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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I hated this episode, in fact this entire season is going nowhere. OK at first I admired the slow quiet pace, but nothing is happening. Willie was so filled with anger, I get it. But the actor who played Willie is a lousy actor. He just overdid it with the twisted facial expressions. I am extremely disappointed in this season and find the episodes a chore to watch.
  2. The connection between the guard and Matt was the art, his paintings. He loved his art work. He even liked David Sweat's paintings.
  3. Please explain to me this whole cop plot.
  4. This series continues to be outstanding. I love the way they treated Tillie's unfolding infatuation with Sweat and how Matt played on that.
  5. As usual, I am totally lost in this unfolding plot with the cops.
  6. Well, I never liked the shows with an all white straight cast... except maybe 77 Sunset Strip. I am Jewish and grew up watching THE GOLDBERGS. And I never got into shows with one "troubled" gay child because I am a lesbian and even though I was in high school in the early 1960s, I never internalized my preference as an issue. My Jewish sister married a Puerto Rican man. All of a sudden, my sister had the bright idea that she might have been adopted, so I took a DNA test two years ago to satisfy her doubts. My mom had severe bipolar disorder and my dad was a closet homosexual. I am a senior and transage. Nothing really makes me "uncomfortable," but I still maintain this show stuffs too much into the Pearson's extended family.
  7. OMG they stick EVERY disorder, condition, and alternate lifestyle INTO THIS SHOW. I support all conditions and lifestyles, but how can one extended family have embodied so many interesting bios? Most families are Dull and mundane. And the show is moving very very slowly. It really has lost it's steam for me. Now Jack's brother may be alive? The writers are so invested in the shock value, and tearjerker element that I am no longer shocked or sad. The show seems to have sort of lost it's way. And the season cliffhangers get on my last nerve.
  8. But where was he geographically? In Jamaica or North Carolina?
  9. Can somebody please refresh my memory? Where in the show did we last see Fergus?
  10. Thank you! I had seen that named at the song.... but in the scene it does not sound like that was the song. The music used for the scene at the bar has a much older sound to it and it is haunting, very similar to what played in the film "Carol" when Carol and Therese were riding through the tunnel. It sounded similar to this: song at 0:51.
  11. I laughed when Ray told Bunchy he would be doing "serious time" for kidnapping Maria. Really Ray? A few episodes ago You MURDERED ANOTHER GUY. How much "serious time" would Ray do for all the murders he did? I love Ray, but he is seriously mentally ill.
  12. When Tillie is wistfully watching that man and those two women outside the bar (after she walks out of the movie in the museum) there is a haunting song playing very low in the background. It sounded like Helen Forest. Does anybody know what that song was?
  13. David Sweat has a girlfriend. She moved from Long Island to upstate NY to be near him. She has a young daughter. She visits him often. They were in the news last March. They are planning to be married. In a way, I am glad he has somebody supportive now in his life. He is in solitary, and I am sure her visits will change his entire life going forward. Prison IS the punishment, why should being there be unbearable?
  14. Yes, of course. But my point was that in this show, they cram in everything into one extended family. The show is sort of an equal opportunity advocate. I like it, but it just seems forced.
  15. I couldn't hear Randall's last line: "If that is the only way I can get into your university then...." Then what? Last week they included sexual abuse and now Tess is gay and an adopted grandchild. Why does everything have to be included in the show? What's missing? I can't believe only one episode left in this season. It doesn't seem like much happened. Will they end with that same cliffhanger of Randall and Tess going to visit somebody?
  16. Flip phones in 1997? No way. The cell phones back then were huge and very bulky.
  17. Are you aware of the true story? The sex scenes are the motivations for much of what happened. I think there will be plenty more.
  18. I agree. Anela did a wonderful job. Thank-you! I am disappointed in this show, and sort of fell away... but for the viewers who are still into it this is a marvelous reference guide.
  19. It is like an LSD trip. It really is a comedy in many ways too. But, I love it.
  20. I LOVED this episode. These actors are amazing. They actually physically transformed themselves in to the parts they play. I think Tillie totally believed they loved her. She certainly loved them. She probably couldn't wait to get to work every day. She will be out of prison soon. However, I think there will always be a part of her that misses those guys and misses the time she worked at Clinton and had relations with them and allowed herself to be seduced by the whiff of strong masculinity and their "bad boy" demeanors. I honestly think at the end she got cold feet, but probably looks back with almost no regrets. I think it was an exciting time in her life. She never thought of the consequences and probably did not even care that it was a crime.
  21. Isn't this the second time somebody absconded with Bunchy's money? Great episode. Just love this show. Sandy Martin is incredible.
  22. I decided I have to stop trying to figure this season out. The time travel got me all mixed up. I also got all mixed up about some stuff I thought I had seen in previous episodes, so it crossed over into a Mandela Effect experience for me. How many times can I binge watch the entire season trying to find what I thought I saw the first time? I suppose the bottom line is that after the time jump everything never happened anyway. So it is all moot. A new anti-Christ was born and that's that.
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