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Everything posted by Dirtybubble

  1. After the dud of S7 I am less than enthused about the announcement of S8 as well. I came here hoping to get some T on another All Stars! When will that happen?
  2. IKR? I hated the way Jaxson was flustered over no one on the street willing to stop and talk to him. Well if you didn't act like such a dork.....gah, I'm sorry I'm feeling a bit bishy this morning and Jaxson should have gone a long time ago. It bugs all the talented people that left and his mediocre ass continued to take up space.
  3. Praise Jesus! Mom and her teeth and A-hole dad are going back to Silicon Valley! =D Yeah too bad for Drake, he seems like an okay kid just sucks he has to live with them. I'm still on the fence about this. It seems to be working for Jaden and it does seem to give him a wide range of interests....and he does seem to have a very sweet, kind disposition about him so maybe so. His mom is starting to bug a bit with the wholesome foods routine though. I've known a few people in my life who live this gluten free, sugar free, organic food lifestyle and yeah they come across as a bit uppity puppity about it. Three cheers for Arnav! He's my new favorite! Any kid who is a lover of books is a-ok in my book. And yeah I can totally understand the reading in the bathroom for some dang peace!
  4. I rewatched the first episode and on a side note that woman has a big mouth. And I mean that both figuratively and literally. What.the.FUDGE is going on with her teeth? Gak pull those things back into your mouth. Of course I would never even bring this up if the woman was at least tolerable.
  5. Agree as well and It's a shame because both Ice Cube and especially Kevin Hart are extremely funny people IMO so it seems their talents were kinda restrained here. The scene at the very end with dull-as-F Ben was talking with Kevin was the best part of the show. *shrug* I guess this gonna be a staple on the show though because they did it with Jimmy Kimmel last year as well...
  6. Agree, Agree! I'm not really wild about Oprah advertising WW. I feel like it would be easier for her to do it because well...she's RICH! And she has an army of people tending to her needs. And even if she did decide to do one of these weight loss programs (which I seriously doubt she is) she's got a personal chef & trainer, etc., etc......
  7. If my memory is correct this is also the same mom who within 2.7 seconds of the interview starting yapping about how many books she had written and them being on NY Best Seller's List. Oh brother here we go with another parent living thru their kids...
  8. Tee hee hee! Louder tee hee hees! "Your like nothing can replace Brad...." UGH it's official everyone hates Liberty Mutual! =D
  9. Ok a commercial I HATE: Those stupid Liberty car commercials. I believe that is what posters are speaking off when they mention commercials trying to explain how car insurance works. The most recent one is one that really grates: the young, fit couple, explaining that husband ruined their "perfect driving record" by side swiping a food truck. Geez lady stop busting his balls over the shit. It may just be me but she is really coming across as a judgmental B---, blaming him that has DESTROYED their perfect driving record.
  10. I was hoping Tim Gunn would use his save to keep Violet (sorry don't remember her real name) but it wasn't to be. Now my fear is when Jaxson is eliminated that the save will be used on him. If we are going with the typical formula PR was doing while I was watching it then that would mean the least deserving designer in the audience's eyes is the one that gets saved.
  11. I was surprised as well by this; I seem to remember last year quite a few kids flew thru the math portion. I can't remember if anyone got a perfect score but when the moderator/host/judge mentions that they didn't perform that well makes me take pause. Now I know I couldn't have done any better BUT I'm not a child genius with an IQ of 140+. *shrug*
  12. Ok is it just me oooorrrr.....are these kids really not handling the stress this time around? Good grief kids flipping out in the first week. Between the poor blonde haired girl who couldn't even finish the round to that young man who was questioning if he got more than 52 cards to memorize....REALLY?! WTH did you think the people who organized the competition really slip you extra cards to memorize? I feel bad for saying this because despite their I.Q.s they are still just kids and the parents seem to be off the charts this season but come on--this can't be your first timed test or competition....why are you wiggin out so early?
  13. Wow the parents are really coming out guns-a-blazin' this time aren't they? Geez it seems like the majority of the parents this time around are off their rocker. But as usual I like all the kids and a few are starting to stand out as early favs.
  14. I wanted to revive this forum since Child Genius will return, Thursday Jan 7th on Lifetime YAY! I visited the mylifetime website to check out the kids and looks like a good group of cutie pies. http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/child-genius?&mkwid=s|dc_pcrid_80697649232_pkw_child%20genius%20on%20lifetime_pmt_b&utm_source=ltd_tune_google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=child%20genius%20on%20lifetime&utm_campaign=G_Child+Genius_Tune_Show_Search&paidlink=1&cmpid=PaidSearch_ltd_tune_google_G_Child+Genius_Tune_Show_Search_child%20genius%20on%20lifetime&gclid=CKf7v8jMk8oCFUc9gQodxCgHuQ Hope all that is fun and snarky will be discussed here
  15. I like the new Gieco commercial as well BUT this would be so much funnier if the mom was a stereo typical Jewish mom from Long Island. The loud, thick NY accent with the worrisome/guilt trip would be perfect. Mom in this commercial just isn't frantic enough for my tastes but I do love watching the squirrels running around the pool like they own the joint.
  16. I saw the Extra Gum with the 2 lovers commercial for the first time today and it is so sweet! I never ever would associate a stick of gum with binding two people together but here we are.........and the cover of this Elvis song is so lovely although the scenes of the young man watching his gf sleeping are borderline creepy. Here is the extended version
  17. The first time I saw it being aired was last night as well. Any good? I DVR'ed it because the Charlie Brown Christmas was on as well and I had that is priority. Enh I like it too but it's getting kinda old IMO. That is the same commercial from last year and the year before that I think.
  18. Hate, HATE the new Zaxby's commercials with the chicken mascot. WTFudge? Are creepy mascots a thing now? First Burger King did it with the...whatever the hell he is and now this chicken running around town? =( https://youtu.be/scO36LmE954 I liked the commercials with the Duck Dynasty guys in it or even Alfonso. Winning Dancing with the Stars gets you a spot on a Zaxby's commercial--sounds good to me! =D
  19. Congrats to girl who I will forget about 3 mins. after typing this post for winning =/ Good luck starring in Zaxby's commercials and hosting AFV or whatever the F happens to a "celebrity" when they win....
  20. I never understood why they insisted on making that man so tall. What does that have to do with the flu? I've never been sick and thought why the F is everything so tiny?! The moving slow thing, yeah you kinda do move in slow-mo when you're sick but as a poster up thread said the Gulliver's Travel's type of scenario is weird.
  21. How about AHS: Shit Makes Sense! Instead of just things happen in one episode and something totally different happens in the next episode and nothing the characters do, say, or how they behave matter because they will do, say, or behave in a totally different manner in the next episode.
  22. Yeah to spring this on the old man with no warning is harsh. Also the family should have known that he wouldn't be cool with this and would want something to eat that he's used to. It seems like a total disrespect to him. But like I said I think that's part of the joke. Nothing funny about being fully informed and willing to compromise =) The joke is him not willing to....enh like I said before funny in the commercial but not in real life.
  23. ITA!! This drives me nuts! I guess I understand why it's being done (to explain the plan I guess) but holy crap honey put your hands my yummy pretzel and I would go ape! I guess the execs thought this would be funny but I just feel my blood boiling.
  24. While the commercial is funny and I think the punchline is meant to be the old man being stuck in his ways and not "getting it" it would not be funny if it was happening in real life I think. My sister and her boyfriend are vegans and so for Turkey Day we have both turkey and a meatless type of meat. That way no one suffers through something they don't like. Oh and YES the meatless meat that is served is DELICIOUS! I can't remember what it is but it is sooo flavorful and not tofu-ish like you would think.
  25. ITA! In fact I had read last year retailers had a slump in Black Friday sales because of this starting the sales so early. And since a lot of stores open on at 4 or 6 on Thanksgiving Day now--well is it Black Thursday now? But I do like the commercials for small business Saturday. The concept is terrific and I like that it's a thing now. My only concern is that the general public doesn't spend all their money on Thanksgiving and the Friday after so that there is nothing left come Saturday. And I'm not preachy preachy here because I am so guilty of spending all my money during the holidays and the day after so come Saturday there's nothing left =(
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