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Everything posted by Dirtybubble

  1. Is there still an Untucked? Is it on you tube? Do we discuss Untucked here on this thread?
  2. I don't think you could choose a musical instrument as a subject. I think it had to be a Q&A subject and not perform a piece like an audition for a symphony, etc. Plus my guess is they had to choose from a list provided by the competition so they (the moderators) would have a set of questions already there for the kids.
  3. Shelia the chicken was the best part of the show. The thing with Jubilee is to me she was the one making an issue of her being fully black. The whole I'm controversial thing seems like her saying well yeah I said offensive shit, that's just me get over it
  4. I like seeing the Storybrook characters in Hell or is it purgatory? I enjoy the new creepy vibe but the special efx are just as bad as before; I couldn't get into the gateway to heaven scene because it just looked some DAMN CGI! From the previews it looks like they are going to continue with a Greek Mythology theme. YASS! LOVE greek mythology but I wish they would do the true Iliad mythology and not the stupid Disney version.
  5. Enh I don't put too much stock into what is said about Adrian on t.v. One day off a year? Really? *Pfft* I think it's a carefully sculpted image they are trying to portray. It's a shame really because I like his mom but for reasons I've mentioned above I just don't like him. And that's odd because it's usually the other way around. Right now I would be happy with a Claire and her ridiculously puffy dresses or Arnav win.
  6. I die a little inside every time I see the Kia commercials with Christopher Walken narrating. Did they fire the hamsters?
  7. What I got from it is that the soldier Dr. Hale was performing the surgery on was either a Confederate or a traitor (I can't remember which) and he doesn't feel that they should get any special treatment. Now of course anesthesia isn't special treatment it's a necessity but he felt they should just suck it up and take it. He said something along those lines when talking to Dr. Foster about it.....about this being a Union hospital and why should we waste specific medications on someone not dedicated to the cause or something like that. So yeah basically he's an ass BUT for t.v. purposes he's an entertaining ass.
  8. The only thing I got from last night's episode was Caila's audition for the next Bachelorette. From the overly dramatic confession during the hometown visit with her dad (how she whispers her feelings to her dad about Ben) to this b.s. Blarf =( And knowing my luck she will be the next B'rette
  9. Word. I wanted to like him but I just can't. Bratty is the correct adjective to describe him; I hated his smug attitude at receiving a perfect score while everyone else was upset about their low scores. If you are as smart and as self aware as you claim to be you would realize that other people where hurting and didn't want to see your fat ass doing a happy dance! Gah! I hate that I feel this way about a 10 year old kid but wow I just want to punch him every time he's on my screen.
  10. Good lord I have never been so happy to be old and married with turds like these floating around the dating pool. BLARF! I keep hearing this is exactly how the dating scene is; do people really behave like this?? IKR? I keep waiting for something, some little thing, to indicate he isn't the complete douche he appears to be on t.v. A show of regret for his behavior, a change of attitude, or at least see him get some sort of punishment for the way he behaves but no--he just skips along like he's king of the world. How does he justify his actions? Kids, blah =(
  11. I totally agree with all these posts! Gah with Gus! And I agree I feel the show wants us to like him but I just want to punch his smug ass face! And that is odd for me because normally I do root for the underdog, outsider, whatever but here he just comes across as a little weasel. And I find myself rooting for Mickey whom I thought I would dislike to begin with. Yeah she's got her faults as well but I believe she is a little more self aware where douche bag is just waltzing thru life screwing unrealistically hot chicks.
  12. Me too! I am all over this story line and my only complaint this episode is that there wasn't enough of them. I believe Mary and the soldier/traitor in the hospital was a way to put this story line of Mary's dead husband to rest. I really didn't want to hear about it in season 2 so hopefully all that guilt she was feeling is gone and she can move on to a new love interest! Well we all new what the end result was gonna be so I think this story line was to flesh out Frank's character a bit. He had a change of heart at the very end when he saw Emma there but I can't imagine seeing her with the Chaplain is gonna sit well with him (since she broke her promise about meeting at 4pm) and all. I agree I don't think Silas is dead. If the story wanted to end his character we would have seen him die but to see him struggling and suffering makes me think he'll be around next season. Especially now that Aurelia will be around next season with her son. All in all great show and I look forward to next year.
  13. This story line was confusing to me. Why did Mary agree to have these women at the hospital again? I got the impression to cheer up the soldiers....what? Huh? Meh I didn't understand this at all and the only real reason I saw to put them in the story was so one of the "ladies" could "talk" to the hospital inspector and convince him of something. Wow am I confused and probably naive. =( Me too! I'm a sucker for so called unexpected romance and I do like the way their relationship has developed. It keeps the idea that this is 1862 in focus and they aren't jumping into the sack too quickly. A nice slow but steady burn--how sweet! And it does help that Dr. Foster is a cutie pie! Meow. I didn't like him on HIMYM and was worried here but he looks extremely handsome with the facial hair. I am also enjoying Dr. Hale and Dr. Summers' characters a lot more than I thought I would. Actually I'm enjoying almost all the characters good and bad--Matron Brannan has got a sass to her that I love and to be honest we need a really hateful evil character that everyone wants to punch and lawd that has to be Silas.
  14. LoL! He's got the who farted face *tee hee hee* But his family does seem kinda cool and I just LOVE his little baby sister. Seeing her strapped to dad's torso is just too cute. I would be happy if he won as well. Plus I would like to see a kid win who maybe didn't always place 1st but who worked thru the difficulty and said in the game. Having someone like Adrian or Claire win just would be so anti climatic for me.
  15. I completely forgot this was on...who was in first place, who went home? I will catch it on a rerun on on demand...
  16. Asshole yes but if I remember correctly Aurelia seemed fairly willing. At least the one time we did see it so rapist IDK. Not to put it past him; don't get me wrong yeah the guy is a douche & I get Aurelia wasn't exactly enjoying the experience but as she told Samuel she did things she wasn't proud of...*shrug* Agreed. I'm glad it's not a simple Dr. Foster smiles at Mary and she falls head over heels kinda thing. And I have a soft spot for the rough around the edges kinda characters, especially when romance is involved.
  17. True but to hear Sam whine AGAIN about something he considers unfair was just too much. This is the same kid that bitched about the number of cards he had to memorize not being exactly 52 and then in another round that the questions weren't fair or something to that affect. Good grief get a grip!
  18. I don't think anyone here stated that the diet or life style was weird or unusual. It's the parents, specifically the mother, that bugs. It's her as a person that rubs me the wrong way for reasons I can't specifically state but as previous posters have said that perhaps she comes across as a bit judgmental (I'm paraphrasing) so again yay to Jaden and his palo diet but mom enh not so much.
  19. OMG I didn't pick up on that but you're right. Enh the kid himself (I can't remember his name) is great. I like him, he seems polite and sweet and yeah how the parents are raising him seems to working well.....buuuuuut.....IDK just something about mom bugs! Something about her rubs me the wrong way. I can't put my finger on it but something just seems off with her.
  20. Well it's ABC airing it so it probably won't be so gritty but HBO--oh yeah I would guess that is where we see the real nastiness of it all.
  21. EXACTLY! He said it himself the core of this entire thing is trust. Nobody is going to trust you if you are an ass or appear to be shifty. The fact that he made it seem that his investors were getting the best of him, as if they were somehow taking advantage of Madoff--well that is just genius! And I can't say this enough kudos to Dreyfus for his acting! It takes real talent to elicit so much emotion from us.
  22. I really enjoyed the first half of this series. I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up because I am unfamiliar with stock market exchanges but the show explained it well. Dreyfus is great as ever!
  23. Drug use will also warrant an adult warning as well. But this is PBS so they are a little more...conservative I guess is the word on their censorship. What I mean is this warning probably wouldn't happen on cable based show and certainly not on HBO or Showtime but here yeah I guess so. Word! I'm always expecting Tom to go batshit at the drop of a hat. That being said I really like the Pastor but my gut is telling me there is more to him than meets the eye. And I don't mean the story he told about the fight in his youth. Something else is there...
  24. I have that saved in DVR--glad to hear it was good. I wonder with President's Day coming up are they gonna air more American Presidents episodes-I hope so.
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