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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. If this is leading to a "Dante used to be a gigolo" reveal, I'm down, lol
  2. I think there might be plenty of people who don't believe Amber's testimony who haven't actually seen any other evidence in the case BUT the testimonies, and they are entitled to that. Its the people who are dismissing corroborating evidence and acting like she personally faked all of it that I think might be either willfully blind to the realities of the situation, or just fans who think Johnny couldn't possibly do something like that. I'm not personally going to name call, because it changes and helps nothing. Still think they are both guilty, still think that this suit is dumb and she should win the actual suit. Not gonna speculate on if the counter suit is valid since I don't actually know anything about it.
  3. Oh, shit. Any spawn of Satan and Beelzebub (Ryan and Liv J.) would be cursed and so doomed.
  4. The fact that they refer to the men of the family as "male characters" like it's some creepy soap opera give me doubt that they are taking it seriously. I get it, the family is weird and has a suspect history at best, but they are real people, the people that they affected/hurt are real people. It makes me think of "reality" shows, where even the people making it admit that they edit a real person down to a character for ratings. I don't want that in my real crime or family expose television.
  5. I don't have a problem with Pen's actions the way some people do. That is, I don't think it's as much of a betrayal as some other posters might. That said, I wish they would have let the characters mature a bit more before doing their story. I am not surprised that they are going ahead with Polin now, if for no other reason than that NC is amazing and capitalizing on how popular Derry Girls is rather than waiting another year is just smart business.
  6. Yes, my mom and aunt, both DV survivors started out on Johnny's side and due to Amber's testimony ringing so alarminly familiar to both of them switched to believing her more. My mom has been in two abusive marriages, and the cycles were similar with both, even if the actual abuse was different. It took her way too long to admit that that second relationship was abusive because it wasn't as physically violent as the first, but once she did it was very clear that the underlying vibe was the same.
  7. Yes, he did. Victor worked for the WSB as a code breaker or something like that before he also was put in a mental hospital. And their mom was abusive and also mentally unwell. Frankly it's a miracle that Kevin is as stable as he is. All I can suppose (if the Flea thing is actually where they are going with this) is one of a few things. : Ryan snatched up Felicia and stole some eggs to get a baby off her like creepy ass Stavros Cassidine. He could have had the surrogate killed after the birth and kept Esme with him as some kind of vanity project for a while before he was busted by his DVX bosses and she was taken away and used as motivation to keep him in line while being raised by appropriately shady adoptive parents. : Ryan snatched Felicia up and kept her for a chunk of time before someone at the DVX was all "Nah, this is too risky, we can't have Ryan found out alive and too many people will eventually come looking for her" and took her away like a toy from a tantruming toddler. Remove her memories of being captive, and the accidental baby and stick her back with Mariah who thinks she was working a case and is covering for her absence. The baby is kept as a stick against Ryan and put with appropriately shady adoptive parents. : Or they could do an absolute retread of Peter and have Flea know what happened, chosen to give the baby away and then Ryan swooped in. Maybe he didn't tell her that he was her father until she was older, then he killed her parents and started his mild brain rinse on her.
  8. I know Liz cracked a bit when she was pregnant with Aiden, but this is still so out of left field, and stupid. DID is known to not be a real thing, but whatever. It's also supposed to be brought on by specific types of trauma that we have no hints of in Liz's background, and that would seriously piss me off if they tried to do at this point. Look, I liked Franco, and I was a big Friz fan, but if these writers are seriously trying to say that a husband dying is a reason for an alter or whatever to show themselves when a rape, the bs with Helena and faking her death, Lucky dying, Aiden being kidnapped at birth, and her son dying weren't? No ma'am. Not to mention, like I said, she's been treated for mental health before and... not even a hint. Nope.
  9. I'm pretty sure it's outside the statute of limitations so he isn't exactly obligated, though I still think it would be the right thing to do.
  10. Even for Port Charles it sounds a little ridiculous. I can see the logic in not telling Willow until there is some kind of proof. And as for Nina, it would be totally cruel to tell her that she may have a living daughter and then maybe have to yank that away from her again. Especially after the Sasha and Nelle of it all. I don't at all give Carly credit for thinking of any of this, but Drew may have. He's not a sociopath like Carly is.
  11. I love the fact that Ryan was just too crazy pants for even the DVX to put up with. Faison, fine, but Chamberlan, oh he's too much.
  12. This trial isn't supposed to be about the accusations that Amber made against Johnny when they separated and divorced, it's SUPPOSED to be about the op-ed piece that she wrote and how that specifically caused him to lose his career. The point is that the Disney thing was BEFORE the op-ed, therefore could not have been caused by it. Unless the Pym-particles are real and the Disney execs used it to pop forward and see what the vibe on him was going to be a couple months in the future.
  13. all of this Depp/Heard stuff hasn't changed my negative opinion of both of these people, but the reactions have been quite enlightening. I don't mind people disagreeing with me about something (I'm an adult), but the way some people have behaved over it has been very disheartening.
  14. the reason we have seen so little of Francesca is that the actress was unavailable for filming in both seasons. I figure they better recast if they ever want her to have any story, or to be recognizable as a character.
  15. Felicia straight up disappeared for YEARS at a time, I could buy Ryan in his DVX time getting ahold of her. I don't like it, but I could buy the timing of it.
  16. Maybe he's Dante's ex who is also Brit's Catman... I admit, this is unlikely though, lol. I'd go for Lucky though, if they want to, though I don't see how that affects Sam at all. Dante was his partner and besty as well as brother in law, he might could date Britt... IDK.
  17. Let me clarify that the "unnecessary" baby death I was talking about was Sam's daughter, during the Kristina illness and reveal. At the time I found the whole thing icky as f**k. obviously I'm glad in hindsight that there is one less Sonny spawn, and apologist, on the show.
  18. I saw that story on Guiding Light once. I buy it. On another story note, I have changed my mind about how Willow is outed as Nina's daughter. WILEY will have a medical emergency needing stem cells or some other biological material that nobody else in his extensive family can donate, and they start looking at anonymous donor lists as things get dire, eventually leading Carly or Michael to blab because the spawn is on death's door and Willow is his bio aunt. So, the Kristina reveal, basically. Because this show is creatively bankrupt. Only hope they don't kill another baby in the process though. That was unnecessary.
  19. forget best costuming, best MAKE UP? Nah dude!
  20. well, in that case, it's just bullshit. Historically anyway. People did that, but only when another heir could not be found and the title would otherwise disappear. Daddy F HAD an heir, Jack's dad, so this is just whimsy.
  21. I mean, it happened, just deleting the post doesn't stop the information from being out there. If anything it invites more speculation. Announcing a pregnancy and then taking it back leads to people thinking miscarriage, which can lead to "messages of support" stuff that can feel icky when it's not accurate. Once her post went up, he basically had to say something to mitigate more mess later.
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