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Everything posted by rustyspigot

  1. She looks like one of my old Sims characters. I hope she doesn't have a bladder problem or can't occasionally find her way out of a room.
  2. Ouch. The venom for St. Daniel is strong. Will he be smothered to death in his own self importance? I would prefer poisoned self tanner (Kate are you listening?)
  3. Well, THAT happened. Will is a hot mess. the character/actor Why wasn't Derrick always in a swim suit? And he still can't get any ass? Salem is screwed up.
  4. And Will talking about Paul's airbrushed chest on the cover of a magazine? Try to hide that boner in front of your grandma, Will.
  5. Marlena dismissing Jenn with a throat clear. Ha! And today's fashion theme? ZIPPERS!
  6. That fucking elephant. At least Nicole is in a nice outfit as she almost gets murdered.
  7. Enough with the parents and the crying. I'd rather they just show the warm up show with Bianca and Latrice MOTHERFUCKING Royale. Congrats Violet.
  8. Say "Thrown/threw under the bus" one more time in Untucked, Pearl. At least Violet said her piece and then shut up about being betrayed or whatever on the runway rather quickly in comparison. At least Pearl didn't mess up the phrase like other reality shows where people have been thrown "OVER THE BUS" and "UNDER THE ROAD". Bitches getting thrown everywhere these days.
  9. I'll give Bethenny credit for that one, it was funny. Also it was nice of Sonja to take Bethenny's advice and find a Swami Priestess to light abundance candles with. I'm sure that's what Bethenny had in mind.
  10. "I was walking through an ejaculating forest." Oh, Gamble. I would have been giggling with Chyka with the repeat of "Petti Fleur's" theme. It was interesting. The dog race was cute.
  11. I was glad Adanna got her time, I thought she left WAY too soon. And she loves her statement boots. JLO was wearing old car wash flaps. How retro. Did Casey show up at any point? I wasn't paying too much attention. ETA Caleb. Ha! I REALLY wasn't paying attention. The judges performance made no sense what so ever. I shouldn't be surprised.
  12. I Still want her to end up being one of the five clones Stefano sent all over the world that one time. Check her earrings, it's the only way we will know.
  13. That was actually a good episode. Does this mean Will will get stabbed now? Fingers crossed.
  14. "It's like seeing Sharon Stone except fat... and black."
  15. Alyssa Edwards reacts to Violet portraying her in classic Alyssa fashion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvAcoBGxkN0
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is hilarious. I want to see that dance in a sepia toned dream sequence flashback that exists only in Will's delusional mind. Paul would also have an old timey evil mustache to play with while doing said dance.
  17. What the hell is the deal with that room service food Tori keeps looking at?
  18. Even with the new plot point Ben/whoever bores the shit out of me.
  19. Nerium? That's weird. Anyway speaking of weird I'm loving Marlena schooling Will and dealing with Tori. And her face is kind of moving again. So Alex is not THAT Alex, but a different Alex? Well that's needlessly complicated.
  20. Exactly. For all of Rinna's talk of Kim deflecting (which is true) Rinna is doing the same damn thing (and is not very good at it).
  21. Is there residual affects from the tunnel gas that took out Lexie making people constantly run into each other? Anyway Theresa and Eve are fun going to the church basement dressed in club wear. Leave Jorge alone, Melanie. I liked him.
  22. Rafe is pretty, but he has no purpose whatsoever at this point unless he is shirtless/Back at Caroline's strip club/only in boxers tending to the tulips in Horton Square.
  23. And he is completely wrong as well. You have to love those journalism skills. What's next, Paul has cooties?
  24. Ha! John Black can't read a room to save his life can he? One too many brain washings I guess. And when did he turn into Helen Lovejoy from the Simpsons with this benefit. "Please won't someone think of the children!"
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