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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I am worried Taylor will "persuade" Monte to evict Turner. It's a powerful thing she has. I am hoping Monte stays strong and does not get hypnotized by the real hypnotist on BB 24.
  2. I do not find this funny at all so I can't understand why some viewers on the internet are amused by his meltdown. His serious emotion is heartbreaking to me. I think his context is greater than just a possible loss of the win and the prize money. He feels betrayed and knows his loss will be real in terms of a friendship he wanted and valued. Production should have seen him sobbing and called him into the DR to talk to a therapist. They should not have allowed him to marinate in that pain.
  3. Turner is hysterical crying. I hope he is in the final 3 but if he isn't it is because he did not evict Taylor. I feel bad for him, he paved the way for Taylor's HOH and protected her against the early bullying. It is hard to see him so upset.
  4. Julie is a real klutz and a fool. She seems so damn stupid to me. She is married to that Les Moonves and when they used to go to award shows she would drape herself all over him as if she didn't do that he would look elsewhere for some good lovin'. I can't stand her.
  5. Turner is a jerk. If he voted out Taylor she would not now be the new HOH and he would not be the next one sent to jury. Monte and Taylor will sit in the final 2 seats. Taylor wins BB24. I like Taylor but I also feel bad for Turner because he is so stupid.
  6. Maybe it will be about Michael Desiato's crimes exposed and HIS trial? But without the son, it will not even be the same show.
  7. Interesting. A Season 2. Well if Michael is in fact dead... this will be a different show because the entire first season revolved around the father's protection of the son and the son's budding romance with the mobster's daughter. So they will take the shell of the show and just write a new story using that judge who is now alone?
  8. another BB love connection.... If Taylor marries Monte she will be Taylor Taylor.
  9. It is so evident that Taylor is winning I just don't think any of these details now going forward even matter. Production wants her to win and the viewers like her and she may also win AFP AND she will have a great career going forward so good for her. Kelly Clarkson, Drew Barrymore and Taylor Hale. See you next year. ETA: and oh she will be the new TV commercial spokesperson for Lay's.
  10. I loved this episode. It had some real funny elements mixed in with some serious scenes. I also have the feeling that guy gave a false confession to bombing the abortion clinic. The whole subplot was just too randomly inserted. I think the priest was somehow involved in that.
  11. When Brittany comes down off the block, Turner will go up and he will be next to go. That positions Taylor for the win.
  12. I don't blame her. He completely turned on her. I am glad he is gone. Plus winning all those comps put him in the spotlight. They took the shot. Good. Now Taylor will win.
  13. How many people of color were even on this show in the past 2 decades? You seem to be implying that the people of color should have not been evicted early BECAUSE they were people of color and that they were evicted because of racism.. That is not how the game is played. The evictions are not based on keeping a racial balance. It is played based on a strategy of getting out strong players first who are threats and who who may go on to win. You do not keep people in the game so the color balance remains stable. And do not go calling ME a racist because I believe in reparations. It needs to be said that this show is not exactly for Mensa watchers. The HGs are not the sharpest tools in the shed. I was shocked that Xavier Prather (a Yale grad) would even go on this sort of low level intellect show. I think the analysis of what these HGs do or do not do is in some ways absurd because I would bet half their IQs do not even match room temperature. If you want to talk about a history of racism, BB is not the greatest reference. AND this show gives us a perfect example of one sided racism. Taylor will never nominate a black woman but if Alyssa said she will never nominate a white woman, whoa! Kyle may have said asinine things that were racist, but when he assumed a Cookout 2 may have formed, how is THAT racist when his conclusion was based on this show's history of what happened last year?
  14. My point was NOT that nobody died because of his statements. My point is that he is a fool and his stupid remarks are not worth all this conversation unless it is within a larger context that can be cited that DOES matter. Kyle's thinking in my opinion is not because he is a racist, not because he is a stupid racist, but because he is just stupid and has no idea what he is even babbling about and that distinction needs to be made.
  15. Why can Taylor say: "I will never nominate a black woman" and that is OK? Does racism only work in a one sided way? It must have evolved in that way because of history and the need to correct past horrific and egregious practices. I myself believe the only way this will end is to have reparations. To continue this one sided mentality just gives legs to conflict and makes tensions worse.
  16. Can you please give me specific examples of things he said or did so I can change my POV?
  17. I found this episode to be an embarrassment. OK Kyle is stupid and concluded another Cookout was being formed even though there was no evidence for that conclusion. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed. But to have a house meeting that turned into a racial sensitivity session I found preposterous. I do not watch the feeds so I have no idea what Kyle has said to make him a racist. However, after watching this I felt like Kyle would have happily committed self flagellation to atone for his sins. This does not help race relations. It makes the participants look foolish in this "conversation." A more productive conversation would have been a serious one one about Sundown towns, the assassinations of Huey Newton and John Huggins, the brave Dorothy Counts and the murder of Carole Jenkins, the murder of Emmett Till and the Mississippi three, Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. Kyle's behavior is not worth a discussion on this foolish show. There have been serious incidents of racism and while Kyle may or may not be a racist.... this episode tonight will not change or impact anything in the real world. Education about black history will and should. I was embarrassed watching this stupidity. I think Julie is a moron too. I guarantee she does not even know who Elaine Brown is. What assholes.
  18. Yes honest discussions about systemic racism in this country is very productive but why is race even considered in an alliance, nomination, or eviction process? If the show has a history of racism then the show should be canceled. The current show is not the place to correct past wrongs that happened either on this show or historically in the outside world. BB is a "mind" game played in the present with alliances that should be based on goals that are not racial, the show is not a political hearing.
  19. CUTIES told a story too. It is just not my cup of tea so let's agree to move on. Thank-you.
  20. Why depict it? It is lurid and titillates sick minds. The lack of an endorsement hardly matters.
  21. I don't read the books so I have no idea what's in the books but if House of the Dragon does follow the books why does George R. R. Martin stick so much pedophilia into this books? It is nauseating when some old geezer chooses a 15 year old bride. And Laena looks 8 years old. I remember in GOT when some creep was in a whore house and the madam kept bringing him girls and he kept saying "Too old..." and then when he was bought a girl young enough he had several of them lined up so he could beat them. This all comes from the mind of George R. R. Martin and I am questioning his personal depravity level. I don't think it is as simple as him wanting to be true historically. Here it is: too old
  22. I think this final scene sums it up the best: the final scene of THE DEAD
  23. It was not a bad episode but as a finale episode it is not memorable. It is just another episode. I liked this series. I am glad I stayed for the duration.
  24. I think Taylor will win. I have grown to dislike her. She has gone from being bullied to becoming a subliminal snide bully herself. i am rooting for Terrance. It would be great if for the first time the "old man" who is usually evicted first... went on to win.
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