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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Such a boring episode. I think part of the problem is that this show just seems stale. And that makes it unexciting. I can't see how they are going to stretch this out for another (two months(?) or even longer. They should (as somebody else suggested) do two evictions a week.: one on Sunday and another on Thursday and just fit in the nominations and POV competitions along the way. This is just unbearable and it seems so much like a rerun of a show you have seen 50 times before. I hated seeing Bay and Day nominated. I hate that the power in the house are people I just do not like: Memphis and Dani. I like David. I seriously hope they turn on each other and he is the last man standing as a floater to the end and the winner. I find him to be the only likable one in there....
  2. It is a high school mentality. Nicole A was bullied last year. Why? She is white. She was targeted because she was the season's weiner dog...
  3. So going forward they should always nominate based on race? I think the power is not determined by privilege but by an immature pattern of high school popularity. The dopey jocks stick together and the others are to them just "nerds." These jocks will turn on each other and then the nerds fly under the radar. That is how Ian won. And when David wins (which I hope happens) your theory will be rendered false.
  4. I should have included that they also nominate the players who are "nerds" or not one of the "popular kids" like Nicole A. Last season, Nicole A was targeted because she was a "weiner dog." They do not (at first) go after the jocks. But their turn will come.
  5. I think the question is moot because I do not think HOHs put HGs on the block based on race. They do it based on who the biggest threats are. Do you think an HOH sits up there and thinks: "Oh no white guy has been put up so Enzo and Memphis, it is now your turn." I do not understand the above logic. Eventually "white guys" will be on the block. This is not a game that is a race war. I am hoping David wins. I am rooting for him. He is actually the only HG I even like in there now. And when he wins, the order in which the others were voted out will not matter.
  6. Well the noms will bring some much needed drama... and also keep my favorites out of the crosshairs as the others turn on each other and it is about time. Ian and David can now fly under the radar as others are targeted. I want David to win. I know he is not an All Star but these All Stars are not who I want to win.
  7. I am sick of this season. They voted out a man with decency and integrity and I just know Memphis will be sitting with either Cody or Enzo at the end. I am going to root for Ian and Davonne and even David. I just do not want to be angry on finale night.
  8. It feels like I am watching episode reruns from many past seasons in a mash up. I cannot get into this season. The episodes are so boring. They talk and talk and talk and there is no real action. It is just ongoing nonsense. Even the HGs seem bored. There has to be major conflict with a lot of histrionics or it flatlines. This will be a slow crawl to the end. Once they get out the targeted weaker players who have no strong alliances, maybe it will pick up when they have to turn on each other.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I love this show and have watched every year since season 1. But this year for some reason, the HGs conversations come across as so stupid and moronic. Enzo with his constant "yo" and Cody seems to have a low IQ and Nicole is hateful and they seem like a house of idiots. I watch the news and then the feeds and with all that is going on in the world, these people have conversations that are good for a laugh.
  10. Well, if white guys win HOH and white guys win POV, those are wins fair and square. The three voted out were Keesha, Nicole A. and Janelle. They were women but I think they were targeted because at the beginning of the game the obnoxious players look to keep their alliances with other obnoxious players. I never really find the show interesting until these alliance members have to start turning on each other which is usually about 6 weeks in. I believe not everything happens within a racist context and if the choices regarding who to keep is based on race, that is racist.
  11. I have no idea what is going on, but wow this is one excellent series so far. I just sit back and let it all unfold and do not even try to understand it. This is fascinating and I do watch the episode more than once, but it is complicated. For those who love genre pieces, this must be one phenomenal ride.
  12. And is there a curse that says the most hated usually wins? Here are a few that had me so angry: EvelDick, Maggie, Jun, Michey, Mike M... to name a few. I just have this weird premonition Memphis is going to win.
  13. Some of these HGs are totally invisible. Danielle, Enzo, and even Ian are not being shown that much. Memphis is totally obnoxious. And that is a strong indication to me he will win.
  14. I now realize I made a mistake regarding that and I corrected myself.
  15. Whatever is motivating Memphis's mind, one thing is clear to me. I can't stand the guy. I really despise him. He thinks he is going for revenge for Dan? That is so twisted. And who is he to determine if David should be there? I happen to like David and it should be clear that so does production and THAT is why he is back. I hope David is there when and if Memphis is evicted. Please universe, make that happen. I am just bothered by the thought that I think Memphis will win and it will be a rerun of last year when Michey won. On this show, the bad guy always wins (although there have been some exceptions). Memphis needs to go. Then I can start enjoying the show.
  16. Yes, I stand corrected. But I still can't stand Memphis. And why did he say he is going after Ian for revenge for Dan Gheesling? Ian won his season fair and square.
  17. I agree. But I think "his group" is made up of the HGs he thinks are not the "Weiner-dogs." (a nod to Welcome to the Dollhouse.) Memphis seems to be a bully. I would love to see David win. Gosh I am rooting for him.
  18. I just watched tonight's episode again. I DESPISE Memphis. Look who he picked for "have-nots." He picked the HGs like Ian and Nicole A and David who would be considered "the nerds." He stayed away from "the popular kids." And because I can't stand him, he will probably win. Just like last year. The obnoxious hatful dude wins.
  19. Memphis is so condescending. I am rooting for David to win. If he manages to not get evicted on Thursday, maybe they can target others. I don't like Nicole A this season. She WAS America's sweetheart but she was wrong to return. I think production wants David in it, so let's see how it goes.
  20. True. But generally not for half a million dollars and only if they have big money. The stakes are higher on BB so every thing they do is more exaggerated. I just do not see a reality TV show as any mirror for real life especially since much of it is scripted and it has huge interference from production.
  21. I completely disagree. Reality shows are for major "escape." If I wanted the news, I would watch Norah O'Donnell. This show is not about treating others well. It is about being cagey and cutthroat and getting rid of others so you can make it to the end. BB does not reflect reality. Many of the HGs were enemies during their season and after the show, they made up and became friends (e.g. Dani and Rachel). So I do not think it reflects reality at all because even on the Amazing Race, contestants have to do things to others because of the game when in real life they might be kinder. The producers had no choice if they wanted to move forward with a new season. They had to put safety measures in place. The news always came into our homes, And Big Brother is in the smallest way reflecting that news. Inside the house, it is business as usual.
  22. Did Julie say "three months" for this to reach finale night? I might do what I have never done before: just tune in on finale night and get surprised. I find it excruciating. I think the "drama" is what fueled this show and without strong emotional conflict, the show is pretty bland.
  23. For the first time since it began, I turned off this show before it ended. It was so boring and unbearable. It is like watching reruns. I do like David though and think he will go almost to the end. He is already flying well under the radar which will not make him an early target. I would love to see him win.
  24. That is my experience too all the way back to the season Maggie won. My favorites are always the underdogs and constantly fighting to remain in the house. And every finale night I am angry.
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