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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. This show is going off the deep end. Insitead of getting better, it sort of is becoming too much and ridiculous. Fia tells her father her new bf's name is Adam and Michael says his son is Adam and Jimmy does not connect any dots? Michael just keeps going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole and there is no way he can be the judge in the case where the defendant killed the man (Kofi) who they think stole Michael's car. The judge cannot be in any way connected to the case. And last week, Michael actually bought that boat for Trevor and did not think the purchase of it would backfire? And now to top it off, Showtime pulls a fast one and there will be no new episode on January 24th. Maybe they think the antiicipation for a new episode will improve ratings? What is the theory behind making viewers wait? it is sort of like Woody Allen's line "the food here is terrible and they serve such small portions." That's my review for this show.
  2. This made me laugh. In 3 or 4 weeks the announcer will say THIS IS US will return in September. And this season will end with a huge cliffhanger, like a new actor we have never seen who turns out to be somebody we have heard about. I predict Randall's mom had another baby and his sister will show up.
  3. I couldn't. They were in other states. Perhaps I would have if they were living close to me. I am impulsive.
  4. I am not sure about that. I have called guys I really liked in college to confess I regret never letting them know my feelings. I was too shy at the time to even talk to them. I just stared at them in classes and thought of ways to connect and never followed through. And it felt good to Google their names, locate them and call and spill. They were flattered. Of course doing that was no replacement for what should have been my behavior decades ago, but it was better than doing nothing. You can't turn back time. And there was nothing greater than having those crushes. It was greater feelings than being engaged!
  5. It was out of character because I believe the writers were more invested in protecting Chrissy the actor than in drawing Marc true to what his personality would have been.
  6. Even the Kate/Toby relationship is getting on my nerves. They both try so hard to be guarded and communicate in textbook ways based on how a counselor might coach the dialogue. People do not interact or talk like that. They "talk shit," they are rude, they are insulting. Not every word is such a major deal. In life, not every word is analyzed. They are all way too sensitive. It is unrealistic.
  7. I am growing to not like this Madison. She is impossible. Nothing makes her happy. She will create conflict over anything and everything and nothing will ever be enough. She settles into being a real pain in the ass. First she tells him to go and then she creates an argument about that. Then she likes the idea of a family and that becomes a problem. She is so petty. She just gets in her own way. She is miserable and unhappy and will drag every happy person down. Kevin was really being nice and sweet to her. In the previous episode, didn't she have some issue about her weight? Well, when a woman is pregnant gaining weight comes with the condition. She is just a real Debbie Downer.
  8. Episode 5 is up early at On Demand. So I am using a spoiler.
  9. A confession: I started out loving this show and still like it but it just is now feeling really contrived. And not because of what happened to Kofi. That is realistic. It is Michael. He is ridiculous. Episode 4 has a lot of filler and I am losing some steam with regard to anticipating the future episodes. The corruption (even the autopsy lie), the police brutality, the coverup, the murder of Kofi, Michael's endless web of lies, the dinner in episode 4, and the lies spinning slowly out of control, the mobster's vicious character... we see it all coming. Where is this going? It has to at some point collapse. An what next? Adam becomes friends with Baxter's daughter? (eye roll) ETA: And it IS Michael's fault Kofi is dead. Kofi would not even be in jail with a guilty plea if Michael did not cook up that scheme to destroy the car. And the only reason the brother killed Kofi is because the mother told him he killed Rocco.
  10. Yes it was Michael. I need to have my eyes checked, sorry.
  11. content removed because 1. it is wrong information and 2. it was answered
  12. Episode 3 had aired On Demand. This show just keeps getting better and better and the holes are beginning to be filled in. It sure keeps me on the edge of my seat. I LOVE IT.
  13. I watched THE NIGHT OF. I conclude it was not about delving into race relations; the main theme of that series was how a suspect with a pile of evidence against him, was wrongfully convicted and sent to jail. Naz Khan's ethnicity was not central to the theme.
  14. I am lost because Cusack and Cunningham look alike. I am ready for a rewatch. OK if Charlie realized (or heard on the news) that part of the bike fell out from the car, he would KNOW he got somebody from Desire to get rid of the car AFTER Rocco died on the "tomorrow," so he would then know without a doubt that it was either Michael or Adam who hit Rocco the day before and that was why Michael wanted the car disposed of.
  15. But WHY did they want him to plead guilty?
  16. Somebody destroyed Adam's shrine to his mother in that neighborhood. But that was AFTER they walked to the car. Maybe he recognized them from some prior incident. We cannot disregard that his mother died there. We do not know yet what happened or why Adam was scared. Why did Adam knock on the door of that house on the corner? I think there are too many general conclusions which are not based on the plot but are based on so many racist incidents from history and recent racist incidents. This is not a documentary, it is a TV show and I think conclusions have to be determined based on what will unfold in later episodes in this story and only this story when there are more details.
  17. Give it time. Maybe all of that will be addressed in later episodes. Adam's FATHER made his life more important... so far. (And at first he wanted Adam to turn himself in, it was only after he saw who the victim's family was that he did the cover up) We have to wait and see if this turns around. It is written so the viewers are siding with Kofi. Kofi is who we want to get out of this mess. He was abused by the cops and the gangsters. He is the protagonist who has our hearts. I can't even figure out why he pleaded guilty this is so disturbing. Maybe their white privilege backfires and they suffer terrible consequences that just keep snowballing. We just do not know yet how this will play out. Maybe Adam was terrified for another reason when he was there. We still do no even know why or how his mother died in that area. I am not rushing to any judgement yet after only two episodes. I tend to think this will have an awful end for the Desiatos. There are 8 more episodes to go. This will not have a happy ending for anybody except if Kofi is the protagonist left standing at the end. And by the way, Adam is flawed. He is having an affair with is teacher in his father's house who is a judge! Something is not right in that family.
  18. Adam is having an affair with his teacher?
  19. Why did the other gang member insist Kofi plead guilty? Did Charlie put two and two together and out of loyalty to Michael tell him to tell Kofi to plead guilty?
  20. This is a very difficult show to watch.
  21. Why would he face danger in prison if he did what they told him to do? Wouldn't they then keep him safe?
  22. Why can't this show have separate threads for each part? Is this now a discussion of only part 2 or all the parts? "where the Desire gang boss tells him to plead guilty and his family will be safe or else." Why did he tell him to plead guilty? I am already lost.
  23. I can't watch this: too triggering and it's making me sick. It's just too heartbreaking.
  24. Now I remember what it was. Larry used the excuse that he "was on the spectrum" when he did something wrong. It had been said previously be another character in that episode and this is where Larry lied and used it to his advantage just as the judge did on the bridge in this episode. Larry on the spectrum
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