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Everything posted by mlp

  1. I guess I'm in the minority here but I like Grant, Neil and Natalie and I think Grant is much cuter with his hair long and curly which is odd because I usually don't like long hair on men. Neil is a wild risk taker but he's actually a good ninja. Natalie uses her wacky You Tube personality on ANW but she has a serious job so I assume it's just part of her act. The problem with Natalie is that she's better than the average female but not as good as many of the women who compete. I get a kick out her though.
  2. This show always makes me vaguely nervous even though I know that whatever I'm watching was over and done long before the air date. I think the possibility of running across poisonous snakes will make that worse. I'm not afraid of harmless snakes but the idea of small varmints you might not even see before they kill you is scary. I can't even imagine how the contestants are going to make shelters that protect when it's below zero. I'm sort of surprised that all that fancy equipment production uses can function in those temperatures.
  3. I didn't dislike Dom but I wasn't impressed with him either. I've always liked Viet going all the way back to a cooking in the wilderness show I can't recall the name of even before he won ICA. I was disappointed he didn't do better on FNS and I was delighted that he won tonight.
  4. My book came from Amazon today. I haven't read much yet but it's very nicely done with pictures galore. I'm looking forward to getting into it tomorrow.
  5. I've always liked Nick Hansen so I was very happy for him. His elation was a joy to watch. I figured Flip was a sure thing for making it up the mega wall so I was flabbergasted when he fell. Watching Matt and Akbar go ape always cracks me up. I got a kick out of the dinosaurs. I was hoping one would run the course again.
  6. I'd like to know exactly how that works. Do they have food trucks nearby? Port-a-potties? Do they all sleep outdoors? Is there a number system so they don't lose their place if they have to use said port-a-potty? A lot of the cities have the set up in an urban area like downtown Indianapolis. Where exactly are the lines? I ordered the new book about ANW that just came out. Maybe there will be an explanation of some of the stuff I'd like to know.
  7. I was so happy to see this show back (although also sad it's the last season) but a bit dismayed by some of the people they're calling all-stars. A few of them were anything but. I didn't see season 1 so I didn't remember Jo. She's just gross. I remember Kelly as ranging from so-so to hot mess. I didn't begin to understand what the judges saw in her piece tonight. It didn't call "egg" to my mind in any way at all. I was glad to see McKenzie back to her usual beautiful self after whatever she was doing with her hair and make up on that other show. And I was very happy to see all the judges.
  8. mlp

    Chopped 2018

    I thought Martha was just fine, especially after watching Alex in the previous hour where she was especially unpleasant. I quite enjoyed her. I was surprised that the woman who cooked her truffles in the second round and was eliminated wasn't sent home after the first round for "disrespecting" the iberico ham. Her dish looked like liver paté soup. In the show with the pastry chefs, Alex seemed to go out of her way to be nastily critical and somewhat hypocritical too. She made a fuss about the one woman not using the worms even though contestants have always been allowed to use a portion of a mystery basket ingredient.
  9. If you want to feel better, read Dearie, the excellent biography of Julia Child. She was an original and absolutely real.
  10. I liked both couples, especially the big guy in the red shirt who was obviously just going with the flow in a good-natured way. And I totally got his wife and her reaction to the gold chandelier. "You asked my opinion and we all agreed and then you did something else." That would have been me. Both rooms looked nice at first glance but I hated the chartreuse-y drapes. In fact, most drapes/curtains on this show look unfinished like they do in a store display. The curtain hooks were inserted a bit unevenly and the top edge looked a bit tacky. I suspect that the clocks looked really tacky too up close. I didn't understand why you'd decide to make wall art with kindergarten supplies for a McMansion. I love clocks and I have 15 or 20 in various rooms but I wouldn't like those cheap looking ones, especially when they're the focal point of the room. Paige continues to make me nuts acting like a loud and hyper 14 y/o. She takes over every scene she's in. I cringed when she flopped on the white sofa with her shoes on. That's not cute. It's bad manners.
  11. mlp

    Chopped 2018

    I'm not a fan of Martha Stewart but she's a lot more qualified to be a judge than the TV personalities and sports figures they've had on from time to time. Also, like her or not, she's accomplished and successful so I have to give her credit. What always amazes me is how young she looks. She's pushing 80 but I'd never guess that from just looking at her.
  12. I think I held my breath through Daniel Gil's whole run. He not only cleared the mega wall, he finished 30 or 40 seconds ahead of the next guy. Jon Stewart was impressive too. I suspect the guy in the boots will be a player when he gets a little more experience. If I understand it correctly, anyone who tries the mega wall and fails gets only one try on the regular wall whereas someone who skips the mega wall gets the usual three tries. I imagine only people like Flip who know they have a good chance will risk it. I am soooooooooo sick of Kacy. Yes, she was the first to do something women are doing regularly now. And yes, she completed a city final. That was exciting then but she had her heyday and hasn't done anything remarkable since. And she quit. Enough already.
  13. Adam is clearly talented and skillful and I'm sure he's a master of many techniques but he really needs to stop with the cylinders. He's already proved to the judges that he can make them and the repetition isn't doing him any favors. That giant cylinder on top of his baked cheesecake looked very clunky. I was hoping Becca would be sent home. Watching someone with a nose ring work with food almost turns my stomach. She seems like a nice person but I really hate looking at her.
  14. I've been saying that for at least two years. She's lovely. In fact, I think she's gorgeous for someone closer to 60 than 50. She seems to work well with everyone too. I think they should have three judges - Valerie and Tyler perhaps along with Bobby.
  15. I don't understand how they're going to narrow the field down to one returnee in three weeks if they eliminate them one at a time. I was hoping they'd get rid of both Monterey and Sarah last night. I had high hopes for Yaku but he didn't do very well. Trace seemed to be the frontrunner and he had the lion's share of the THs which may or may not mean something.
  16. I felt sorry for Jeremy. He seemed like a nice guy and he must be good at what he does if he's the pastry chef for Emeril but he needed to be put out of his misery. My guess is that the pressure and time constraints did him in. He probably doesn't have those problems when he can work at his own pace.
  17. I thought all the boxes looked more amateurish than like they done by professionals. John's was easily the best (despite Paige) but the hurried finishing touches weren't great. I didn't understand what took the two women so long to wrap a cushion in fabric and paint a box. The dog bed box was a cute idea but it looked messy in the close up. The paw prints were smudged and the fabric was already coming loose from the cushion corners.
  18. I watched them. They were mercifully short. The premise was that original cast members were "teaching" the new people how to be creative under pressure - which made me wonder why they were showing those bits at the end of the season instead of first. Doug was the point person for the new designers and Carter and TY did the same with the two new carpenters. Paige was all over both episodes being obnoxious and getting in their way. You didn't miss anything.
  19. Akbar must work on staying in shape on a regular basis. That guy is BUILT. I've always known that he's a big guy but it never really registered with me because he's always standing next to Matt, also a big guy. He just dwarfed Kevin Bull. It was almost comical. Red Nose Day has been a fund-raising event for charity in England for a long time and only spread to the U.S. in recent years. NBC didn't create it.
  20. In the 90s, I worked at a hospital that had been built in the 60s and had terrazzo floors throughout. It still looked nice and was easy to clean but it was definitely hard on the feet and legs. It was also rather slippery. I gave up wearing heels with my business clothes because I always felt like I was going to fall. I can't really imagine wanting terrazzo in a house, especially in a kitchen. Or cement either for that matter. I was surprised when they said they'd chosen an old-fashioned, unattractive (IMO) name for the baby and even more surprised when they said it was the name of Nate's old partner who died. Jeremiah was obviously OK with it but it seemed odd to me to choose a name that would be a constant reminder of a previous partner and a tragedy. I suppose the name will come to mean the child in short order. I know they've been telling Poppy about the baby but she isn't old enough to comprehend all that. I wonder how she reacted when they brought home a live baby brother.
  21. I was mystified when Marcela told the woman with the nose ring that she had a good strawberry to biscuit ratio. It looked to me like she had 4 or 5 slices of strawberry next to a large biscuit and no sauce to speak of. Lasheeda kept pronouncing strawberries like her name - shtrawberries. LOL As already mentioned, Scott looked terrible. Either he bought that suit 30 pounds ago or he was dressed with something from the FN wardrobe that didn't begin to fit right. Jason's jackets are flamboyant but at least they fit. I was very glad that Adam won the round. The microwave forest was creative but it didn't look like anything I'd want to eat. The shade of green reminded me of split pea soup.
  22. I've been watching. I was a bit conflicted during the last runs because I like Grant and Neil but Daniel Gil is one of my two top favorites (the other being Travis Rosen) so I was happy when his team won and moved on. I didn't see any explanation for the show not being shown tonight. This has to be the longest "season" ever.
  23. I didn't see any point to the "superfan" segment at the beginning. Ian and LaToya clearly didn't know them and each could have been anyone off the street. That whole bit was a waste of time IMO. I haven't seen Cady Huffman since her days judging on the original ICA. I didn't even recognize her. There were two bits I thought were odd. LaToya cooked all those things while wearing a black blouse which remained pristine. She didn't even get a speck of flour on herself while making the tarts. I found that hard to believe. And none of the judges reacted at all when they saw who the cooks were. I don't know how well known Ian is but I can't imagine they didn't recognize LaToya Jackson. I expected at least a bit of surprise if they really didn't know who the finalists were. Based just on the dishes presented, I had no feeling for which one would be the winner. They both did some things very well and also had a few problems. I would have been happy with either one declared the winner. I like LaToya so I'm happy for her. IMO This was the best season of Worst Cooks so far. I enjoyed it.
  24. I'm in that minority even more so. Paige is hyper-perky and loud and touchy-feely and she's almost enough to make me stop watching the show. She seemed to run in and out of this episode even more than usual and I cringed every time she appeared. Another thing that annoys me is all the footage of designers and carpenters doing goofy stuff that wastes time. We are supposed to believe that they're all working hard because of the time crunch yet they have time to play around with wagons and so on. So far this season, I think they've had a "comic relief" bit in every show, some more stupid than others.
  25. That was an odd group. The blonde woman looked like Damaris would look if she suddenly gained about 80 pounds. I didn't really mind the goofy guy in the wild shirt but I was sort of glad he didn't win because I always worry that the extremely overweight cooks are going to drop over with heart failure from running through the store. I didn't get why they skipped the final run for the 20K either. I enjoy that part.
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