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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Hey it ain't over till the fat lady sings and I have not finished my song! I will be finished at 11 PM on Sunday...
  2. She does that because she knows she is on TV and she is acting her role within a Hollywood where everything is scripted. I think she gets that from the Kardashians. Every move with them is also planned. Taylor will fit right in with ease into the next chapters of her life as she becomes very rich and good for her. I give her credit. She will not be the first to use a reality TV show as a springboard for great success.
  3. Correct I was wrong about that but I am right that Taylor will win.
  4. I am positive Taylor is going to "get that bag home." Just wait and see. She is going to win. She is not my favorite. But I know she will win because the stars just seem aligned for that outcome and it is her destiny. Not that she will need that 750K. She will have a great career. There is just something about her sarcasm that rubs me the wrong way because I hate sarcasm and she seems fake... like she scripted her reaction to Brittney's reveal for better TV. And that makes her even more perfect for Hollywood.
  5. I am not invested in who wins. Adam Jasinski won ffs. So did Evel Dick. Taylor will have high earning power regardless of whether she wins or not. This show was her springboard. However, she is disliked by many. Include me among that group... I can't stand her sarcasm. I think most of her DR sarcasm is written by the producers but it is unappealing and I do not know why they created her to be that way as the season developed. I really think they encouraged her to act a certain way and maybe even pushed her into a showmance. The producers are very manipulative. That's why they don't want the diary room sessions discussed. That Grodner has her hand in everything. I am not going to discredit her win. I know she will win and good for her. I am never happy with who wins this show, except for last year with Xavier's win. Maybe Ian and Steve and Kaycee. But it is rare.
  6. He says: Taylor is not liked because of racism but I dislike her mostly because of her DR spots. She is not confident in an appealing way. She is always so sarcastic and smug and I hate sarcasm. I hated it back to the days of Boogie and Will. I hated Evel Dick for his smug interactions with Jen. Sometimes you can grow into disliking a HG that you at the beginning of the season liked. Bullying caused Megan Lowder's exit, it triggered her PTSD. This is nothing new. Taylor also prances around and seems to have grown into using herself in ways that I find not admirable. Mr. Pec-Tacular rubbed his houseguests in the wrong way, constantly showing off his body. It's obnoxious. Rachel was annoying as f*ck too. I liked Taylor and now I don't. But I do think she will win.
  7. Thanks for this amazing and insightful post. I bitch about them all summer and then when the season is over I miss them and go through withdrawal. They become a part to my summer and they live inside my house. I know them in personal ways. So I find I go looking for them on social media. I go through this weird thing when TV shows end too. I mourn the loss. I miss not seeing the characters ever again. I did it with The Sopranos, Homeland, The Affair, Mad Men, and so many more. I must have a lonely life.
  8. If you don't know what it means, how do you know it was "woke?" lol You made me laugh, thanks. "The supporting players, particularly Park, add a fresh element to the show, which needs to get going soon — or face a fate that Ben will be able to save only if he “leaps” into the body of an NBC programming executive hellbent on saving this new fall series from extinction." from: a review
  9. This seems to be more of an effort to create a "woke" version than to create a series that even remotely follows the masterpiece it is named after.
  10. This was downright awful. The acting is atrocious. And where was the "oh boy?" Did I blink? The main actor is terrible. The other parts are also miscast. This will be canceled. A real amateurish attempt.
  11. I disagree. I think Monte will be persuaded to evict Turner and Taylor will win the comps needed to be able to choose who she sits next to on finale night. And she will win this thing in a landslide. It is what CBS wants and they will move it in that direction by subliminally doing it in the DR.
  12. This is a predictable finale now. It will be Taylor and Brittney in final 2 and Taylor will win in a landslide. She will get all the votes. I can hear Julie now: Michale has voted for Taylor. Terrance has voted for Taylor. Alyssa has voted for Taylor. She will get every vote to win. I think CBS so wants her to win. Will she be on that soap opera they all go on or was it canceled? I personally have grown to disliking her but I also think this show served to be her venue to become part of some TV broadcast. What was her major at GWU? Political science, communications, liberal arts?
  13. Taylor and Monte are together napping. Looks like they are back.
  14. She seemed fake as well. She crushed on Joseph and then all of a sudden Monte has legs like "tree trunks?" They BOTH had sex knowing they BOTH talked shit about each other prior to their involvement. It was always only about sex regardless of their history with each other in the house. They are both two adults and took care of their physical needs. That was all it ever was.
  15. I think Taylor has low self esteem regardless of her pageant experiences and her good looks. I think her smug attitude is fake and an act. I think when Taylor cried at the beginning of the season that was the real Taylor. But as the season went on, she grew more confident and developed a false persona. And I think she became obnoxious and I don't now get all the Taylor love. Is it because she is a black woman or because you admire her snarky personality and character? I think her personality sucks with all the sarcasm. You can be strong and confident and not appear so unappealing. Why is she unappealing? Because of the endless scorn for others. I think she is trying too hard to empower herself as a woman and as a black woman. If you have to keep reminding people you will be the first black woman to win, there is something slightly wrong with that. She should win for the way she played not because of her race. She should brag about that AFTER she wins not always sit in the DR and make that her only cache or her only reason to want to win. Let others celebrate you for that. Say it once and be done, stop making a game show a race war.
  16. The BB house is nowhere near as glorious as the houses in the opening scenes of Meet Me in St. Louis. Those houses were so gorgeous. Taylor will receive love in the CBS interviews however many fans of the show can't stand her now and they are criticizing her all over twitter and facebook and YouTube.
  17. Is it wrong for me to say Monte has huge sex appeal? OMG he does have a way about him.... and quite honestly Taylor and Monte do have huge chemistry on screen. I like watching them together. They should stay together after this show and pitch something to the networks and parlay it into a TV show. Already videos have been made for YouTube about them so there is interest there in them as a couple. Maybe even a morning show like Kelly and Ryan? I am not crazy about Taylor but her sarcastic snarky edge might work in the right venue.
  18. I don't think it is actually biases based on upbringing but rather that upbringing has an internal impact which results in developing depression, anxiety, substance abuse habits, and detrimental health behaviors and patterns as we mature into adulthood. I am a student of Black history and know about Carol Jenkins, Pierce City, Dorothy Counts, and Sundown Towns. I listen to the videos of Elaine Brown and Ericka Huggins. I am not biased and I do not want to be dragged or shoe horned into a paradigm because I have grown to dislike Taylor. She irritates the fuck out of me and I will not like her BECAUSE she is a black woman. She knows now she is going to win and if she wins it will not be because she is black... but she will celebrate it under that umbrella... as I said earlier she is the real hypnotist of BB24 so good for her. I am NEVER happy on finale night.
  19. I totally disagree. It seems to me we all hated the same HGs who were white guys: Evel Dick, Adam, Michie, Paul, even white women: Maggie, Rachel. I never watched this show with any bias. It's simple: I loved Taylor and now I don't. There is no bias involved... I dislike her sarcasm, snarky ways, and her behavior now. It has nothing to do with her choices, she is an adult and can do as she pleases. It just seems to me that there could be a small window of doubt in terms of whether she is using Monte to further her game. It actually doesn't even matter but her whole behavior sometimes when he leaves the room seems to indicate she is playing him and she could be duplicitous. She liked Joseph and now he is gone and all of a sudden she notices how "hot" Monte is with legs like "tree trunks?" And I really really like Monte, always found him appealing, so I sort of feel bad for him. Taylor is like an internet troll in that house now while at the beginning she seemed more real and honest. Yes, Taylor is a troll. And she will troll her way all the way to the win. Good for her. Congrats in advance Taylor, you are the true hypnotist on BB 24. You could be right... I did sort of feel production put him up to do that. But, he did it. He gets the credit.
  20. Turner got rid of Michael. Turner was the one who stepped up and said the bullying of Taylor had to stop.
  21. I liked Taylor more at the beginning of the season but the way she sat on the pool table and the sarcastic way she is recently coming across in the DR and how she started behaving makes me feel she is paving avenues for herself to win in ways that may not be honest and viewers who still adore her seem now to me to be somewhat disingenuous. I also am part of the group that was rooting for her because she was so funny and had a charisma about her and handled her bullies so well. I was not rooting for her because she would be the first black woman. Since when did BB become a game played that is a race war? Maybe with the Cookout and they did form that to make sure a POC would win but while that was great, since when is this a game based on USA political history? So maybe next year they can have 5 Jewish people on and I can be a HG and make an alliance to get a Jewish person to win. That would seem so absurd. And it would seriously I am sure trigger so much controversy because BB is not a place to insert what goes on in the outside world. All that should be checked at the door.
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