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Everything posted by Temperance

  1. Michelle is a nice name ( Mrs. Duggar and a few others a side). I also like they can call her Shelly. I'm voting for Mary or some form of it (Marie, Maria). Maybe they'll name it Mariah. It seems to be in the air right now.
  2. I'm not sure how Michelle will respond to Marjorie. I think there is a chance they might get along. Maybe Michelle could teach her a few cheers since she's homeschooled too. They could start a whole Duggar cheer squad for Jesus with Michelle, Marjorie, Joy, and Johannah (and anyone else interested). As long as Michelle gets to be head cheerleader, I think she would love this.
  3. On the PEOPLE article, I thought the most telling part was: Jim Bob: "We went to El Salvador on a mission together, and Josiah asked Mr. Jackson if he could do an apprenticeship with him, and once a week he would go over a few hours or so and visit with the family. Josiah maybe had some other intentions." Yeah like getting out of the house or wanting to know more about a career. I could believe he wanted to see the girl, but it just seems so Jim Bob to think it's only about the girl. Two I thought it was odd Marjorie took the lead in the announcement, especially considering we don't really know who she is. For some reason, I think she would or has or could be Peter Pan as in the lead in the musical Peter Pan. (Peter Pan himself usually played by woman.) (She looks a little like Allison Williams.) Anyway her style of the announcement reminded of Peter Pan for some reason. Three I thought part of the reason for Josiah's being sent to ALERT was his reaction to the Michelle's last pregnancy news.
  4. Yeah but Ben and Jessa also do inside humor and laugh together. Jill seems so serious. I wonder if she laughs at much of anything.
  5. So I was googling Sierra and I realised she's not a "professional wedding planner or coordinator". She helped friends with their weddings and realized she could help the Duggars since they're friends. I'm not sure how much training/education you would need to be pro, but it should be more than that. I will say for a Duggar friend, I'm surprised she doesn't bring her baby on tv. I like seeing Ben and Jessa laugh together. My least favorite segment about Jessa's wedding is Ben's design for the ring. His design is ordinary and not that special. I guess they got a special deal because they're celebrities but it still looks really stupid to say we're trying to budget for everything and here's this custom ring with more diamonds! I'm pretty sure Sierra that if you were a pro wedding-coordinator you could get hire people to work on the wedding. All the pranks! Josh is not the best singer in the world, but he has a nice singing voice. They should have followed courtship rules, before they renewed their vows. (At least in public!) They were a cute couple in the original wedding photo back in the '80s. Josie is five or four; she'll be fourteen or fifteen in ten years and she'll be nineteen or twenty in fifteeen. So far not one of your daughters has got married at twenty; it could be more like twenty years. I wonder if JB's plan is to have them all married so he can retire in peace an empty nester. I have this debate with my mother about mutual friends who talk about seeing all of their children married and I say they shouldn't be pushed and she's that it's not people are trying to push their children into marriage. It's that they want their kids to be happy and in general people think they'll be happier if they're married. My hope for the Duggar kids is the same for everyone else. They can love who they want to love, marry who they want to marry or chose not to if they wish.
  6. I too like Josiah. My memory is he was less prank happy than his brothers. He seems to dislike his father's mean spirited humors. I don't know if he's gay or not. I do think part of his clothes and what not could be an attempt to differentiate between himself and his brothers. I would imagine with boys so close together and so many of 'em finding ways to be unique could be important. Rather than being another Josh or JD or Joseph etc., he wants to be himself. It's also a generational thing. In the '80s and '90s (etc.) everyone was trying harder to fit gender roles. Josh, who is around my age, is old enough to be a part of that. People I know born in the mid-90s forward around Josiah's age are way less obsessed with is this a boy thing? versus people I know born in the seventies and eighties, who are way more traditional. I can't blame him for wanting to be called Si. It shows his intelligence that he has been able to find a distinguishable nickname when his name is the most themed or blended in of the group. He can't be by Joe because of Joseph and Josie. --Iah makes him sound like one of the twins. Statistically speaking it's unlikely none of the Duggars are gay and unlikely none will ever divorce. I hope things go well for these two.
  7. Sorry that when past me. I had a feeling they would want to marry a boy off next since they married off two girls and they have nine sons to marry off. If they marry the next three girls (Jana, Jinger, Joy) girls, then America would have to put up with them marrying off at least seven boys or so before they get to another girl. I hope it's Josiah 's choice. I think it probably is. I would prefered one of the older boys getting married next. I actually like John David a little (yes I know that makes me weird.), but I feel like basically he's kind of putting up with the family's show. He answers the stupid questions to the best of his limited ability and education. He may be afraid to say anything remotely offensive. He's seems a little shy, and I generally like shy guys. Josiah and His wife Marjorie will probably have the smartest kids of the Duggar grandkids, but let's hope they court for at least year or two. ( I daren't hope for three or four.)
  8. Josh said in the episode that aired this morning. (Sick, home, and watching). The Duggars were answering questions and then they talked about #20 as a happening thing. (Michelle was pregnant with Jubilee.) That was Joseph who was said to be courting Tori. Joseph is one up from Josiah. He is twenty. Which is still young, but better than 18. Her name is Marjorie, not Mariah.
  9. Everyone looks really blurry eyed. Understandably... Not totally loving bitchy Juliette right now but this was perfect: "I can't believe she chose to shoot someone on the day of my shower." A lot of times Maddie annoys me, but tonight she broke my heart. Maddie to Teddy "Promise me you won't get sick until you're really, really old." sniff Scarlet is usually dressed Prarie chic, but for one-on-one singing with Gunnar she's dressed in very sexy little black number. My favorite song of the night was Avery and Juliette's lullaby. No Layla or Jeff or Will, but I did think this episode was really good if sad. They said on the poll site that they would announce the name 4/15 so I was expecting that. I was hoping they would name the baby after Juliette's mom. Maybe as a middle name? But the poll has four choices (Bella, Blythe, Cadence, and Nina) and none of them are even close to Jolene (Juliette's mother's name).
  10. I don't actually think they are that bad with Derrick's mom. I think they even tried to include even she has cancer. They decided to tell all of their family members on the same day whether they were going to have a boy or a girl. They made sure Cathy was included and she got to spend time with one of her sons. Having experience with a sick family member, I know that often there is nothing to do but rest. I'm sure if the doctors at the hospital thought Dan and the cameras were wearing her out they could kick them out. (I don't think Dan is necessarily lesser than his brother or that his mother thinks "Gee, Only Dan! I wanted Derrick".) As for the wedding and why it had to be that day or the gender reveal and it had to be that day, I think that's maybe a Dillard thing rather than Duggar thing. Rick Dillard died in his sleep unexpectedly. They were totally unprepared and left his remaining family especially Derrick with a mentality of "We could die at any moment: we must make the most of each day, because tomorrow we (himself or his mother or anyone he cares about) might not wake up." As for why Jill and Derrick weren't there themselves that day, because they found out what they were having earlier that day at their midwife which is located in their home state. If Cathy is several states away, it might be hard to schedule both a visit to the midwife in their state and then get to the other state in time for hospital visiting hours. I am well aware and have experience with big families acting self-important. I also am not a Duggar fan much, I don't share many of their beliefs and plenty of times they annoy me, but this was not one of them.
  11. Some people who have big families in my experience are people who are socially awkward and try to create a group for them to hang out in. Also Michelle seems like she's still in withdrawl from not being pregnant and having babies. Usually in a big family gathering she probably held the baby and/or took care of the littlest role. With Josie growing up, she has no one to tend to and is losing her place. I don't think Josie seems smarter and more verbal than most of her siblings. However I noticed when she sits next to Jordyn, she does seem smarter and more verbal. Jordyn is number 18 and less than a year older than Josie and sometimes when they sit together she seems less verbal and not where she should be for almost (and now) six years old. Part of the problem is that Josie talks over her and interrupts her and Josie got all of that one on one attention while Jordyn was shuffled into the group. Also Jessa I believe is her buddy. All of that leaves Jordyn with less attention and less people talking to her specifically. Both Jordyn and Josie seem to suffer from youngest children of the big family, that's known for their babies. I think the family would feel lost without the littles to take of, and therefore they're in no hurry to make them grow up. I think in previous episodes Jennifer (the next Duggar child up, #17) seemed miles beyond Josie & Jordyn. Of course seven is a milestone in childhood development. Also some of Josie's siblings may have more complex emotions which make it difficult for them to articulate their feelings. (Especially if they're told they're happy all the time.) People noted Joy and Jennifer seemed wistful, it may be seeing their "mom" Jill move on that may have an impact their verbal skills.
  12. Joy seems to have taken on Jessa's role. the boss. Wait til Kynzie is altering dress for MaryJo's wedding. Or will Michael be altering suits for Marcus's wedding? Josie can do chores! All the labor scenes! The Duggars must watch a lot of their own show. Else why would they constantly need to give advice to their family who live with/near them? Or is that really for us heathens. JB on advice for new parents: "One keep your marriage strong. Two enjoy this time now when they're little, they grow up so fast." Yeah next thing you know Israel will be pushing a laundry cart around.
  13. I totally agree with this. Especially the gift given to Miss Cathy. I actually like that they included Miss Cathy. I think it was sweet. One thing I have to remember I live near some very good and well-known cancer hospitals. They did a good job with my family. Not everyone lives near the cancer hospitals. Some people have to travel a great distance in this country to get the medical treatment especially if the treatment is complicated or innovative. (Lori on Say YES to the Dress: Atlanta went several states away for her treatment: her family went on similiar visits to her side.) I thought it looked like Dan had to travel some distance to where his mother was. I know my mother treasured having her kids and other family members around when she had cancer. It's so depressing in the hospital I'm sure she was delighted to see him. I think Dan may feel he has to play ball with his brother. He also may not be particularly excited over gender announcements, but he may have liked being there for his mom. She looked happy to see him. I actually liked Derrick's line "I think she was surprised to see it was a boy, and that he was there and 6' 4" all ready." I think the idea was Cathy to find out when everyone else did. I liked that they skyped with her and only talked on the phone to Josh and Anna. It was better than it looked in the previews, but was mainly boring. They kept the girl's name for next time.
  14. I'm glad Jill and the baby are healthy. Jill looks great too only exhausted. Those bags under her eyes make me feel sympathy. I hope she can get some sleep. Maybe her mother can watch the baby while she naps. ;) The name Israel is not my taste. Sorry. It may be a cultural thing. Israel David sounds pompous to me. I wouldn't name my child Messiah, Jesus, King or Prince but then I know in hispanic cultures it's less of deal to name the baby Jesus. Speaking of J names not used, they did not pick Jesus. Ironically in the bible Israel's name was originally Jacob, another J name and not one used in the Duggar family. There's something about Jacob/Israel connection that I find interesting. I like that they decided to honor John David, because in general he seems passed over by Duggars, fans, and anti-fans alike. Nepaul is a boy. Nepauline is a girl.
  15. I agree with most of this. Only Anna will have four kids under six, not under five. Also on Ben letting his kids play sports, his mom Guinn pointed out at the wedding that Ben and Jessa ran out of their wedding while they were playing Arkansas Razorback theme (local college sports team). As for Derrick, like a lot of kids from smallish families he doesn't know a lot about babies (especially being one of two kids close in age with no close extended family as far as we can tell) he may be happy to let Jill "Mommy had babies in my teens" be in charge of the babies and guide the show (literally and figuratively). When Dilly gets older, he may have more confidence and expectations for his children. It may also be a pick your battles situation. Finally I think Derrick is infatuated with his new life, but that may change when the baby starts screaming, he gets no sleep, they're pregnant for the umpteenth time, they can't go a day with changing diapers, his kids seem bored and uneducated, etc. Derrick is at the easy part and the starting part and a lot may change in even five or ten years.
  16. I was watching the wedding episode again tonight. I think Jessa and Ben had the best wedding ceremony, but Derrick and Jill had the better reception. I'm relieved and confused that neither Duggar daughter had to promise to obey her husband the way Anna promised to obey Josh. I too noticed this. I think the fact it was a scavenger hunt all round the state would have made a re-enactment difficult. And long. Then that front hug in Thorn Crown Chapel. Another big difference is the lack of the covenant marriage or at least the mention of one. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that Jim Bob wanted to make sure the college educated with a good job would find it harder to divorce than the 19 year old dude with out as much education and a good job.
  17. Maybe if she goes a week or more over with each of 'em after announcing the due date two months in. When every pregnancy is record-breakingly long (sarcasm, I know this one wasn't), then it's breaking news. Glad she's in labor though. I wonder if she's disappointed it's not Easter.
  18. I personally think Jessa is pregnant based on the photo she and Ben took. I don't think she's five months. I think more like one or two. I wonder if her pregnancy announcement is being stalled on account of Jill's baby. Jessa announced her engagement when Jill announced her pregnancy. Jill got the cover of People and Jessa's engagement was a side bar in the magazine. I'm wondering if Jill's baby is going to have his picture in People (this time sans Utero) and Aunt Jessa will get a side bar saying she's pregnant.
  19. According to wikipedia, Jimmy Lee Duggar (Jim Bob's father) was born in 1936 and died in 2009. I think 9 6 2009, might mean September 6 2009. Didn't see the dates. I know they showed his funeral on the show. He died 3 months before Josie was born. Josie according to wikipedia is currently five, but four at the time of the wedding. As for being a lurker, welcome to the Duggar forum.
  20. Kudos to Baby Dillard for not being born to upstage the airing of Aunt Jessa's wedding. That's tact not usually seen in a Duggar. Must be a Dillard thing.
  21. Thoughts while watching the wedding: Budget talk. Okay so staying on budget is impressive when you have actual numbers of what people are spending and saving, when you know what the budget is, and how they arrived at the budget. Who was the young Duggar man talking about being a groomsman? I think the wedding march has been given the musical equivalent to being blinged out. Does Sierra look pregnant again to anyone else? She is a close friend of the Duggars. Who gives this woman? They should have gone with Jinger and her buddy group: Jordyn and Justin? I wonder what exactly were Jinger's lowest points. I don't think we need the James and Jason cams. If I were TLC I would have saved that for John David's wedding. I wonder if the Duggar girls know taking pictures while cold makes your pores smaller. Jessa looks like Elizabeth Berkley (probably someone has said, but with her face made up, it's particularly easy to spot.) Since the producers asked the family to describe a lot in one word I thought I'd try: The budget in one word: pretentious Jim-Bob "giving his daughters away": possessive Jessa on not having a chaperone: glowing Michelle as mother of the bride: Cheerleader (The protein bar and helping her not smudge make-up) the wedding vows: modern (surprisingly I always remember Josh and Anna's wedding where Anna promised to obey Josh. ) I thought it was sleazy that the way the minister described the three hour kiss. When they drank the water, I was thinking I know they don't believe in alcohol, but he's not legal drinking age.
  22. So I finally saw the video she made yesterday or Sunday. Poor Jill! Have the baby already.
  23. So my feelings are mixed too. I am hopeful overall. Louis CK and Amy Schumer would not have been on my list (nothing against them personally.) Fey and Pohler yep. Fey and Poehler would have been higher choices for me. Also Jason and Samantha Bee. Jordan is not my favorite. I worry Noah as foreigner and a black man will receive more hatred from the right wing/Faux news. To use an analogy, I'm worried Noah will be to Stewart as Obama is and has been to Clinton. (I feel like the right wing is a lot more tough on Obama than they were Clinton.) In terms of the quality of the show, I think that they're losing a lot of great people. Jason, Jon, Oliver, etc. I like Aasif and Jessica, who are both wonderfully talented people, but I think they need more. Part of what made Stewart great was having the very talented sporting cast, Williams, Mandvi, Jones, Carell, COLBERT. I would like to see some talented new side players in addition to current MVPS Aasif and Jessica.
  24. I personally don't think she's had the baby. I don't think anyone in this (The Duggar) family keeps secrets that well, especially good news. The secrets they keep are stuff they're trying to conceal. I think she didn't have the baby yesterday, but I could be wrong. I do think she could be in labor right now and we wouldn't know exactly. I also think they might hold off on the press with 3:00 am announcement and wait until morning. Given the constant surge of articles about her over the past week, I find hard to believe she's had the baby already.
  25. Is anyone sure his name was Richard? I heard his name was Rick. I know Rick is a nickname for Richard (I watch Castle), but people do give nicknames as formal names. A lot of Jacks aren't John for example. I also never seen any article or heard anything to indicate Derrick's father was actually Richard. (I googled this quite a bit.) I think his name was Rick. Jim Bob, on the other hand, is definitely James Robert. Regardless whether Derrick's father was Richard or Rick, Rick seems the name that Derrick's father most used. DerRICK seems to be in part named for him. Hence Rick James Who also a singer from the '60s, '70s, and '80s. The only song I really know of his is SuperFreak.
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