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Everything posted by snarts

  1. Peter's issue is that his game play has created division in the castle and that division only benefits the traitors. He purposely excludes a large group of people from his "most faithful" alliance and then gets angry when they're hesitant to vote with him. His decision to isolate from the larger group & continually have secret invitation only meetings, shutting doors in peoples faces, obviously didn't engender trust from the remaining faithful. So now, when he needs them to vote with him at the roundtable, of course they're suspicious of his motives. Exactly the type of suspicion the traitors need to potentially avoid being banished. The sad thing is that he did it to himself.
  2. I watch because I like seeing differing real estate/properties. The cabin episodes are fine because they're something different. My biggest pet peeve is when they're purposely vague about why they're buying. II find it annoying when it's not clear whether they're moving there full time or if it's going to be a vacation rental or investment property. No judgement, just tell me, so I can make sense of the commentary.
  3. I agree with @Empress1, and I think she's suggesting that the casting process overlapped their time together. Maybe he did tell Laura/the other chick but it seems odd that something so recent/significant wouldn't be mentioned.
  4. The show can't seem to keep any guys. Aside from Kyle & Carl, there's someone new every season. I like West and enjoying watching him with Ciara. The tall guy looked like a Carl clone and quickly acted like a S1 version of him. Paige is not going to entertain that and Craig will not appreciate hearing about it. There are three single gals, flirt with one of them. I wonder why Sam didn't return, I'd prefer her to Gabby. Not sure what to make of Kyle/Amanda. I think she needs to step away from Loverboy and return the corporate world. A lot of the resentment in their relationship appears to come from their differing work styles. At Loverboy, she's the creative director so the experience is good for her career trajectory (she was a creative designer for L'Occitane when the show started). From the brief glimpses of Carl, he already looked exhausted.
  5. The group isn't expecting or demanding anything from Sandoval, they simply don't care to be around him. That's why watching him work LVP to gain her sympathy so she in turn would ask the group to be more empathetic was a desperate attempt to stay on the show. He knows that if he's resigned to filming only with paid sycophants Billie Lee, Kyle Chan and his band manager, he'd be dropped. The show is forcing them to interact with him when IRL most would remain Ariana's friends and never talk to Tom again. If this happened to your close friend, would you be cordially hanging with her ex? Hell no.
  6. Maddi, Joe and Oisin did themselves no favors at the reunion. Andy looked downright disgusted by Oisin at one point, and shocked by Joe & Maddi's inability to acknowledge their own behavior and lies. Leva didn't come off much better, looking like she holds the women to the much higher standard than the guys. Emme cried. JT came off like the true voice of reason and the glue that's holding this hodgepodge group together,. I wonder why Mikel wasn't there. JT shared the DM he'd received from Joe. Wow, someone's got a big head.
  7. I disagree. Kenneth seems like a lowkey guy. He was quiet in the pods. The day they returned home and got their phones back, he explained that he had work emails to catch up on. She chose to run around unpacking around him. While I'm assuming this was filmed during Summer break, administrators typically work year round with interviews/staff transfers/building & supply issues, etc. They called it quits after she told him that she wasn't craving him. In essence saying "I'm not at all attracted to you". That hurts to hear I and suspect he just shut down. She's the one who said it was over. I think the racial issue is reading too much into the situation. I really think it's a simple as they didn't have a physical connection and weren't compatible energy wise.
  8. Wow. Jeremy is a lying liar who lies. Laura set that trap & then pounced. I don't see how or why they could/should come back from that. AB: Clay is literally telling you he's a cheater. He's also showing you where you are on his priority list. Listen to him. Also, is VIP host code for stripper? Chelsea is clingy. At this point, only Amy & Johnny should get married...after his reversible vasectomy.
  9. Yes, but most municipalities enforce a limit on the number of liquor licenses allowed. Meaning, once they're at the max, the only option is transferring (buying) from a closed bar/restaurant. I'd expect that's the situation in WeHo. I broke my wrist with a similar stunt, jumping from roof onto trampoline and into pool. I was 10. Didn't she previously come out against the show, saying it exploited her? Now here she is chasing the camera around.
  10. I give Lala and James a lot of credit for actively working to improve themselves. Sober curious, therapy, increased self-awareness... all positive signs of growth. I didn't realize the sandwich shop was going to have liquor. That explains some of the delay. Obtaining a liquor license, especially for a new establishment (vs. transferring) can take forever. The process is ripe for corruption and often involves payoffs/shady dealings.
  11. Rachel left him with her family who dumped him at a rescue/ shelter. It's hard to feel any empathy for Sandoval when he continues to blame everyone but himself. No more Billie Lee!!
  12. He needs therapy, Comparing himself to OJ Simpson or George Floyd? His ego is out of control. I worry that when the cameras go away (and they eventually will) he'll do something crazy just to get attention back on him.
  13. Aired 2/19/2023 I don't see where Barbie was that rude to Fraser. Certainly not rude enough for him to have gone to Captain telling him he's done with her. There had to have been more we didn't see. If Kat is so bad at stewing that they had to re-do the whole schedule mid-charter because she couldn't handle housekeeping, then she's the weak link. Yes, I feel bad based on her background but either work with her to improve or cut her loose. It doesn't seem fair to penalize Barbie and Xandi. So Sunny claims to be shy yet has zero hesitation texting Ben to say "let's make out" OK.
  14. Danvers takes a nap?
  15. Jimmy's certainly saying all the right things but his body language (and stare into the camera during the reveal) say he's less than enthusiastic about Chelsea. I think he's very camera aware and going through the motions so he's not to be publicly branded an asshole. Oh, and he looks like a thumb with ears. Six seasons in, these people know how this show operates and look at doing it as a way to increase their social media following, open the doors to other reality TV offers, get a free vacation, etc. Most are not coming into it truly looking for a lifetime commitment, despite what they say. Chelsea a bundle of insecurity and she got too involved in the competition aspect. I think she & Trevor would've been a much better match. I hated how everyone was fetishing AB's body. WTF was up with Laura telling her man to flick AB's nipples? I thought AB handled that and Chelsea yelling out JImmy's comments as well as she could but, as a viewer, I was insulted. The only couple that seems solid is Amy & Johnny. Finally, there is no way Kenneth is 25, dude looks 40ish.
  16. Dr Will screams bitter he wasn't cast/was relegated to a one episide guest role.
  17. I'll miss Parvati mainly because so many of the others are insipid dolts. Boring too. Sheree, Sandra, MJ barely say a word. I keep forgetting Kevin even exists. Is Trishelle not sharing that she is/was a professional poker player with the group because she thinks it would cast suspicion on her? It may have lent some credibility to her claims about Phaedra's tells. There's too many people left for only three more episodes...I wonder if Kate declines the invitation?
  18. Angelina said that her house is paid off, so it appears she's doing something right with that MTV money. I suspect the same is true for most of the OGs. I'm sure that's what finally drove Sammi to return and why Ron's itching to come back as well. I'm sure Vinny's earning bank from those Chippendale's shows. He (and Ron) have always been my least favorite. Vinny acts likes he's better than everyone. My arm chair theory is that he has a a lot of self-loathing and I wouldn't be shocked if he came out as gay or bi later in life. Pauly's the one with true fuck you money. All the residencies/gigs he's done over the years add up.
  19. Second week in a row this show made me cry. I'm getting soft. I've no love for Angelina but that situation with her birth father is just sad. I hope the aunt & sister aren't grifters too. Noticed she never ate the sandwich. Nice to see Mike in such a good place with his recovery & sharing candidly in his book.
  20. Maddi is crazy. Did I hear there's a reunion? Please please please
  21. Korbel? AnneMarue served Korbel? No wonder Sutton brought a roadie... Anyone else think the other party guests came from.central casting? Erika demanding apologies because the ladies dared to question her complete lack of empathy & blatant disregard for for the actual victims was completely on brand. Loved that Garcelle told her to fuck right off.
  22. While I agree it's not recent, Sandoval's birthday is in July. That's four months after the story broke. He's not remorseful and doesn't know how to be/act contrite. IMHO, he's trying to curry public favor with this suicidal talk, It's a means to generate some sympathy. The way he acted on stage throughout the Summer and on that infamous podcast is the true Tom Sandoval. Complete narcissist. Heck, he can't even manage to hide the smirk during his convo with LVP. Speaking of opportunities, does he realize that his appearance on the Special Forces show (and Schwartz invitation to Stars on Mars) also came as a result of this scandal?
  23. Aired 2/12/2024 A bosun with untreated ADHD, what could go wrong? Unable to pick a side with Barbie/Cat, they both have valid points. Not sure why Fraser initially wanted them to talk it out as a team but then got frustrated as they did so. I think he was nervous that he'd be outed for talking about situation at the beach within earshot of Ben. Ben quickly running to Barbie to tell her reminded me of his role in last season's drama between Camille and the one who's name I can't remember. Good on Fraser to telling him to stay out of it. Curious if he'll abide or if that's his MO to get laid.
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