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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I now think that Erin was going to be kidnapped by that serial kidnapper and she fought back and was accidentally killed.
  2. I think Kevin is the father of Erin's baby and that is why Frank was buying baby necessities for Erin. I think Carrie (Sosie Bacon) knew it and she killed Erin... probably blaming her for Kevin's death.
  3. I think Erin committed suicide and I think Mare knows that the first girl who disappeared (name?) was killed by a relative of hers and so she is deliberately not solving the case. I think that is why they brought in the second detective. He will solve that first case and force Mare into reveling the truth. removed content
  4. Who is Drew's Mother? And how many children does Mare have?
  5. Why did Jackie and Decourcy become enemies? And how did Decourcy mess up the trial? Frank was found guilty. Was it because Jimmy was Jackie's informant?
  6. I am lost. Why did Jackie and Decourcy become enemies? And how did Decourcy mess up the trial? Frank was found guilty.
  7. This is not necessarily my opinion but my comment is being culled from conversations I have had with my peer group that grew up in the 60s and 70s. The kids of today are easily triggered and "spoiled." Years ago if a kid talked back they would have received "the strap." I myself do not agree with that abusive form of discipline, but those kids from decades ago are now fully functioning happy adults. Do they now have psychological problems? Well, the kids of today might also have issues due to coddling and parenting that is raising what some call "snowflakes." They feel the kids of today are coddled and parents have to walk on eggshells around them and attend parenting classes to behave in the acceptable manner. My dad's friend told his son he needs a "swift kick in the ass" and that kid grew up to be a well adjusted man. Every word today is scrutinized. Every word that is not textbook receives a jaw drop and gasp. The world is hard and tough. I feel Beth is a great mother. I wish I had had a mother as excellent as she is. As a matter of fact, Randall and Beth are perfect in my book. And if This Is Us was real life, I would tell Tess she is a lucky child.
  8. My main takeaway is that the role of "Laura" was miscast. I don't like Emily Browning and I think she always looked too small and her facial expressions made her face look like putty. However, I think this episode is as good as any other. Overall, for the genre, this is an excellently developed series.
  9. I never watch a show based on the actors in it. I watch if the story grabs me. I prefer shows with unknown actors because it makes the story more believable and known faces are a distraction and pull me out of the story. It was the emotional manipulation and the flaws, like the judge would never have been permitted to sit on a case in which he was connected to any part of that case.
  10. Is there no new episode tonight?
  11. How did I miss that this show is even back? Now I am binge watching to episode 5. How did I miss 5 episodes? And I too have to go back to season 2 for a refresher course. This is a beautifully presented genre show. The art direction is magnificent.
  12. I think they had some subplots which they may have dropped due to an inability to film much more due to the pandemic. They had to wrap it all up quickly under difficult circumstances so they just dropped the ball on what was not essential to the main plot. Some stuff they had "in the can" that appeared in "previously on" (which may have even been pieced together before the pandemic) they just simply had to let fall away. And maybe it was too costly to redo the "previously on" which may have been edited together before the pandemic. They may not film scenes in order. Some of the courtroom scenes were filmed as recently as November 2020. Michael Desiato had no business being the judge in which it was HIS car that killed Rocco (that they thought Kofi stole) and Rocco's brother was on trial for killing the alleged killer of Rocco.
  13. I loved it, it got inside me and I am having a really hard time pulling emotionally out of it.
  14. THAT is why I think Michael is a sociopath. He is trying to protect Adam, I get it. But underneath that first intention, he only once cringed with slight horror when he heard Kofi was killed and then he stands there later in time and calmly eats sandwiches and talks about meeting his future. He never talked to Adam about Kofi. He never sat in anguish alone in his room. Michael has a history of sociopathic behavior, I guarantee it. The lies come too easily to him.
  15. Speculation about the final episode: Michael Desiato has to die in the final episode. How that happens remains to be seen, but he cannot be alive at the end of the series. The subject matter is greater than YOUR HONOR. The writers know that. They will not let him get away with murder and an arrest does not bring closure. Because of Michael Desiato's choices, Kofi Jones, an innocent man, was murdered and most of Kofi's family was destroyed in a house bomb. Because of Michael's choice, a blackmailer was murdered. Justice has to be built into this story. The story has been pushed into a tight corner. Michael Desiato is not a good man. I have a feeling variations of his lies have been told before. It all came to easily for him. The series has to end with a strong political message. I think Michael will kill himself and Charlie will "have" Adam. The death of Michael is the only way for this show to end. If Michael is standing at the end and he gets away with it, how did Kofi's life and his families life matter? Michael showed slight remorse when he heard Kofi was murdered but he then went on to make sandwiches and live his life as usual. He is a sociopath of the worst kind. Michael is dirty. His layers of dirt may start to peel away in the final episode.
  16. I am not talking about "Adam's" character, I am talking about the actor Hunter Doohan. The "whole country" would conclude that the fictional Adam's behavior was indeed ugly but Hunter Doohan is not Adam. Hunter Doohan is extremely handsome.
  17. Ugly? He is a model and he is stunningly handsome.
  18. There is no way Michael Desiato can EVER come back from this. He is done. His actions led to Kofi's murder and the murder of Kofi's mother and brothers. he drugged a witness to keep him from testifying and he was complicit in dumping Trevor's body into the water. He has gone way too far. I think he will commit suicide and Adam will be exonerated (saying it was all his father's idea and he is a minor) and he will go off to NYU with Charlie as his foster parent. And I think Jimmy Baxter will be arrested for the murder of Trevor. It is the simplest way to end this series. There is no justice for Kofi. JUSTICE sadly never brings back a murder victim. it is an eye for an eye which falls under an umbrella of "revenge" and it only makes the living relatives and friends feel better. The only justice would be a scenario where it was all a dream and Kofi and his family never died and that will not be how this series ends.
  19. In fairness to the actor Hunter Doohan, I am going to stick to my opinion that he looks exactly like who would be the son of Michael Desiato. ETA: I do think when he is with Fia he looks about 16 years old.
  20. Yes I think he looks like a typical protected privileged private school kid right out of Dalton or Avenues. And he is very handsome; he looks like a magazine model. He may not be a good actor though and that might be the reason for the fail.
  21. I think they cast him because he is so handsome and looks so protected and privileged. He actually looks like he grew up with the best of everything. However, I also believe the part was miscast but maybe not. I have to see how the actor handles the unraveling of it all.
  22. So this show entered pandemic times. But the scenes must have been filmed out of sequence. In the courtroom, masks are seen and worn by a juror. And on the street, we see nobody masked and schools are open and there is indoor dining and no social distancing. How is Michael even allowed to be the judge in a case he is closely connected to? It was his car that ran over Rocco. I admire these actors who were so committed to the show that they returned during a pandemic to finish filming. It is also apparent the scenes were filmed out of sequence. Not just because of the lack of consistent pandemic protocol but because Eugene looks so much older now. He went from being a child to a pre teen (at least to me).
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