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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Why in the hell are these women so against Taylor? What am I missing? I do not watch the feeds but I like Taylor. She is not calculating to be passive/aggressive.... The way we can fight back is to vote for Taylor to be America's favorite. That would shove it up their collective asses like when we voted Cody AF. I feel bad for Taylor. I do not think she will win but when she is voted AF... the look on the others' faces will be priceless.
  2. And only 2 of them are out so far with only 1 of them actually evicted by the others. We have only seen one "vote to evict." LOL
  3. This series has triggered a severe despondency inside me.... so many are gone: Marlon Brando, Natalie Wood, Ben Gazzara, the list goes on and on. Look at this (silent) home movie:
  4. Somewhere back in time in a particular moment this was happening and when it happened this was all that mattered.... And now, he is gone and she lives on without even remembering the love of her life. I really find this just maddening. Anyway, when I was young.... I was always drawn to Joanne's signature short bangs. Maybe because as a young girl I hated short bangs and I never could consider her good looking because of those damn bangs. LOL
  5. I think the most glorious part was the very very end.... with the two of them in the water kissing: so young, laughing and so happy. I cried. It is so sad that you can have the most wonderful life and nothing lasts forever. The party always ends. I fell into a depression after watching all 6 parts. He was cremated and she cannot even remember her life with him. All of it just disappears.
  6. What is amazing is that the first two episodes were so great.
  7. Was there an episode tonight showing an eviction?
  8. I love this! Sad as well that so many are gone.
  9. This episode was the season finale and it ended with a cliffhanger. I think it's all so stupid. I do not really care what happens next.
  10. The end line was hilarious... something like "Emily is gone, let's go get her back." Now they join forces to go find her lol. This IS a parody. It's a cartoon.
  11. The shawl was hilarious... and the caked on eye makeup makeup all of a sudden like she is on holiday at Cannes. Did they stop at Walgreens for the eye makeup? She is at the bar.... what normal woman would not make a run for it and tell the authorities there she was kidnapped by a lunatic? First she is a stickler and not allowing dogs in the apartment and now she lams it with a guy all involved in almost getting murdered and who murders? Good grief, so stupid.
  12. Maybe his son is still alive? The funniest scene so far was them escaping on that motorboat when Dan tells Zoe she should have stayed at the bar and she explains why she couldn't and he says "OK I know you couldn't." So ridiculous. How idiotic is Zoe?
  13. How can Jasmine be HOH when she hurt her foot? How was she able to finish that comp?
  14. it is so preposterous that Zoe would even be dragged into this and slow Dan down... their conversation on the boat was hilarious: "I told you to stay at the bar." "She knew my name,, I had to go with her." "I guess you did." I am paraphrasing but something like that. And the boat scene, with Zoe dressed for the Emmys! LMAO Totally hysterical!! How could a show that started out so great deteriorate into such total bullshit? I thought Jeff Bridges was the old man, now I think it is Joel Grey.
  15. Taylor up again? I am rooting for her to win. The only other HG is like is Terrance. Pooch is OK. All the others are boring. I like Taylor's demeanor and composure. I like Indy too. I think i will root for Terrance. Oh I like Joseph and Ameerah.
  16. Well I like Taylor so I am rooting for her.
  17. I am going on and on because I believe they influenced her to exit. And I believe they would cover that up and not be truthful about it. I do not believe it was her own decision because nothing we saw prior to her exit indicated in any way she wanted to leave. She was planning on winning and playing hard. She never once said she was considering self evicting. Production's plans were fucked up because CBS fucked up their own previous plan by manipulating her to go. And yes, I think they made it appear she was suffering some mental issue which could damage her in real life... so regarding a lawsuit I have seen cases with less go forward by those on Survivor and My 600 Pound Life. Now whether she would win is another issue.
  18. OK I had the impression they kicked her out. She talked out winning the game so I did not think she left on her own. OK....
  19. Exactly and what she said and did was hardly enough for which to be kicked out. The other HGs never gave examples why they were so worried about her and CBS was vague with the "personal reasons" so THAT combined may not be enough for a lawsuit however.... the fact that they did not show enough, and we did not hear enough as to why she was removed or explain it makes it seem like their judgement indicating she was unstable was wrong. So it is 1. they made her appear crazy and showed no serious evidence and 2. they removed her and showed crying and prayers for her and it seriously alluded to conclusions regarding her mental health and cast aspersions on her mental stability which is the reason for the lawsuit, not the removal which her contract probably allows them to do. She was damaged and defamed by just that pryer circle alone. They were wrong to show it, it gave the wrong impression about her condition. Who will hire her now for a job? If she was in college to be a teacher, the way they made her appear (especially with what Julie said after the prayer) makes her seem irrational and unstable and she could say she was doing it all to make the show more interesting. I definitey think the way they did it damaged her and as I said they probably can kick her out for any reason but that should not be the reason for the lawsuit. it should be how they damaged her character. Who doesn't have anxiety issues lol. She did nothing serious enough to be removed and she was not a danger to herself or anybody else. it is clear CBS was protecting Taylor, which I get... I really really like Taylor and would be happy if she wins but come on: Big Brother thrives on conflict and drama and crazy.
  20. Thank-you for this. CBS wants kooks and weirdos who cause drama and then they turned on Paloma. I think Paloma was giving them what she thought they wanted. She was kooky but no more cray cray than any other people walking around on these reality shows. She was not dangerous to herself or anybody else. I liked her, she made the show more interesting and fun. Bland and basic is boring. I like Taylor and maybe in time she would have started to fight back if she remained after that Backstage comp. Conflict is what fuels the show. They could have given her melatonin to help her sleep and in the DR told her to bring it down a few notches and calm down. CBS disliked Paloma; it was obvious. I think Paloma could have a defamation case.
  21. This show is ridiculous.... That boat chase scene was preposterous. I have no life so I thrive on the ridiculous.
  22. I am missing something... I get that Paloma said some bizarre things like thinking they were in some type of INCEPTION setting and saying she hacked the game, but can somebody please provide some other examples of her behavior that indicated she became scary and needed serious enough help for her to be removed from the show? I have seen some very awful behavior over the years on that show and saying she thinks they are in some INCEPTION type of thing I have heard people say in real life... like we are in a computer simulation here on earth. What did Paloma do that was so scary? HGs always bully each other. A list would be great. Thanks in advance. How was she spiraling? I sure am missing something on those feeds....
  23. I am still wondering how that Backstage Pass gimmick with viewers voting for one HG to get safety plays into all of this.
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