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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I liked this "pilot" very much. I will definitely set my DVR to tape the series. It must have been filmed sort of recently because the pandemic was referenced in a scene at that cabin. And during this pandemic with very little to do, I will get into this. It's weird enough to keep me going back.
  2. Ronald Pergman, a thirty-eight year old unmarried long-haul trucker, abducts Jerrie, a prostitute he meets at a truck stop. Later, while driving on the highway, he comes across two sisters, Danielle and Grace Sullivan, and kidnaps them as well after their car breaks down. Original air date 2020.11.17
  3. January 5th? Somehow in spite of how much I love this show or maybe because I love this show so much all I came away with is that I have to wait how many weeks for another new episode? I love Milo Ventimigila. Or is it Jack Pearson? And once again, for the third time, an episode ends with the same cliffhanger about Lauren.
  4. That picture was taken 30 years ago. She does not have that hair anymore. I am convinced it is a wig.
  5. Now I am lost. Who was the man Grace met in that restaurant who had steak and fries?
  6. Every day I change my speculation. I think it was either Miguel or Sylvia. Grace is too obvious.
  7. Maybe Elena and Sylvia were both having sex with Jonathan and Sylvia was jealous and killed Elena?
  8. They are sure dragging this out with each episode ending on some frustrating cliffhanger. The list of suspects is not that large: Jonathan, Grace, Franklin, Sylvia, Fernando, Miguel, or Henry. It's a crapshoot. I don't think Grace did it. She's a red herring. I believe Jonathan did not do it. I don't think Fernando did it. I am leaning to one of those two kids... possibly Miguel since he went to his mother's studio the next morning, sort of like revisiting the scene of the crime? They are making both kids look a bit... off. Maybe Miguel had a fight with his mother and snapped?
  9. The writers are trying so hard to fit every theme into the show and it is absurd. Whose family life and whose friends or personal life includes every topic or nationality and race? The only thing they have left out is catfishing and I am sure that soon somebody will be catfished by some guy who had a NDE and is now into the Mandela Effect. Actually, the dude into the ME could claim in his world Jack never died. He saw him last week at CVS buying Depends.
  10. I actually came back to this thread to post that theory.
  11. This show is really coming close to dragging itself down in it's own malarkey. It worked years ago but they are stuffing too much in: bulimia, what else? It is so much I cannot even list it all.
  12. This episode for me was way boring. They drop these enticing cliffhangers at the end of every episode and instead of following through right away on the next episode they continue the story of the previous cliffhanger with another similar mysterious subplot and end with another cliffhanger. I am really getting tired of every week waiting for these "teasers" to move ahead and advance the intrigue with some details.
  13. The actors who play the younger versions of the big three really have had huge growth spurts.
  14. I see endless posts about Nicole's hair after almost each episode. She has straight baby fine hair. I am fairly sure she is wearing a wig. And they certainly are making her look suspicious in many ways. All of them look shady. The fact that they showed Grace on the street in this episode 3 tells me she did not do it. I still now think it was Elena's husband. I actually hate these "mysteries" that are drawn out over weeks. There is something to be said about Amazon and Netflix who drop the entire series and let viewers binge watch. This weekly style is old, frustrating, and tiresome. I like to watch the last episode and know who did it and then back watch it. I think it is interesting to watch the lies and intrigue and detective work along the way if I know who is guilty. It's a great format for me.
  15. Much was divulged in episode 2. Jonathan had the motive. So did Grace and so did Elena's husband. Was it Grace's father? The list of suspects is not that long and the reveal will just close the case but not be a surprise. Unless Grace did it herself and blacked out.
  16. Well, now I think that Elena's husband did it. "It's always the husband." "The Undoing" is how that murder impacts everybody else and makes them all suspects.
  17. Please allow me to join that club. I bitch and moan how boring it is, how I am skipping episodes, and then on finale night when it ends I experience loss. I miss these dodos. What is this weird phenomenon? I get like that too with long running series, like Homeland. I had it after The Sopranos. I almost go through a grief period. Can we get a thread where we can talk about these feelings and help each other through this very bizarre mindset? I know there is a thread about the HGs in the media, so maybe that is where I will go to try to keep up with their lives. I am such a loser.
  18. I would love to know more about Enzo's back story. He has 3 kids and seems to have custody of all of them. Was he married with no kids when he was on BB the first time? What is RHAP?
  19. Yes I did say it was boring and I skipped many episodes. That is what makes my withdrawal such a phenomenon with me. I miss the people who I had the option of seeing for many weeks. I suppose it is like having a neighbor (who you not too often interacted with) who lives next to you for many years and one day they move away. I feel the loss of something that was never even really a part of my life. I am unable to understand the feeling myself.
  20. Maybe from your perspective, but I was delighted to see Cody win in a landslide. He made a great choice to take Enzo and it paid off. And Enzo (who I like) should be happy. On another note: I am having severe BB withdrawals which is weird because I hardly watched the feeds and skipped a few episodes because as it ran it was so boring for me. There is something psychological that goes on with me: These nuts must get inside my head in some way because when the show ends, I feel "loss." It passes in a few days every year, but this year for some reason I cannot get them out of my head and miss them. How is that even possible? Does anybody else experience this phenomenon? ETA: I don't understand all the snark above. It is not easy to be cooped up in a house with so many other people and I know my worst sides would come out. I think these HGs on BB get over analyzed. My worse complaint as the season ran was that it was boring.
  21. I am happy Cody won. I am happy because he made the right f2 choice to make sure he won. And that counts for a lot. I think choosing Nicole would have been a close split vote. And Nicole already won money; Enzo needed the money more. I like Enzo, I am glad he did not go home empty handed.
  22. I was not laughing at him. He is naturally funny. That is hard to pull off. I think they were laughing because his comedy shtik is priceless.
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