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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Of course. But, in the rewriting of history RM sort of weakened the struggle to get there. I do not think he did a service to those whose histories he changed, i think he did them a disservice. Suppose a filmmaker made a film that took place in 1815 and he showed a reimagined history with no slaves. I think that would anger many people because it negates the struggle and horror. It is almost offensive. RM's concept might have come from some "feel good" place but I think it backfired. Representation matters but you can't change history; you have to show the truth and that is what does more justice to those who lived through the nightmare.
  2. What a waste of time and celluloid this mess was. It was all shooting and killing. The plot was thin and ridiculous. The show really changed lanes and offered up a different show that looked like a video game to me. Total crap.
  3. I think this is one of the shows that would anger Spike Lee. It seems to be a white man's feel good revisionist story to try "to make things right." Best to not try to change history even in the imagination. Let all the ugliness remain. Why whitewash it to show how things might have been? I think in doing so, it sort of did the opposite. It weakened the disgrace of what happened to Anna May Wong and Hattie McDaniel. And they made a fool out of Rock Hudson. Ryan Murphy is so invested in his political agenda at times he loses sight of the flaws he creates in his work.
  4. There are two episodes left. This season, while produced magnificently, has been remarkable slow. it is paced in an almost diligent manner and sometimes it gets boring. What actually happened this season other than Bonnet being killed?
  5. What a pile of crap this season is. It is all fight fight shoot shoot and kill kill. It is awful, almost unwatchable. Was this made my teenagers on a Mac? it looks like a video game. There are no theme parks, no stories with guests and hosts interacting, but instead it is a revenge story that is excruciating.
  6. Actually, it could happen if they test the HGs 2 weeks prior to going into the house and then sequester them in a hotel room until the results come back and then move them into the house. If they all test negative, why can't the show go on? Julie could test and still host the show without any eviction night audience. I do not see what the big deal is. It's not like they would during the show be socializing with outsiders. It is a controlled environment.
  7. I believe she wanted to work in Russia as an American spy. I think she loves him but loves being a spy more.
  8. I hate endings so this hit me hard. Carrie is not with Frannie. She will never see Saul again and eventually, because eventually, all spies are discovered... she will rot in some jail there if not executed. I am sad this show is now over. I hate endings. They are so final.
  9. It is not up yet On Demand. Maybe because it is the series finale they are not putting it up so the ratings are higher for this episode.
  10. I do not think they are in cahoots. In this episode, Carrie was clueless about his asset as she searched through those red books. I think Carrie has no choice but to kill Yvgeny. I also think there will be some major shockers because after all this is not just the season finale but the series finale and all shows love to create a final episode that will be considered among the best.
  11. What I find hard to go with is that they shoehorned in an "asset" for Saul without any indication of who this could be in previous seasons. They stuffed this entire plot into "The English Teacher" and I think they should have developed this subplot more slowly.
  12. While I think many episodes are slow moving, this series is so beautiful. There is so much attention to detail. I think this season has been the slowest so far, and sometimes I move to thinking it is boring but then I sit back and just enjoy how quietly each episode unfolds. I knew Jamie was not going to lose a leg or die. it is interesting how they inserted a bear and a bison into this season.
  13. All of a sudden this translator is so key to the plot? The guy in witness protection surfaces with no clue that he even existed in previous seasons? What's going on with Saul? Is he a double agent? I am so spacey with all of this season's plot. I am lost but I usually am. I am lost about what went down with the safe house, so I have to rewatch episode 9. Then I probably will have more clarity.
  14. Sam Heughan has posted on twitter about his relentless harassment. He really is very angry. it is worth checking his twitter page out. I had no idea he was subjected to so much invasive and ugly activity.
  15. What a hot mess. This show sure has lost it's way. Where are the hosts in the theme parks? They could have created so many interesting parks and so many interesting stories inside those parks so I am confused why they would be so invested in this "revenge" in some weird high tech world. What happened to Nazi world? Will we see Vietnam world? What a disappointment.
  16. Yes! from Day One! I agree. But WHO is he working for?
  17. I think this show is very much invested in the final episode of the series. I think they are moving to some real shocker. And the shocker will be who the mole is. Was there not talk about a mole since season 1? My memory is not great, but I think they revealed one mole already. So who is left that has been around since season 1? Within that group, there is a mole.
  18. Seriously, how good can a show be when so many explanations are needed? I need a chart to follow all of this. Characters die and they are replicated or they appear as doubles or they are replaced within another appearance. What's enjoyable within so much confusion? Who is Bernard at this point? There are two Charlottes? Who is William's daughter? Dolores is Wyatt? And what's the point of making her a killing machine? The beautiful basic story from season 1 is lost. It was about the hosts and the newcomers. I could even see putting some story into that Nazi world and having hosts interact with guests or Vietnam world. But all this action in real high tech world is like a movie spin off from a different show. Yes! And thank-you!
  19. One? I am so lost I do not even know who you are referring to. Charlotte? Bernard? Conells is a host? I have to watch this for a third time I suppose
  20. I find it hard to follow with all the doubles and copies and trying to determine who is a host or real. I do not like that they moved the hosts out of the original setting for some vindictive revenge. I think all of the action should be inside the theme parks with the hosts interacting with the newcomers in interesting stories. I think when they changed the direction of the show to be about revenge in some high tech world, it was no longer the same show. Dolores as a character out of Mad Max or La Femme Nikita is to me absurd.
  21. I am finding this season unbearable. I can't stand that they took the hosts and put them into the real world. I can hardly even follow the plot because it is so convoluted. There are doubles of the characters and it is hard to follow for me. Who are real and who are hosts? I thought Stubbs was dead. This is so convoluted I do not even know what is going on and don't even care. This Westworld is a different show.
  22. I found the end of this episode so predictable.
  23. I believe that those comps have to be scripted (HOH and POV) and built well in advance months before the season begins. I think they are then carried in one at a time on trucks and set up. Some of the comps have very complicated parts and there is no way they could construct those as the show aired.
  24. She annoys the heck out of me. Her acting lacks real depth and seems shallow. But it could be the role she is playing. I despise her character so maybe that is it.
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