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Everything posted by Dirtybubble

  1. This is my problem with the entire anti bully campaign. I feel like self entitled people like Whit are using the I've been bullied as an excuse for bad behavior. I'm sure she probably was picked on in school (like 90% of the population) for one thing or another but to hide behind that and say well I do this that or the other because I'm a victim and I've been bullied just pisses me off! It undermines the struggles people go thru who were actually brutally bullied to the point where they were scared to come to school. Just bugs!!
  2. I'm beginning to think that TLC doesn't like Whitney either. You would think that a professional hair/makeup/WARDROBE person would be on set to help her out so why on earth are they filming her looking so rough? And for a professional dancer she sure did seem to have a difficult time. I've heard of people who are better at free form dancing than learning steps but holy cow it looked like they were struggling getting a few steps down. And then signing Todd up for a competition without even asking him first?! Gurl, text him at least and see if he is ok with it. I can't believe the deadline to sign up was that close that she felt she had to do it right then and there without running it by him. How rude. Especially if she knew that ballroom dancing might not be his thing. He's a good sport (aka producers told him to go along with it) to agree to this anyhow but seriously how self centered are you that you don't even think about what he might say first??
  3. Meh kinda I guess. They are ok I guess but I forget they are part of the show honestly. This is the first season I've watched this show but aren't we suppose to have a honeymoon suite....thingy where we see them? I guess we have to wait until another couple joins them b/c right now it would be boring just to watch these 2 together. *shrug*
  4. I felt bad for the young lady that went on a date with Prosper, Nicole I think her name was. Totally blind sided and to do it in front of everyone like that, cruel. She's one of the girls I like the most, pretty, sweet, what's not to like?
  5. This is starting to freak me out. Who walks the dog while wearing the costume?? I've heard of the underground society that dresses up like animals but I've never heard of one simply walking out in public doing mundane things like walking a dog (in the TX's heat no less) with that crazy thing on. PLUS if I'm not crazy I seem to remember this being in the whore house a few episodes ago. If I'm not mistaken one of the girls was sitting on his lap with full mascot outfit on. I feel like this is some sort of clue or weird easter egg thing the writers have going on.... Speaking of writing I don't really like the way the Tulip character is written. I don't know if this is how she is in the graphic novel but her story just seems kinda cliche' to me. Bad girl with broken childhood but has a heart of gold...I don't know it just seems kinda all been done before.
  6. He does get his dog back. At the very end its his dog barking right before the picture us taken. Also did you notice the painting he sold, the one with the sunflowers...... I think that is suppose to be a Vincent van Gogh painting!!!
  7. Love this ad simply because the young man in it is such a cutie pie!
  8. I used to take a spinning class and students would step in and teach the class if the instructor couldn't do it for the same reason the young lady did, we were all here at the gym anyway so we just decided to do it. They got permission from the gym and if I had to guess I would say the lady got permission from the dance studio itself to do this because unless Whitney owns the actual bldg. there isn't really all that much she can do. Plus like a previous poster said this is a reality tv show and there were cameras in the class with a different instructor soooo....come one just another reason for Whit to lash out *shrug*
  9. I could not have said it better myself! What an ungrateful little bitch she is! UGH it's pissing me off! Even if she knew those containers and food wouldn't work (which I seriously doubt) she should have at least said thank you, made some effort to seem appreciative, and be done with it. But noooo this bitching about him not knocking at the front door, having paper towels instead of toilet paper, and then the food and containers--good GOD I couldn't take it! I have to wonder when Whitney watches these episodes does she feel the tiniest bit of remorse or embarrasment for the way she behaves? Right now I'm watching this show for all the other people. I still love me some Baps and co. enough to stay tune but if this behavior keeps up I'll have to quit.
  10. Oh wow thanks! I had no idea about this show. =) All in all I like this show; it's silly fun and great for the summer. Kinda reminds me of Bachelor in Paradise which I like as well. I may be in the minority on this but I always like Taylor. He had a laid back, cool guy vibe going on--I dug him AND I really like the way he left (with Lisa and Ben situation) kinda shows a lot of class IMO.
  11. Good gravy he was a cutie pie wasn't he?! I was just coming here to post that! None of the guys on this show could hold a candle to him. Was that Hebrew he was speaking to her? Good ear. =) I got very teary eyed when they were reunited. I'm a sucker. Her running down the pier to him, her wrap falling off her shoulders--good grief it was cute! And what a cute kid she has as well =D Oh crap! Well that sucks! So were they ever married or just living together? What afterbuzz show are you speaking of? When does that air? Good question! Anyone got the T on this? Does Michelle have her own blog like Alex?
  12. That's Sam. I came here to post how much I like Sweet Sam as well. There are others on the show that don't seem to be complete douche nozzles yet but he's the one that stands out so far as an early favorite. I hope he and his girl pick (I can't remember her name) are a perfect match in the booth and get to go on their little honeymoon....thingy.... Yeah he said something like "you are my trophy girl" or something like that. Psshh! What a jack ass.
  13. I like them addressing the rumors as well I just thought the way they did it was a bit cheesy. A group of guys, one of them getting his hair cut, I mean really? Clucking hens in a salon is what we got. Sheesh.
  14. Ha! His hair really is something to behold isn't it? LoL--between his cemented hair do and facial hair I don't hear a word he says. Meh, don't like him but don't really hate him either I'm just kinda blah towards him. As far as Derrick goes I honestly had forgotten he was even on the show. During the first rose ceremony of the night when he got a rose I was wondering who the hell he was. It wasn't until he mention he got the first one on one that I remembered him (kinda). Another meh guy to me, don't hate but don't like either.
  15. I think Adore or maybe it was Phiphi did an interview about A2 and they said there would not be teams again so that's good. The cast, enh I'm happy I guess. Love to see Alyssa, Katya, Alaska, and Ginger again but everyone else it's just meh to me. No Dela, Darienne, or Joslyn?! What the fudge?!
  16. I've wondered if he is a bit shy/nervous/whatever around the cameras. I can understand how all that extra attention might weird people out BUT he knew before dating her that those where gonna be there so maybe that isn't it *shrug*. My guess is either he's a hipster doofus who thinks it's cliche to express emotions or get sappy. Or maybe he just isn't into her and he's being paid to be on this show. Maybe both... Loved that no one bothered to even get in contact with him about this fake funeral business.
  17. I didn't like the funeral idea either. I feel like they had the best intentions, Todd speech was very touching, but idk it just seemed to do the opposite of what it was meant to do. I agree that Buddy is an enabler but idk I still really like him. In fact I find myself watching the show for the supporting characters, LOVE her mom, but Whitney just annoys me. She's ok for a little while but an hour of her is just too much
  18. Puhleez these people are in it for the money, the end nothing else. Maybe I've been soured by the t.v. show Unreal but I can't take any of this even remotely serious. Having said that I do kinda of like the show for the simple silliness of it. It's a stupid little summer show about hooking up, drinking waaay too much, and getting some ca$h. Scanning each contestant for compatibility, put your hand on this iPad and let's scan you in....bish phuleez!!
  19. Well thank gawd I'm not the only one =) I have a bit of trouble understanding them as well. Not so much if they are only saying one or two sentences but if they are speaking exceptionally fast (that rapid fire style of dialogue). I can usually catch what they mean generally but if it is something important that I need to hear every word of what they are saying then it's a little difficult for me. I think it may be the accent being so thick *shrug* so I have to turn on the subtitles sometimes to understand them completely.
  20. I must say this is quickly becoming my favorite show for the summer! I am really enjoying all these characters and have already picked out some of my favs. Having said that some are starting to bore me a bit, mainly Tulip. I'm unsure as to why she needs Jesse so damn bad to pull off this revenge stuff. At least I think that's what it is. Unless there is more that hasn't been revealed yet. Enh, she seemed like such a fun/interesting character to get to know in the pilot but now she's been reduced to Jesse, Jesse, Jesse stuff and it's starting to bug! Other than that hooray to AMC, I think they have another hit!
  21. So is the Ruveal worth watching? Any good T spilt? I have it saved on my DVR along with the original airing of S8....
  22. Stealing this quote from the great recap Did anyone notice those giant jugs of protein powder were EMPTY! wth? If the idea is to add weight why on earth would you add empty jugs of anything? Either some producer told him to do this or Chad is a phony....probably both. I think it's simply because Olivia was the token villain of the season similar to Chad this season. Delusional or not both were incredible unlikeable people. I like Wells as well; he has a sense of humor about himself which seems rare on this show. Yeah he's a bit of a goof ball and I know there is no way Jojo will pick him in the end so here's to hoping he makes it to BIP and he doesn't loose that fun outlook.
  23. Good lawd they're really pulling out all the stops with the douche bags this season. I can't remember a time when I've hated nearly everyone on this show. Enh, it's like an early audition for B.I.P. I wish Jojo hadn't gotten rid of the Chinese/Scottish man with the kilt; he was a cutie pie.
  24. Being from a small southern town myself I can sympathize with Lola/Chay about not only being gay but transgender. It is still a huge step here in bible belt country. And I am proud of him for living his life BUT having said that good grief 2 hours of I don't know how to tell my family blah blah was too friggin much! Gah how many times did we have to be shown that it's difficult to come out to family. LMAO! Yeah I was confused by his comment about him being proud to look like his granny. What? As far as drag queen goes by definition he is not a drag queen so I would guess he is simply trying new things, getting himself out in the LGBT community and see what he likes, see what feels right. Dr. Now is correct in saying that is a LOT of changes for his body to go thru so I worry how he will maintain a weight loss regiment. What will the hormone injections and eventual surgery do to his metabolism and how is body processes/stores food etc. Enh wish him luck either way.
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