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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. I am sure he heard from them, if not actually saw them. He and JG seem to be on good terms, so unless the girls are pissed at him over something, there's no reason that he wouldn't.
  2. I think the hardcore interrogation of a minor makes the DC dudes look worse than the tazer thing, but that's just me.
  3. I did a list in the History thread, and damn people in PC need to find a new dating pool. It's not the women's fault that the families in this town have such similar tastes! If Carly sleeps with Drew she will have had all three of Alan's sons, so gotta update the list.
  4. DO see Everything Everywhere All At Once, and do so without knowing what it's about, trust me.
  5. You're right. I have a severe distaste for Johnny Depp at this point, but nobody is saying that he's done the severely fucked up stuff that EM has apparently done. Honestly though, even without this new information WB should be making sure that Credence dies off screen if they make another movie for Fantastic Beasts.
  6. It weirdly seemed like Zoe might know that it was Kamala. They used to be close friends, so maybe she recognized her? Also, Eternals reference makes me more sure that that bracer is one of their "gifts" that is still hanging around.
  7. Also, Anthony specifically didn't want to marry anyone he could love. Like, not "love isn't important" or even "not someone I am obsessed with", but full on didn't want to even have the possibility of loving his wife, ever. Man needs therapy.
  8. Anthony deserved it more than Kate, but as the sister she got hit harder anyway. And that's totally understandable.
  9. OK, but now Philip lives nearby, probably shops in the same town, maybe their families will go to the same events. Eloise is definitely the kind of person who would make friends with a random guy she meets hiding in a corner at a party. There are more ways now for Phil and El to actually interact and build a relationship that turns to condolences, even if they aren't very close before the fact of Marina dying/running off/whatever.
  10. I think the set designers saw a Heartland marathon and thought living in close proximity to a stable was a not terrible idea.
  11. wait... a "summer camp friendship"?.. they totally hooked up, lol.
  12. I agree that Jada being annoyed by the joke and then looking at Will as he laughed was the WHY of the slap. Not her fault though. Not her responsibility either. Also, you can't "protect" someone's feelings retroactively. Protection is preemptive. There was not protection of Jada involved. It was revenge. But nobody wants to say that Will Smith was getting revenge for his wife's feelings, cause it sounds rightfully stupid.
  13. She didn't even have to be offended to not find it funny. It wasn't a funny joke. an eye roll was the exact appropriate response, no matter what.
  14. Donna SORASed to about 10, runs away to live with Daddy and adores Nina... this is the dream, lol
  15. Just because Eloise isn't interested in having a family right now, and under the strictures that she sees every day, doesn't mean she won't change her mind and/or find another way. She's 18. I know the actress is much older, but the character JUST came out.
  16. Yeah, if it was from a decade ago, fine, I get it, we all grow up. But if this is CRT and stuff from last year, that is totally different. The internet is no longer the anonymous place it once was, people need to adjust.
  17. I am one of the people who don't mind some divergence in detail and plot, but don't want any divergence from the End Game Pairings. I mean, that's the point, isn't it? To put these stories/couples to the screen?
  18. I think having Marina die in a different way would be fine. Like, have her die in childbirth, that's completely realistic for the time. As for Eloise, right now, as a young adult, she is not interested in the family things, but she's going to get older and may change her position after a point where she thinks it's too late, leading her do make very different choices than she would now. That is basically where book E ended up. She had this plan to be a bluestocking and live out her spinster life with Penelope at her side and when that changed, she changed too.
  19. I loved LirRic and Rexis. I was pissed at the way that some things were handled for damn sure, and the return Ric had was a disaster.
  20. I know that, what I meant is that Kate Moss' testimony is really not that useful. It is good to know what happened, I just don't think this is the right forum.
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