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Everything posted by Dirtybubble

  1. I didn't know that. Well I guess I'm just frustrated over all the pussy footing Dan did over this stupid decision. Dude its a rose not a kidney. Just give it to whomever you wanna bang and get it over with. I noticed this as well. The lower abdomen is a problem area for A LOT of women, especially for women who've been pregnant before so naw I don't think it's another bun just a little pooch because she's not fat. The thing is she wears the tightest skirts EVER so unless you have rock hard abs it's gonna show a bit. She's better off with a looser fit skirt. Don't know why she didn't just suck it in either....maybe she just wasn't thinking about it *shrug* You mean like Mickey Mouse? Huh IDK, maybe I missed it but I thought everyone was saying Mikey? Probably just a slip of the tongue unless there is an inside joke we aren't aware of.
  2. I neither like nor dislike Amber-she's just kinda....there I thought about this as well but remember Jonathon went back to Juelia and said that Joe didn't manipulate her, etc. etc. Now true it was basically because Joe bullied Jonathon into the confession but still he did say it to Juelia... Yeah it's because they had zero connection before. I only saw them talking once & that was at the rose ceremony where Mickey T. was desperately trying to get a rose from Juelia and tried to kiss her. She couldn't push him away fast enough so now this whole Mickey T. saves the day for Juelia b/s is just weird to me.
  3. Yeah that was Ashley S. I too found that stunt to pull Carly aside to talk to her about who he should give a rose to a bit dumb. When the fuck did Carly become the wise counselor on rose distribution??
  4. I highly recommend Hulu instead of the abc website. ABC has sooo many friggin commercials and unless you have lightening speed internet with the most up-to-date ipad/laptop it will freeze a lot. It takes me almost 2 hrs to watch a 1 hour show on ABC. I don't have that problem with Hulu though *shrug* not sure why....
  5. Wow, what an episode... -the date with Nick & Ashley S. has to be one of the strangest things I've ever seen. And I don't like that the producers are editing Ashley to be "the girl that talks to animals" Now that Claire is gone I guess they think they need another crazy *shrug* That whole talking to the crow thing was dumb and the joke is getting stale. IKR?! You would think after you are eliminated you were going to be executed! Between the sobbing tears and pitiful music playing--good grief. Well thank goodness Mickey T. showed up to save her from damn death =( I remember Nick from Ali season (way back when) and he was very attractive then. His hair was blonde and he had this awww shucks southern gentleman thing going on--it was sweet. Now, yeah he's had some work done because his face looks kinda jacked but he still seems to have a good sense of humor and easy going nature so I still like him.
  6. ITA on all points! I can understand Joe liking Samantha more than Juelia, that's just human nature but it's the way he treated Juelia that bugs. Not only overplaying his affections to her to get a rose but to then ignore her completely once Sam arrives is just cold especially when he knew how much Juelia liked him. As much as I dislike Dan for upsetting my sweet Ashley S I can't fault the guy for the way he handled it. He spoke to both her and Amber about what is going on.
  7. I thought that was JJ....Joe was asking JJ if he had a list of people whom he wanted to show up. I guess how this works is when you are chosen to be BIP the producers ask you who would like to meet and then try to get those people on the show as well...*shrug* Nothing really wrong with that but Joe is full of crap about this I didn't know Samantha was going to be on the show b.s. No you're not--I don't find her attractive either. Something is weird about her face...I can't put my finger on it but maybe it's bone structure or she wears too much makeup OR maybe she's just turning out to be as much as a douche as Joe is & that is making her unattractive. WORD! I would want her to be my stylist as well. Her hair and makeup always seems to be so perfect. Also if you go to her instagram page she has a few pics with a new guy--is that her brother or new bf? https://instagram.com/absalt/?hl=en
  8. OH SNAP! =D What I don't get about Tanner is said Joe showed him a text with Samantha saying do whatever you need to to stay on the island (which is kinda dumb of Joe in the first place) BUT if Tanner knew this about Joe before hand why didn't he warn Juelia before she even went out on the date? Why all of a sudden now the great concern? Made me look sideways at Tanner a bit and that's a shame b/c I actually do like the guy. I think he said something like he saw something in her personality that raised a red flag. I believe she was upset or crying the night of the last rose ceremony and it might have spooked him a little; maybe he thought she was a bit too emotional *shrug* IDK for sure and he's always been kinda vague on the matter which I think is what frustrates Ashley S. I mean saying our personalities don't fit really isn't an answer. But at least Dan did talk to her.....
  9. Glad to see the Ashley S. love here, I adore her as well and can totally understand her wanting to spend time with animals instead of people. I rewatched Sun & Mon episode and I kinda get the feeling that the crazy Ashley is putting on is a defense. People have said that she started behaving this way after her and Dan broke up so I kinda get the feeling that this is her way of keeping everyone else a bay. She's not the one to start blubbering & crying (like Ashley I.) at the drop of a hat and maybe she's too proud to show her emotions or maybe she's just not used to being vulnerable so when she wants to deflect or take the focus of what's happening to her she pulls this. IDK just a guess. I still lurves her!
  10. OMG enough with these stupid cliffhangers. This wait til next week to see the rose ceremony is tiresome. I hated it on Katlyn's season and I hate it here. Ditto to not remember who Megan or Amber is or Samantha for that matter.
  11. I've always thought that Ashley S. was one of the more attractive people on the show. All the girls there are really pretty but something about her sweet face--IDK maybe the way she does her makeup or hair *shrug* she just always looks pulled together & as a beach lover myself that's difficult to do. The salt in the ocean, the sand blowing, the humidity ugh it wrecks havoc on a woman's skin and hair. Blarf! I'm so glad I FF thru their date scenes. I hope someone comes by daily to clean/bleach/throw holy water on the pool and hot tub. This is why I don't swim in public pools or hot tubs, ya just don't know....
  12. ITA! He'll probably be on After Paradise but honestly that's it. I can only assume/hope his over-the-top douchery is to get more screen time but What does TWSS mean?
  13. Aww well that's a little harsh; she isn't dumb she just became wrapped up in the game. It's easy for us to see what a a-hole Joe is because the show let's us see it. But when you're filled with alcohol, little sleep, and all of your friends are pairing off then I guess she got wrapped up in the excitement of the new guy. *shrug*
  14. I don't really blame Joe for liking Samantha over Juelia that's just how the dating world works--I just don't like the way he handled it. He wouldn't even speak to her about it afterwards. That "I don't wanna" comment just sounded like a spoiled 4-yr-old having to go apologize to his little sister. At least Kirk & Dan spoke to their "girlfriends" about it. Yeah Juelia is coming across as a desperate victim sometimes. The problem is that is all anyone is going to see when they look at her, a victim. I know it's tuff sweetie but buck up and go out and get you a good man. Oh and the racoon and Claire thing is getting a little stale IMO. The phone call--I mean come on, how corny can you get. To me it's not funny anymore, just stupid.
  15. Tee hee hee! Yeah I'm on the fence about Jared. The thing that still bugs me the most about him is the conversation he had with Claire about her being 6, 7 years older than he and that would be an issue. He knew her age before he asked her on the date so why is it a problem now. While I agree the picking food out of the teeth is totally gross I guess Claire seemed to find it cute *shrug* and maybe that was her downfall.
  16. Does anyone know what everyone on the show is talking about with Juliea's difficult past? I vaguely remember her on Chris's season but I'm sure it was mentioned on the show. Sorry if this has been asked before
  17. Both of you are correct, Ashley I was referring to Claire's eggs not Tenley's. Gah I feel gross just typing that sentence. This just confirms my suspicion that Chris H. has no fucking idea what the hell is going on.
  18. ITA, he should have been eliminated for those comments right then and there. I would love to see Joe eliminated soon but I know my luck and the evil minds behind this show and right now Joe is reality tv gold so he's here til the end. =( I don't understand where Jared is coming from with the well your such-n-such years older than me so I don't think we have a connection.....didn't he know her age BEFORE he asked her out? Why is it a problem now? Or did I miss something in the conversation? And Mickey, Mickey, Mickey I still love ya but come on dude, hitting on Juelia was just desperate. And trying to kiss her?? Come on dude! I feel bad for Claire a bit. To see everyone around her coupling up and her left in the cold (because of her age I guess) wow that's gotta hurt. Don't even get me started on stupid Ashley I's egg comment! Grrrrr.....
  19. Really? Ugh I found him to be a total ass kisser here. The first words out of his mouth to Chris H. are wow, your cliff hangers are sooo amazing I wish I could go to your house to found out what happens next. Dude are you fucking stupid?! No the cliff hangers are not that dramatic and yeah you can go to pretty much any spoiler website and find out what happens next! *cough Reality Steve cough* Enh I guess he normally is a funny dude but IDK he just irked me here. Word. A NY Best Seller, really? I wish they would just bring on contestants from the show, these guest people bug. Ditto on the Ashley S. love & I liked Tenley as well.
  20. I just don't think Lauren knows what mistress means. It was as if she was trying to make the relationship sound more....mysterious I guess than what it is. Mistress is a more seductive and....maybe classy word than skank. I agree with a previous poster she makes it seem like she's in a Harlequin novel. I still like Mickey. Poor guy =( Yeah Claire did lay everything out for him and he just didn't see it but IDK I feel for anyone that is heartbroken and he seemed to generally be that way. Plus the realization that he is leaving is crashing in on him. IDK, maybe I can see how he just didn't want to see that Claire wasn't that into him. She seemed to be generally nice and sweet around him (hugging him and such) so maybe that's all he wanted to see. Juelia seems like that kind of person I would want to be friends with in real life. She does seem sweet, laid back, and simply nice person. I hate that kindness & good nature seems to equal naive on shows like this though. On a very vain note though holy cow the humidity in Mexico is killing her hair! She seems to have thick hair like me and I can sympathize--beach head is not pretty. Frizz city! I would be pulling that back in a ponytail or something.
  21. Yeah and let's not forget Lauren blowing snot boggers in her tissue. Jeez H. Christ talk about low brow =( Does Fleiss think his audience are 12-yr-old boys?
  22. Tee, hee, hee--true. Plus don't you have to be tested for that kind of stuff to be on this show? Enh I still think the rest of the group was taking what he said way out of context; I mean the scene with Mickey and the guy with the beard (Ben?) talking to Tenley about it was a bit odd to me. Dittos to the racoon drinking wine--too funny. And if that wasn't silly enough now we have flying crabs...WTH? I hope Carly really isn't that stupid....
  23. Well that was a weird episode. I kinda remember Joe being a bit of D---head on Katlyn's season. Wasn't he the one who was rude and disrespectful when Katlyn told him she wasn't in to him and it was time for him to leave? IDK, I just always got a douche bag vibe off oh him. And the date with Juelia was painful to watch; he was practically sleepwalking thru the thing. As far as Joshua goes, enh this sounds like screwy editing to me. He could have been joking about drug use or talking about his past or simply talking in general. I've meet users before and Joshua does not strike me as a current user at all! So I'm not really seeing why everyone is getting so bent out of shape over things. I still like the guy and I thought we was sweet and funny on Katlyn's season.
  24. I hate to admit it but I am really, really looking forward to tonight's and tomorrow's episodes! I wouldn't want to see it in the fall but now, with my fav shows on break, this is the pefect guilty pleasure.
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