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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Me too because Caleb looks like Peter..... Is Peter Caleb? Please remind me what Thandie N's character had to do with Caleb. What was their previous relationship? How did they meet?
  2. Why does Peter look like Caleb? I got them both mixed up....
  3. I changed my mind after rewatching it a few times.... I now like it. Christina is now writing the stories in another obvious park setting. But I think she is still a host: a host in that park that thinks she is writing stories but HER story was written. I really like this... each of them are "toys" inside a very complex and layered game. It is almost like the lives we live... and add in dreams and reincarnation and you have Westworld. After the third viewing, I walked around for a while feeling like I was being controlled by some entity who wrote my story. I think Westworld is trying to tell me something. I feel freaked out.
  4. I didn't like it. It became a different show. I loved season 1 and the themes but this is too far removed from the original premise. Plus I don't even remember who many of these minor characters are so it is hard to follow. I turned it off at the halfway point. Maybe a synopsis or refresher of season 3 would help.
  5. I agree but I think THE TRAIN should have been the final episode. That was a beautiful episode and the series should have ended there. The other real final episode (Us) should have gone before that. I loved the final episode of Homeland. It made no lists but it had a wonderful twist at the end. Also, The Affair ended well.
  6. OK weeks later here are my thoughts. After many long running series end, I tend to get melancholy: the characters had almost become part of my life over years and it was hard to say goodbye. Much to my own surprise, the final episode of this series evoked no emotional response from me which was quite different from most of all the other episodes that came before. I felt nothing. That indicates for me that the final episode of THIS IS US sucked. The episode ended and I flipped the channel and felt just disappointment. In TV, final episodes have huge meaning. This final episode was boring and cliché. I do not miss the show and I do not miss these people. Dan F. blew it. He created a backlash or a weird backfire. Everything previously that seemed so remarkable now angered me. Even the way these fools interacted with each other annoyed me in retrospect. And Rebecca in the dry down seems like Kate's enabler in many ways. Ask Dr. Now. Kevin is an immature baby and Randall tends to get obnoxious. And his kids are spoiled. This show and Game of Thrones and Seinfeld and even Lost had the same audience reactions to endings. Who is talking about Game of Thrones anymore which was considered at one time the best show ever? Final episodes are what we remember, not the hundreds of eps that went before. Good riddance to this crock called This Is Us..
  7. Thanks for creating this separate thread for speculation. I have no knowledge about anything regarding this series. I think that scene where Dan fantasizes about killing everybody at the road stop has to be significant in some way. I think Dan is living now in some delusional world. If Emily is dead, how can he be talking to her in the present? And faking her death so the agency could not find her seems simple. I think Dan did some very bad things. He is not a good guy. But now he is an old man and he has mellowed but I think his bad side will come out and surface. Dan is the bad guy and Harold is the good guy.
  8. Maybe Angela IS Emily and she told Dan that Emily was dead so he stopped looking. At this point, there could be many scenarios.
  9. Then if he did not know, there would be no connection in him also calling her "kiddo." Also I don't think Dan's daughter would work there and be that close to any danger. Also another clue that Dan is losing it is the imaginary murder scene at the road stop. He has a lot of imaginary things going on inside his head including his conversations with his dead daughter.
  10. If Angela is Dan's daughter... why would Harper have told Angela to find Dan's daughter, which he did in episode 2. And she tells him in a private conversation that Emily is dead. If Angela was Dan's daughter that whole conversation would not even happen because Harper and Angela would know the suicide was faked. Am I confused about that?
  11. I think Dan is talking to his dead daughter inside his own head. He is losing it... they give clues along the way: the microwave going on fire, the pill he takes, and his wife having cognitive issues.
  12. I cannot understand Ray Waters. The actor garbles his words. I had to listen to that scene 4 times to understand his remarks.
  13. I put this in a spoiler tag in case my speculation is right:
  14. OMG and after a second viewing of episode II, once again I come to this forum because I am all confused. There is Dan, Harold, and Morgan.... who is Johnny?
  15. This is the best series I have seen in a long time.....
  16. Kids react in different ways. Maybe they felt "ew" but they knew they are being filmed so the son said nothing. I would not make too much of it. It is a common expression that is used to show love. it does not have any deep meaning. A parent with serious sick intent is careful not to do a reveal..... You can't analyze every little thing a parent says.... the larger picture is what matters.
  17. LOL, I grew up at a time when plenty of moms said that to sons. We also heard little girls saying they wanted to marry "Daddy." It is meaningless banter.... in a larger context it's just letting the kid know he is very much loved. I would not read too much into it.
  18. He became a parody of his own early portrayal of Randall. And then he and Beth slipped into some cutsey back and forth repartee shtik. It seemed not normal for some reason.
  19. Maryanne won... I liked her. She was good hearted and smart. There was nothing about her to hate. I was hoping Mike would win but whatever. No favorite player or a Sia award? I hate that they do not have the reunion months after they finished filming because I like seeing them cleaned up and having gained weight. They become unrecognizable.
  20. Well I loved the series and all it took was this final episode for me to not care it has ended. I feel nothing.
  21. This is one of the best posts I have ever read regarding this show.
  22. As an episode it was OK... but Dan Fogelman: this was a final episode and most series want to knock it out of the park, not have a quiet end to the story. Lists of the best final episodes are all over the internet. This will never make any list. We didn't even need this. It is a throw away...
  23. Now that would have been great.
  24. Well I remain very disappointed. It was a good episode but as a final episode to a series it was not remarkable or outstanding, there were no shockers or surprises and it was a manipulative tearjerker. I cried more during other episodes. They missed the mark with this one. It will not go down in history though I suspect it will get good reviews.
  25. I am so far disappointed... there is nothing remarkable in this to this point to make it a great final episode. Nothing new is even happening. It's just a regular episode. So far, this seems like it will not make any list of best ever final episodes. I hope I am wrong and something great is coming.
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