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Everything posted by TVbitch

  1. I enjoyed the series a lot. Hope it got good enough ratings to have another. I was not totally thrilled with the final leg design, especially having the one road block be a line up "one & done" with no chance for position change. And I would have liked the final puzzle to be clearer, cuz I could not really hear all the rules or where they ended up being from. I wonder if the climb at the end was as much of a nail-biter as it seemed.
  2. This episode did not hold my interest. I couldn't really form an opinion as to whether this (weird, unlikable) guy was guilty without hearing all the evidence and the defense (that wasn't spilled by his attorney). At the end it said the trial did not even start until 2021. They should have waited and aired the episode after the trial.
  3. That lady friend of Lori's I remember from the last show on this. She seemed quite self-satisfied and above it all when talking to Keith, but then had gems like: "I thought Lori meant that if Charles was a zombie and going to die that he would just die and the zombie would come out of him." (or whatever shit she said).
  4. I was a pretty extensive red wine drinker, and I think once you get above a $100 bottle it doesn't really taste much better and you are paying mostly for the prestige. He was smart to make custom blends from other cheaper wine. I used to do that to, and you can really come up with some nice ones.
  5. Jeez, must be nice to be so rich that you can be swindled out of millions, then say that "it was fun" spending more millions to investigate the guy who swindled you. Having said that, if it weren't for that Koch brother's willingness to come forward, they never would have caught this guy. As it is, he is not getting much jail time, and I'm sure will write a book and get a movie deal.
  6. It should be Chris versus Eli in the finale, but I am a bit concerned they might push Carmeon forward cuz they have already determined they want her to win. If she has the biggest social media following, they might figure that is a guaranteed audience for the new show. If this gets a second season, they really need to jettison the "my door won't open" offing. Who thought it would great TV to watch people being humiliated like that?!
  7. Created by a man who was looking to buy meet women.
  8. Wow, the interventionist and the rehab guy both showed nerves of steel dealing with Tristan. He had his fists clenched and was threatening to punch people and that would have been "game over" for me in trying to help him. He looked SO much younger at the end.
  9. Yes, very strong ladies. Poor Kerry, I was rooting for her as well. She's got a great attitude and took it well. What would they have done if she had excelled too! I must say I do not car for stone fruit, especially plums. What was that other fruit several of them used. I have never seen it here. It looked like a red grape only larger and round.
  10. I actually did not get it quite right, it's more... neg uh luh zjay. And she says it in four parts like that.
  11. Yes, you can REALLY see that in her home, where she clearly indulges her every whim. It was so crazy busy. A lot of it would be great, if it were used in doses as highlights or special spaces, but there was not a moment to breathe in that house! It would make me anxious to be surrounded by all that cacophony!
  12. I enjoyed the series a lot, and like both finalists, but both ladies disappointed me in the finale. I think Siobhan is actually more innately talented, but she has not yet learned how to reign it in and choose her moments. It was all too much. There was zero consideration given that "family retreat" usually means younger children. As soon she said she thought about the brief but then decided to go all out in her own style, I knew she had lost it. I think Michelle wanted Siobhan to win and was actually defending her choices better than Siobhan was. Hopefully someone will recognize her raw talent and put her in a junior position somewhere. Lindsey comes off more professional and was much more well spoken about her choices. However, I really did not like Lindsey's "girl's retreat". I just kept thinking.... how old are these "girls?!" All that heavy dark blue and the granny florals. Where was the color and the fun? I mean, girls still wanna have fun, right? Everything was so dark. Having said that, she will do very well in the position she was given. Finally, WTF was going on with those 5-star vacation retreats? It looked like a bunch of prefab units where crammed very close together in the middle of some farming country. Who would want to vacation there? I watch a lot of Escape to the Country and that did not look like a premier holiday let location!
  13. It's like Mo and WR are competing to see who can be the most ham-fisted. So a dude with amnesia who wears wedding rings and has intense visions of a woman is just gonna get involved with a total stranger, cuz, yeah, why not. Why do I fear all of the great speculation about BL's baby will turn out to be way more entertaining than what actually happens.
  14. Thanks @theschnauzers! Yes, they are no drama and seem to be having a lot of fun. I was impressed that they had a better sense of rap rhythm than the others! I can recommend Amazing Race Canada. Especially the earlier seasons.
  15. Does anyone know when the finale airs? I can't believe the girls helped the Sikhs stay in the race when Chris and Aleisha were clearly on their last legs. I kind of hope it comes back to bite them and the cowboys take it. Any of the three are worthy winners though. Don't know why all the teams hated Chris and Aleisha so much. They kept saying how they did not play fair because they would not eat the oysters, but one of the cowboys wouldn't either. Maybe they were just annoying. But I was impressed how two people who weighed 90 pounds powered through most of the challenges. Thank god they did not have to face the chick fetus eggs!
  16. Jamahl did not do as well in the competition as I thought he was going to. Maybe the pace and environment just didn't suit him. I think abandoning so much work he already had done when the coffee twist came up was kind of a knee jerk reaction, and he perhaps could have found another way to work around it. Coffee and tea are mixed in some recipes and there is a popular drink that mixes coffee, tea and milk. Still, he came up with something great tasting, so good for him.
  17. I watched it. I thought that was a different guy. I thought the person that they finally nabbed was a stranger to her. She was selling magazines in a parking lot and he grabbed her at random. I already forget! Actually I watch so many of these shows that I get the cases mixed up. It's great that those people are able to bring justice to these victims but it seems to kind of borders on obsessive.
  18. Even the sheets and pillowcases in this boring ass town are plaid.
  19. I am rooting for Chris too. I know he is clumsy with the social media, but I actually find that real and charming and am put off by overly slick and manufactured personalities. I think he is more talented than the rest of them, and hopefully that will win out. All I could think when I saw Eli's light with the plants on top of it is who in the world is going to get out a step ladder take all those plants down, water them, wait for them to sufficiently dry and them put them all back up there ....every week! You could put coasters underneath them, but getting up there to water them if place would be quite a feat, and any spillage would ruin the wood!
  20. Some of these people (cruise ship guy!), I am like, what are they even doing there. It's like they were just laying around the house and decided to come on Masterchef! I see someone has intervened with John's hair, bless them.
  21. I don't care how many times Sam grabs Dante's hands and the camera zooms in, I am not condoning this union!!!! Shouldn't she spend more than a month getting over Jason? I'm surprised they didn't consider putting Sam with Finn.
  22. Damn, that was craziness. I bet there are a lot of stories like that all over America during this pandemic (okay maybe not THAT bad), but as a former alcoholic, for me, the pandemic would be a nightmare dream come true. Stuck at home! Do not have to see people! Don't have to be presentable! No one just dropping by! Not many responsibilities! ...it's the perfect scenario for using. Great to see Ken. It looks like he has put a few pounds back on, but who hasn't. He's still super adorable, and so competent at dealing with these situations, and even knowing when it is a lost cause (mom & dad). A twelve hour intervention, wow, I hope Susan, Dan, and Stan send him a fruit basket!
  23. I find it hilarious that so many of us were checking out Finn's bookshelf like we were on some boring Zoom call with him! I don't really see a 15-minute conversation as "fighting" for their relationship, but whatevs. Anna did put Violet at risk and flat out said she'd lie to Finn again if she deemed it necessary, so.....
  24. On the day, I think the right two went through and the owner was probably really happy with what Lindsey and Siobhan produced, even if he does repaint the ceiling. Paul and Micaela, I just don't know what they were thinking. They were told by the owner that the blue color was HIS BRAND. You do not just take it upon yourself to fuck with that. And they were told by Michelle that the two spaces had to have cohesion. Paul's was better, but Micaela's tangerine dream was awful. I really think Micaela should have been eliminated last week, and Paul might have gotten screwed by the decision to keep her in. Not sure what Michelle saw in her that warranted giving her so many chances. @BellaR, check out Great British Sewing Bee, Great Pottery Throw Down, and Glow Up for more fun, creative UK programming in the same vein as this competition.
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