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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Well, maybe Miguel reverts to the friend he was to Jack before Jack died. I think there is going to be some tearjerker ending involving who has died.
  2. I think Rebecca dies and is greeted by Jack in the afterlife. They enter a fantasy house and Kyle is there as a little boy and they raise him in this parallel world... it's a dream place. Then one by one their house is filled with the big three as they pass on and they revert to kids and they stay suspended in time in this dream house as the big four.... oh well, just a thought lol.
  3. I am loving it! I am surprised nobody here is talking about it, 4 episodes are up. The actor who plays Bob Evans is spot on! I love these kinds of shows.
  4. I like it.... I think they are great. I don't think they have to be all serious, the humor is there and it is fun.
  5. I don't think it will be Rebecca joining Jack in the afterlife. That is sort of corny. I think it will be a mixed bag of shocks. Doorbell rings, long lost sister. Some famous actors doing cameos. Randall has a long lost brother. Stuff like that.... and it ends with a cliffhanger. Nicky is an imposter.......
  6. I love weird endings so I would love this. How about the series ending and it changes to a scene with all "the actors," but with different names so Mandy Moore plays a second part (the actress), playing Rebecca etc." The series ends and a producer tells "Bill Jones" played by Justin Hartley, that he did great work on the series playing Kevin. Then Bill Jones tells "Paul Watkins," played by Milo Ventimiglia, that he did a great job playing Jack. They are at The Paley Center talking about the show, thereby making it all a show within a show.
  7. Was that the last episode for this season? Oh I just saw they are skipping April 17th and there are 2 more episodes.
  8. I don't think Kyle is alive but I think Jack may have a long lost daughter... conceived before he met Rebecca. Maybe she was adopted. The couple that adopted her will be in the final episode playing her very old parents... and the sister (a famous actress doing a cameo) will go to meet her half siblings after Rebecca dies: Randall, Kevin and Kate. It was always THE BIG FOUR. The actress would be somebody in her 50s.... Melissa Gilbert.
  9. I have no idea what her personal reasons were for dropping out.... but I think it is unprofessional to do that regardless of what music deal she was possibly given. She entered the contest, so stay in it for the long haul and then do what you want. If she won and was tied to their contract.... then stick with it and suck it up. And if you thought you would leave for a better opportunity, don't enter. It is like she auditioned for the exposure and then when she got that, she quit... just not a good quality in my opinion. She walked away with unclean hands.
  10. I don't think they will go the route of a dream..... but I do think they will have one shocker that is a tear jerker at the end. It's their signature. So what could shock? Was the whole series a book Annie had written in the future about her family? Is the final scene of Oprah finishing the book and closing it and telling Gayle she found a new book for her book club? Is there a crossover and Kevin and Randall are on THE WALL? Does Tess audition for X Factor? What?
  11. All eyes are always on a final episode to a series. It can't be just good, or even excellent.... it has to have some extraordinary twist that makes it remarkable. Bob Newhart dreamed an entire TV series. St. Elsewhere never existed. Don Draper created the best Coke commercial ever. So if This is Us ends neatly, it will disappoint.... it has to be the ultimate tearjerker or present a twist nobody saw coming. I don't think Jack is alive. I just hope it is not corny with Jack reuniting with Rebecca after death.
  12. Hahahaha... I am sure the writers thought we would all be crying over how they all stuck up for Kate but it backfired. TeamToby!
  13. Why did Kevin and Randall butt in during Toby's and Kate's argument? He was not abusing her, it was between a husband wife. I am sure the writers "kvelled" over how the big three bonded and came to each other's rescue but it played out as totally obnoxious....
  14. Who? They played The Bridge on the River Kwai theme.... And the green pill?
  15. All those kids are great. The kid who plays young Kevin is amazing. He manages to physically stay in character even when he is not speaking. The only actor I dislike is the actor who plays college age Kevin. He looks like he is a pompous ass in real life.
  16. We cannot address her size because it is body shaming? But she has gotten bigger each season. She climbed the hill on the show... could she actually climb that hill? I suppose it was metaphoric as well as a physical challenge but I have a feeling Chrissy will soon have bariatric surgery. She looks over 500 pounds. She is at risk for cellulitis and lymphedemas. I think the writers drop her weight issue because they do not want to hurt the actor, Chrissy. She is way overweight and in her real life she will soon have to manage that.
  17. I find Kate insufferable. Toby has to perform for her as he talks to her about the day's plans, dance around her, and totally kuchel her along. She is overly sensitive, too indulged, too used to a therapeutic interaction... this comes from her mother. She has a job now she loves, she should cut Toby loose. Dr. Now would call him an "enabler" because he never addresses the elephant in the room, and takes her out to restaurants with limited food options. Let's see how long her second husband jumps through hoops for her. If he walks on eggshells for the rest of his life, that marriage could last. Every little thing sets her off.
  18. I think Kevin will pull a Bryan Lourd and realize he is gay. I think a very famous actor will be in the last episode as his husband. That's why he is wearing a wedding ring. And he is finally happy at last. And I think Kate is alive and preparing for gastric bypass surgery. Randall is still happily married to Beth. And the final scene will be a major tearjerker.
  19. I am confused. Why was that a hole Tom beating Malva? What was that book. Tom Jones?
  20. Claire. I think she is becoming mentally ill in a crazier world. First of all, this ether testing is nuts. She was flogged herself in that courthouse or meeting house in I think it was season 1 when they thought she was a witch. Third, she is in a world that she shortly knows will have a revolution. And she watches as Jamie beat Allan with his belt and then casually asks him in the next episode if the salve she gave him helped his back. Plus, Jamie for me has lost appeal. He seems nuts too but with what he has gone through I am surprised he even functions. The world is boring and well, maybe she does not want to go back to the turmoil of the 60s. Maybe it is better to live in a world where you are aware of the horrors coming than to live in an unpredictable world. Claire has totally lost all chemistry with Jamie. Her behavior is off somehow. Of course he does... he loved watching Jamie beat Allan. And Malva lifted her skirt like she knew the drill. I hope Malva kills him, strangles him with his belt.
  21. I made this a spoiler because the episode has not yet aired, but I saw it On Demand.
  22. I was so glad he dumped Carolyn. There is something wrong with her. And I think she thought he was the millionaire and when she found out he was not, she would have walked shortly. It would have lasted less than a month.
  23. I agree with the comments above. What is funny about any of this? Why is this done so tongue in cheek as a comedy? I think it is appalling because it is true. If it was fiction, well OK... but this is true crime ffs.
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