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Everything posted by rustyspigot

  1. So I guess the ghost of Stefano was responsible for cutting off those Oscar speeches this year.
  2. Katie wearing a schmatta and neck tie thing like she got bit by a vampire. And then some yeti top on the aftershow. These Sur employees need to steer clear from creating fashion blogs.
  3. Carl just keeps on trucking along even with Padma's "Did you intentionally omit more vegetables" or whatever she said. Kwame, Kwame, Kwame!
  4. I want a revival of VH1's golden age of reality TV. ANTM. Do you have love for New York?
  5. I'm still annoyed they spent more time on the cyclist instructor instead of the boxing instructors. I might need to take up fake boxing. I would have liked it better if LVP was on a street corner in overalls when she said it.
  6. "I take Sketch comedy seriously!" Yes Ariana, your stunning performance reading your diary calling everyone lesbians was the height of sophisticated comedy. I know. I love how Lala discovered this wonderful new hobby called "reading". I love how Jax is still trying to convince people he is 36.
  7. Infrared sauna? You're from Wisconsin, Kathryn. Put in a real sauna.
  8. Gail was hilarious this episode. When your critique is (paraphrasing) "It was stupid!" is amazing. That being said I wouldn't complain about a full glass of alcohol being refilled.
  9. The judges are grading on a curve. I didn't really like any of them again. And enough with the teams!
  10. If that's the case take solace in that she will probably be dead within the year like Brady's usual random hookups with new women in town.
  11. When I hear terrine all I could think of is that episode of Roseanne where Jackie wanted to be an actor and had one line in a play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5WBmIbLK5E
  12. Phillip was playing it cool this episode giving all his teammates their own opportunity to fail. Marjorie wasn't as bad at the front of the house as I expected. My expectations were low so take that for what it is. Kind of boring overall.
  13. Witness protection? Let's make him a rock star! What? Making your models look like extras from Willy Wonka is not a good challenge concept.
  14. Sorry to see that big slab o' man John Wayne go. Purely for viewing purposes. Jenn? The Drew Barrymore sensitive girl needs to burn her acid washed mom jeans. And why did so many other girls forget to wear pants?
  15. I'll give Kyle credit for being able to do the splits. Just like I'll give her credit for always walking like an NFL linebacker. Rinna was backtracking so hard this episode. she almost made it back to Medford.
  16. Do you all realize the importance of matching socks and underwear? Now grab my ass.
  17. It was worth it to watch the epic journey of Poh this season. How she overcame... what? She left? What the hell was the point of that? Not that I'm complaining she is gone.
  18. OH! That could drive a lot of story and be interesting, so it can't be true.
  19. Ah, we have another patient zero this year! I really like that they are making the season quick. Less filler episodes. Po is GRATING. Speaking of grating, Idol superfan didn't annoy me because she was messing with the other Idol superfan who had no business being there (ON HER BIRTHDAY! goes off to cry)
  20. Did Kathryn's husband really say that he liked visiting "West Minister's Alley"? HAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, I can go look at very expensive jewelry and not buy anything too! Note to self, don't do a meet and greet with LVP. Everyone had the shit stirring spoon this episode.
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