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Everything posted by Dirtybubble

  1. This is what has really been bothering me about this show! I've become accustomed to the serious nature of Mr. Carson & Ms. Hughes at Downton and how nice and tightly the house is run so to see a PALACE run by, what appears to be, the immaturity of their head butler, chef, etc. just seems so weird. Maybe the characters aren't fleshed out enough. When I see the head butler taking bets on who Victoria will marry and the head chef harassing one of the girls I just shake my head--not professional and not what I would expect from a royal staff.
  2. I said it last week and I have to say it again this week...ENOUGH with the downstairs drama! I don't know what to make of the head butler here. He comes across as so....slimy I just don't understand how he runs Buckingham Palace efficiently. And again I find myself comparing him to Mr. Carson who I am hoping travels back in time to drop kick this worthless group of people. And speaking of slimy--the head chef (or I guess that's what he is) is no Ms. Patamore! Give me Mr. Bates & Anna, Mrs. Hughes, hell even Thomas Barrow over this group. *Le sigh* so dreamy! I ate it up with a spoon! I am a Dr. Who fan so I was worried about Jenna Coleman as the queen but so far I don't find myself comparing her to Claire at all. This entire scene played out perfectly and it does help that Lord M is such a dream with his piercing eyes and model like cheekbones.
  3. My only request is that the names and Occupation of these ladies are shown everytime they are on my TV. I can't remember who 95% of these women are from week to week so I have NO IDEA who is speaking during their T.H.
  4. I enjoyed the first episode as well. My only real gripe is the downstairs/servants storyline. I like the head of household Lehenz but I find myself comparing everyone else to downtown abbey and nobody can hold a candle to Carson & Ms. Hughes! I don't know I just feel like there is enough story in the royals; the servants feel shoe horned in.
  5. I agree. I saw lenses not the frame being swapped out. Too large frames will surely fall off his face and break. A shirt or watch would seem a better choice, why choose something that would cause you to loose your eyesight?!
  6. Now that it's tax season I love seeing the new Turbotax commercials. My favorite so far is the one with Kathy Bates in it. It fits her perfectly. Besides being popular in the horror genre this commercial really calls to her recent projects on American Horror Story
  7. Super sweet! Loved the word cat marked out and mouse put in place near the computer mouse. It's easy to forget how difficult English can be when one word has so many different meanings. I too find it odd that you have to give these social events names. Why not just dinner with friends. What if you have Thanksgiving with family AND friends--at the same time?! Oh the humanity!
  8. The problem I have with Sofia Viagra is that she is friggin everywhere! Head & Shoulders, Cover Girl, Diet Pepsi, Ninja Coffee PLUS Modern Family and now that it's in syndication I can't escape her.
  9. See that's my main problem with the commercial. It's the idea that you have to have all this stuff to have a merry christmas. My grandma and I did puzzles together to pass the time. This idea that we need wifi and Netflix to be happy is just sad. Like I said earlier yeah if you are staying for a week eventually you'll need to check your email and a couple episodes of Stranger Things would be nice but good grief this crazy jubilation over Home Alone is just bizarre.
  10. Ladies and Gentleman I present the world's most hated commercial: (all though I must say I like the grandparents saying pound sign instead of hashtag)
  11. Ok so I finally saw the Xfinity commercial--GAH! It bugs me to no end. First the snot nose brats tweeting about how terrible to be at their grandparents house then Xfinity sending the message that the only way you will have fun this holiday or experience any kind of love is to buy all this expensive equipment and technology. Grams gets Netflix and On-Demand and all of a sudden everyone is laughing, eating gingerbread, and snot nose teenager finds the time to look at a pic of her grandmother when she was young & post it on Instagram.
  12. If you are spending a week over there then yeah some decent wifi would be nice but a day, 2 days tops, ITA with previous posters let the brats suffer or better yet just leave them somewhere else. This commercial drives me crazy as well. "I saved thousands..." yeah but you spent tens of thousands to get the savings. Gah!
  13. Thanks for the T! Yeah I remember reading some tweets from Paul indicating that he didn't care for Dillon all that much
  14. Hipster Santa! Yeah I'm not a fan either. And the sexy female elves with their pointed ears, what the fudge?? I used to work in retail as well and HATED everything Christmas related also. It's been quite a few years (thank God) since I've done that so I love Christmas music and such as well. The exception would be a few years ago and I had string of deaths in the family all in December that made me really hate/sad about all the Christmas cheer. It's great if everything is going good in your life but when you hit a rough spot it seems to be magnified by all this Christmas stuff being shoved down your throat.
  15. Looks like Target is scaling back to Thanksgiving. I just saw a Thanksgiving themed commercial with the Ninja Turtle toys. Not a great commercial but it's nice to see something Thanksgiving Day themed.
  16. Hahahaha! Good grief that's funny =D Saw this for the first time yesterday. A party for overpriced underwear and bras??
  17. Plankton! Will always have a special place in my heart. Mr. Krabs does border on evil sometimes but I really like the actor that portrays Mr. Krabs as well. Enh on Sandy. I think out of the entire gang she is my least fav. IDK why. In order for me it would be: Patrick Sponbebob Plankton Mr. Krabs Squidward Pearl/Mrs. Puff/Larry Sandy Others: Squillam, Old Man Jenkins, Scooter, etc.
  18. UGH Conner & Oliver get your sh!t together and get back together! Don't you see you belong with each other?? Oh good grief Conner in bed with Thomas--geez. I never really thought it was him in the burning house or under the sheet but it's nice to get confirmation. Asher & Michaela are cute together but it kinda pisses me off the way she treats my loveable goof ball =)
  19. Love the quick pace and no b/s of this season. I am sooooo friggin happy it's not going to drag in to 2017. Wrap it up and where done--perfect. Looking forward to the Lana Winters show next week =D
  20. I love these types of shows so I'm always happy to see the commercials. YUMMY Christmas treats are the best!
  21. I F'ing HATE that commercial! It just bugs me that we are too assume that Beneful's is so damn tasty that a dog is going to resort to behaving as if he has no table manners. (not to mention all the bad things I've heard about Benefuls)
  22. Its a Little Caesar's commercial, yeah its cute
  23. Welllll I wouldn't call him flawless. I've meet a lot of recovering drug/alcohol addicts who behave exactly like him. They really, really are good actors and I will leave it at that. Too good for him, enh IDK. Hopefully they will go into more detail as to why Eric was chosen and not Brandon at the reunion. I also though Dillon was more likeable towards the end of the show and I like the way he left. Everybody deserves to be #1 and if he felt that he wasn't going to be that in Robert's life then yeah it's time to split
  24. Patrick! And I mean fun, lovable, goofy Patrick. Some episodes he's a bit mean but when he's being a lovable dimwit (survival of the idiots) that's when he's the best
  25. Season 3! It has the most of good/funny/most quotable episodes in one season. Each season has good episode but S3 has the most
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