. I deeply want Avery to drop a "papa Nik" in conversation, just because the "mommy Carly" thing bugs the shit out of me. And I have not let go of my theory that Avery's paternity test was rigged!! Not that it matters at this point, but just on principle.
  18. I should have been clear I was talking about Jonathon and Tegan. But, yes, the same goes for Sarah and Jordan if that's the way they play it, though I doubt it will be that simple.
  19. I think you are demonstrating why it needed response in general because I feel stupidly COMPELLED to point out that he didn't just write that one song, he wrote many for Blur and continues to be a very popular artist with Gorillaz now. She is more famous, but not by as wide a margin as she would be to someone like... Howie Day or something. (and I know, that is beside the point) Not liking someone's work is fine, but he shouldn't have been trying so hard to sound smart when he didn't know what he was talking about. And his apology was obviously not well thought out either.
  20. Dante's paternity was a secret from everyone, including himself. Both Lois AND Sonny grew up close with the Falconeri family and Lois continued that when she took BLQ and went back after dumping Ned. Lois had no idea about Dante since he was the product of a ONS that 15 year old Olivia had with HER COUSIN'S ADULT BOYFRIEND. She told NOBODY who that daddy was until the shooting. Yes they grew up together and were close, up until she took money to screw with his relationship. No, Lois didn't keep his paternity from her BFF Sonny.
  21. Or... they are teenagers and it just flamed out naturally during the time skip of the show. Also, comics
  22. I don't have an issue with it, but the general audience probably would, lol. I was a absolute Jammy shipper back on GL, and they were first cousins by way of their moms being half-sisters... and his biological father was her adoptive father. Anyway, my point is, it's not weird to me, but would be for most people. (I also really shipped Michael and Kristina back when DG was in his role).
  23. he can be there without being shown. I vote new Lucky! I liked JJ, but I'm not married to the idea of him being Lucky the way others are. I would go for new Ethan too, but not both, cause that would be a lot at once. But, I bet that NP would roll in for a few minutes for a funeral for Luke if asked. But again, can be at the funeral and just not shown on screen.
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