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Anne Thrax

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Everything posted by Anne Thrax

  1. Someone might have answered this down tread, but Matt lost his job after Gina had him arrested for domestic violence. He'll probably do a little jail time behind it, since Gina did have some minor injuries. The authorities take that shit pretty seriously here after OJ/Nicole.
  2. Awww. Sorry to hear that. Of all the NY ladies on now, I like her best.
  3. I think you're absolutely correct about Sonja being kept on as a HW due to the pity factor. Dorinda and Sonja are Bethenny's hangers on because they respect her cash and will accept everything that comes along with being her friend - perks and burdens alike. Considering what I currently believe is their respective terrible financial situations, they don't mind puckering up to kiss SkinnyGirl ass when necessary. I'd be lying though if I said I'm not concerned about the direction RHONY is going. Same for RHOC. Heaven help us -- considering Leah and Braunwyn, these shows are going downhill something awful.
  4. One last parting shot -- Dorinda made such a point of shoving Luann's arrest and mugshot in her face whenever she approached Dorinda about her drinking problem. She delighted in torturing Tinsley throughout last season, and then this season Bravo gave her that vicious tagline "Like a mint in my mouth ... " which I think was intended as a sort of fuck you to Tinsley. So my idea now is, for next season Bravo should give Luann the tagline, "I might have a mugshot and a record, but I still have my job".
  5. OMG - they were anything but nice people. They demanded that Jason and Bethenny drive 2 hours each way twice a month to visit them. This, even though she was at a critical point in selling her SG brand, all while she was pregnant or had a newborn to care for. Jason did many nasty things to her (locking her dog in a closet all day is just one example) to drive her out of her property and he succeeded. He had his mother notarize a fraudulent trust that gave Jason an ownership interest in the condo she bought with her own money before they were married. They did their best to steal Bethenny's property and she was in court for many months to get it back. Ultimately the judge wasn't fooled, and Jason's mother was forced to admit that she notarized the document on a date when Bethenny wasn't even in the country. They were both shown up for the crooks they are, and I hope she lost her notary license over it. Not that Bethenny doesn't have horrible faults, but that Jason and his mother are total creeps.
  6. Bethenny has a habit of taking in damaged strays -- so now it's Dorinda. And Dorinda should feel like she's been taken down a peg or two so she'll probably take it down a few notches now in order to be BFFs with Bethenny and all the perks that entails.
  7. Hell, according to Leah they were together for 6 years -- he knows her. Plus her admitting the thrill is gone for both of them illustrates perfectly why he always seems to keep her at arm's length. I'd bet money he has a relationship that he's keeping hush-hush around her. Well said -- and so true!
  8. I'm so late to the party, I didn't even know this episode was coming. I read something online about it last week and when I checked, saw I had one last episode to watch. Let me just start by saying Sonja has been so cringe the last couple of seasons -- the clips of Sonja derping out were almost sad. Almost everything she does is calculated to grab the spotlight, from showing her bare ass to drooling over random men in her vicinity to hiding under a table in a restaurant she's just so embarrassing and mostly not funny at all anymore. I think how eggs are cooked and served is one of those things that most people are pretty particular about. Tinsley was brave to have even tasted those anemic looking "scrambled" eggs - did Dorinda dish them up with an ice cream scoop? And I couldn't figure out what that was that on the side? Cherry tomatoes and something else? Whatever it was, the whole plate looked gross (Hannah's favorite, my ass!) and I would have tossed the whole thing in the garbage. At least Luann's looked like you'd expect scrambled eggs to look. Those two are so self centered, I suspect that since both pride themselves on their fantastic cooking, probably neither one of them can cook a lick. I so agree about Leah's latest bizarre lewk. The make-up, the hair, the choker all just way too attention-seeking. Of course she has to make a big point to look edgy by wearing "sex" in big sparkly letters across her neck. Maybe it's because she isn't getting any -- isn't that what they say? The ones who talk about it the most are the ones getting it the least. Richard should have his own tag line -- I swear I haven't heard one episode where Dorinda hasn't mentioned Richard. She's so pathetic making everyone shout Happy Birthday to Richard. She's so far off her rocker. I'm glad the guy asked who's Richard. Sonja saying her eyes were rolling at Ramona's drink order -- but the true eye roll is the extent to which Dorinda goes to dwell on everything Richard. She behaves literally as if she must worship him. I did finally get a good laugh with everyone else in Leah's family at her absurd display -- at first I thought she was joking around. Crying because she's "never going to be walked down an aisle, Mom, it's not funny" as she stomps around the room. Oh yeah, chick is so edgy and chill. I'm liking Bunny more and more now that I see she has Leah's number and isn't swayed by her antics. The only one who wasn't laughing at her was Sarah's baby. Martin certainly pegged Leah's immaturity in about two seconds. Dorinda in her baby pink lipstick and garish patterns - ugh! I love Lu and normally she looks put together, but that star necklace and red dress with cutout shoulders that makes her boobs look like pancakes -- burn those things!! Oh Leah, in your dreams you manipulate men to get what you want. I'll bet money that hasn't happened in the last 20 years. I thought her black short sleeve turtleneck was her best TH look. Dorinda -- you have NO room to talk about anyone's fashion choices. So it was Sonja's eighth season when she started looking like a bag lady. I have to say she looks good in her TH in this episode, but it looks like it was after her facelift. Maybe that's why her face looked so swelled up and weird in some of the scenes she was in -- her facelift before all the swelling went down. Showing Sonja at the reunion she looked awful with her puffy face and too short unflattering bob. I was glad they showed some footage from years ago -- it's always interesting to see how much time changes everyone.
  9. I remember watching that scene, seeing Dorinda so pleased with herself after saying it she tried to high-five Luann (who was sitting across the table from D), who just grabbed her hand and gave her a look, trying I guess to make Dorinda see what she said wasn't funny.
  10. Thanks for this, Ms. Blue Jay. I know I miss out on a lot because I don't subscribe -- I spend enough time watching the shows and commenting on Primetimer, I don't need more distractions - LOL. EDIT: Of course she's got her hand on a martini glass and her boobs are on display.
  11. I know this is off topic, but my grandmother used to sell fine crystal and china. When she died she had 8 sets of beautiful china to pass on with lots of the matching serving pieces as well. My mother took the one I wanted, and closer (meaning physical distance from her house) family members took almost all the rest, so I was left with a fairly large set of a run of the mill pattern that none of the others wanted. I used it for Thanksgiving dinner several years in a row. I recently offered it to my daughter if she wanted it because she has a lovely home and does entertain some, but she turned it down. Times have changed.
  12. I'm not on Instagram or any of those other sites -- what has she been posting?
  13. I think Dorinda was absolutely taken aside and given a lecture on how to behave at the reunion -- which is probably why Dorinda kept the scream-spitting and accusations to a minimum.
  14. If Dorinda has met someone, you can be sure she'll be on her best behavior and love bomb the hell out of him until he becomes more comfortable and relaxed around her. Then she'll slowly, little by little, become contemptuous of his imperfections. That is, unless he's rich. Then she'll continue with the love bombs.
  15. Andy's announcement: https://www.allabouttrh.com/2020/09/10/rhony-season-13-andy-cohen-talks-dorinda-medley-exit-and-future-return/ Dorinda's statement: https://www.allabouttrh.com/2020/09/03/rhony-season-13-cast-dorinda-medley-exit-luann-de-lesseps-ramona-singer-chopping-block/
  16. I"m sorry. When I said skanky and sleazy, I didn't mean you -- I meant Denise.
  17. I think the truth of Denise and Sambora becoming a couple was public knowledge within days after the Heather-Sambora marriage breaking up. This was never in dispute as it was widely covered in the celebrity media, and considering her marriage to Aaron took place so soon after his divorce from Nicolette seems like just a coincidence she was neighbors (if not actual friends which I'm sure she'd never admit now) with both couples? I wouldn't doubt how some of her co-workers would think it was time to let Denise Fucking Full of Herself Richards know that (especially being the highest paid of the show) that the others failed appreciate her taking off during filming and essentially leaving her co-workers to carry the load without her, her frequent lies and repeated attempts to play the innocent likely became pretty irritating as the season wore on. It's just my opinion, since none of the other HWs have talked about it. But okay, so to you it's no big deal if she banged her neighbors' husbands. I think it's skanky and sleazy.
  18. Andy didn't want to poke the bear (as Dorinda refers to herself). I think Dorinda was told she has to get professional help in order to be asked back. Andy, knowing that Dorinda is never wrong, knows that she won't get professional help and thus has nothing to worry about when he extends to her the hope that she "might be back". This way, Dorinda feels like she hasn't been made a fool of (which would cause a nuclear explosion in the Berkshires that would never be forgotten) so she leaves Andy alone, doesn't try to never miss a chance to make derisive public remarks about him or the show, and makes it possible for her to become a sleeping dog who's unlikely to cause trouble.
  19. Yeah, I thought that was a pretty stupid excuse and I can't believe she seemed to believe it. What was wrong with the pancakes in the freezer - doesn't everyone with kids have frozen pancakes on hand? EDIT: Does it even matter why a kid that age is sneaking out at 2 am? Were she my child, I doubt I'd be cool with any reason offered for having done it and there would be swift and severe punishment.
  20. This episode it was Sutton's party, and The Hair!! Gawd, I'm such a flower freak I was in heaven looking at all those flowers. Garcelle looked fabulous. She looks so much younger with longer hair, especially compared to that dreadful bob and head piece she wore to the reunion. I liked Sutton's hair and dress in her talking head better than the style she wore to her party (I'm starting to really like Sutton). Count on her to always make an odd choice for a party dress. Rinna's hair looked so good - I don't ever remember seeing her wear that style before. Dorit looked her usual sleek and chic. We rarely see Ericka dressed casual and I liked how nice and casual she looked at the party. What the ever lovin' hell is a tuna cigar?? It didn't look appetizing. The convo between Sutton and Ericka re Southern mothers was everything! Were Kyle or Denise even at the party? In her condition, I wouldn't expect Teddi to show up, and Denise probably wouldn't show anywhere with these ladies if she wasn't being paid (hell, she failed to show up even when she WAS being paid). The more I see of Denise, the less I like her. I'm glad she won't be back next season.
  21. Very old gossip? Yeah, it's no big deal that she has a history of banging her neighbors' husbands.
  22. Try rebellious six year old -- I have this feeling that Leah is one of those kids who were only children for a good number of years before gaining a sibling, and has never forgiven her parents for their disloyalty. Leah is still punishing them for Sarah. And Sarah knows she's a thorn in Leah's side and uses it against her (remember: Mom told me she doesn't like you). It doesn't get more obvious than that.
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