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Everything posted by Dirtybubble

  1. Now you guys should know that Ru and Michelle aren't going to spill the good T on the commentaries. =) They are going to give pageant type comments because W.O.W. signs their paychecks. You need to get some previous season queens in there to really get the dirt. That's why I liked previous season queens, Bianca & Alaska, doing commentary on the first episode of S7. You don't have to be nasty about it just some behind-the-scenes stuff.
  2. Oh wow, I don't remember it being Mickey that said that...I remember that being an issue but huh, no I don't remember it being him that said it. Enh again maybe he just simply said the wrong thing and other people blew it out of proportion. Look I'm not saying I wanna marry the dude I just don't think he deserves all the negativity he seems to be getting.
  3. Yeah I enjoyed reading it as well and I liked the little behind-the-scenes tidbits about her and her sis getting on the show.
  4. True. Maybe he's the unattainable guy. You know the saying you always want what you can't have....well maybe Jared is seen as the guy no girl can have....*shrug*...the broken hearted guy that needs mending. I'm a sucker for a tender hearted guy myself so I guess I can see how that would be attractive. Physically though, yeah he's no prize. He's not Fug but he isn't someone I would consider totally hot. Ya know I may be alone on this but I kinda like Mickey T. I remember him from Des's season and he was one of the good guys. Yeah the Alpha Male bit can be off putting but he just seems like the type of guy who doesn't realize what he's saying or how it's coming across. He is attractive and as you pointed out with speaking to Lauren when she was upset....IDK so far he is a loveable lunk to me =).
  5. Um I would guess she simply wanted to stay so since Mickey was first to ask she simply took the offer. I don't think it was because she didn't trust Jared at his word... Yeah you can refuse a rose from someone and then that rose giver and just give it to someone else. I think by the time the rose ceremony had come around Mickey was more into Claire than Lauren that's why Ashley was so invested in getting a rose--so both her and her sis can stay. Whew ya need a dang chart to keep up with all this stuff.
  6. Really?! Tenley is 3 yrs younger than Claire? Huh. Enh either way I think both are pretty and maybe on a show like BIP were everybody is bikini model people can get nit picky with looks but I know in the medium sized city where I live guys would be tripping over themselves to be with a girl like Tenley OR Claire. Yeah she really is pretty but IDK maybe the guys saw last year's show and are just spooked by her clingy-ness *shrug*. Not to the extremes as some of the other people on the show but she can get a little "mine, mine, mine" when she really likes someone.
  7. Holy cow! I figured they just got married earlier and the thing for the show was like a 2nd wedding for them.
  8. I think she said JJ and Mickey were her only 2 choices and since Mickey said he liked her she choose him. I don't know why she didn't choose Jared first. Maybe she thought Ashley and he were already an item *shrug* They look similar but are different in the face; both are pretty but yeah Tenley is a bit older.
  9. I found this to be funny as well and to quote Unreal "sluts always get cut" so I figure she isn't here for long. Gah I can't get over the everyone is old and boring comment. If I liked Lauren I would say she said this because she is feeling like an outsider; she is accustomed to getting all the attention and now that she isn't she is feeling hurt and is just lashing out. That combined with alcohol anyway. BUT because I don't like Lauren I will just say she's being an idiot. So far I like everyone else. Even J.J. didn't bother me that much even though I got a serious case of the creepy-crawlies when Tenley & Jillian were kissing his butt for that rose. *blarf*
  10. I would, at the very least, like to see the recently eliminated contestant/s on the show to give their side of the story and how they are now, if they've found anyone yet, etc. I was kinda hoping Jillian would be on to talk about what she thought of how this episode was aired. And major dittos on the penis comment, good lawd honey that was just tasteless and rude. Again trying too hard to be edgey--please leave that to the experts like R.S. The behind-the-scene thing was kinda nice with Jared, nice to see him actually smiling for once, but I like the bloopers of the show so maybe more of that would be nice; show a fun, silly side to these people. And totally agree on the stupid viewer polls! They have to go and I question if ABC was actually able to tally up those votes so quickly or were those results just given based on what viewers were saying during Sunday night's episode.
  11. I liked this as well but I wonder with the addition and subtraction of so many people this season are they gonna change the opening credits each time? Are the new people going to arrive and then the opening credits run? I felt bad for Jillian. I liked her on Chris's season and I like her here as well. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea and it would take a special kind of person to get it but IDK I just liked her a lot.
  12. OMG like I needed another reason to hate Ashley I. we have to listen to her ramble on about "old people"?! So what is Kenley 84, 85?? Good lord what a dumb F she is! Her sister said something similar to this Sunday night I believe. So I guess this show is like The Talking Dead but not as funny, clever, or engaging. Actually I do like Chris Harrison as the host but totally agree with previous posters, the blonde chick is just trying to hard to be witty/mean and I just don't like the other 2 people. Can we start a petition to get Reality Steve on this show?! I too felt bad for Mickey T. He seems like a good hearted guy who just says the wrong things sometimes. I can forgive a slip of the tongue, it happens to all of us, as long as the heart is in the right place and so far he seems to be that way. Kinda like a loveable lunk head =)
  13. Dumb question: What is this? I mean is this a show that airs after BIP?
  14. Marcus & Lacey's wedding was cute but poor Marcus was sweatin' like a stuffed pig. I liked Lacey's dress but, and I know this has been said 100 times before, but WoOwzers her tits looked, just wow in that dress! She has the most perfect rack I have ever seen! I'm a straight female and I couldn't stop staring at them. When did Johnathon become such a sleeze bag? I don't remember him being that way on Katlyn's season? I thought I would hate someone like Mickey T. but so far I kinda like him. I remember him from Des' season and from what I remember he seemed to be a pretty cool guy. Yeah a bit of a meat head but he reminds me of Cody from last season of BIP.
  15. I'm glad the show is sticking with the fun, not-so-serious vibe of last season. It keeps things light and easy. I am glad to see Jillian back as well. I don't really remember her having a small chest before but from what I've seen from females who are really into lifting weights, the bench presses and such, while they tone muscle, you do loose some of the fatty tissue that comes with breasts. If it makes her feel more confident I'm glad she got it done. As far as the black box on her butt goes I think it's kinda become a "thing" now. Like it's part of her trademark or something.... OMG Carly what did you do to your eyebrows?! They are so dark and thick now.... I too have had it with the sisters. I'm not bothered by the fact that blonde/slutty sister wasn't on the show--it's just both of their personalities are so friggin' annoying! UGH with these 2!
  16. Does anyone know when 1st season will be released on DVD/Bluray?
  17. I've never been a Nick fan but I truly felt sorry for him during the actual episode and the After The Rose thing. Poor guy. Even if he is a grease ball to get dumped friggin' again; he just seemed to take it so hard.
  18. editorgrrl you read my mind! I would LOVE to see an Unreal version of RPDR. As you and I both know (being fans of both shows) shady judging & all to obvious eliminations have become commonplace on RPDR so I would love see to Ru's claws come out ala Quinn and see just how things shake down behind-the-scenes. Actually I would like to see any competition type of reality tv get the Unreal treatment. Project Runway, Top Chef, anything that is suppose to involve some type of talent.
  19. You could look at it from the standpoint that she knew what she was getting into. Especially having been on the Bachelor before she's not new to this kind of reality tv so she must have known that this would have gotten out somehow, someway and there would be negativity on social media. (sounds like an episode of Unreal) BUT if the stuff being said on those sites is that harsh and if she is genuinely hurt then I do feel sorry for her. I've always liked Katlyn and I don't fault her for anything she's done. And she can take comfort knowing that once BIP starts up this hoopla will die down and trolls will move on to other stuff. Does ABC pay for all those clothes? Does she get to keep them after the show? If so, sweet! Yeah she scored big hate mail or not.
  20. LoL--I have to quote R.S. and ask what radio station still plays Linger?? I would have to agree and say he bought the CD and plays it on a loop. I kid, I like the guy as well, even if he does have the inability to grow a full beard, (those patches of hair freak me out!) and I look forward to seeing him on BIP.
  21. I hated how the entire vibe on the show was tee-hee-hee those dudes are into dudes, tee-hee-hee. I really could care less what JJ and Clint's relationship is and Chris H. spent waaay to much time rehashing this b.s. again. Also to Chris H. revealing that JJ would be BIP would have gone over a lot better if we didn't already know about it weeks in advance! And it isn't like it's a spoiler thru R.S., ABC has been showing commercials of J.J. showing up on BIP for awhile now; way to stay on top of things Chris.
  22. Chet is almost a cartoonish evil. He is GREAT for fictional shows like this but I would never, NEVER, want to work or be in the general vicinity of anyone like that. Oh NOoo not....Madison (?) girl with the braids--she was the last innocent in my eyes, well except for Faith maybe. I too think Faith will win this thing but I use the word win very loosely because what does she get? A fake marriage with Adam? More t.v. time? Which all means more time away from her true love back home.
  23. As far as which contestant not listed on the show I hope eventually shows up: I choose other--I hope it's Brooks from Desiree's season! I think he is so handsome. If you cant remember who he is here's what he's best known for: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20723499,00.html
  24. She doesn't know what life-giving means. She's just trying to use words with a lot of syllables in them to sound like a deep thinker.
  25. This is one thing that bugs me about this show; I'm having great difficulty keeping up with who is and isn't still a contestant on Ever Lasting. It could be that I am just more invested in the behind-the-scenes people so when the contestants are on I kinda blank out, except for Faith but honestly that's because she has been given a storyline. I never thought I would type this sentence but Quinn & Chet are becoming my favorite characters! The way they go to bat for each other is nice in such a hopeless situation. Chet is an off-the-charts scuzbag and it scares me to death there are people in Hollywood who are actually like this but I take comfort in knowing these are fictional characters. At least Rachel appears to have some sort of remorse. I actually felt for her with her monster comment. Why do I feel like I need to take a shower every time I watch this show?
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