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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. Tali was a different character in this episode (with the exception of driving to school with her boyfriend). She could not stand Sarah in prior episodes so I found it highly unlikely that she would allow Sarah to help her with the application to the Canadian school. I hope that TPTB realize that the focus on Jess's home life is a mistake and send Tali off to school. They have unfortunately exiled her other grandparents with not even a mention of their names - which was apparent and annoying. Perhaps they plan to shift the "home" focus to Kristen's or Barnes' families?
  2. LisaM

    Season 04

    Scola is my favorite character. I still don't see the point of having 3 chiefs: Rina, Isobel and Jubal. I liked Tiffany a lot more in this episode than previously.
  3. Finished third and final season of Forbrydelsen last night. This was the original Danish show which sparked the Nordic Noir genre (and the American remake called The Killing). It streams on Topic. The three seasons have 40 episodes in total. Definitely recommended. Edited to add: A new season of Whitstable Pearl has been ordered. https://deadline.com/2021/11/acorn-second-series-whitstable-pearl-1234881149/
  4. I was just pleased not to see Dale, who I cannot stand.
  5. I thought that the IA person became an ally very quickly. Didn't seem realistic.
  6. Season 3 of Candice Renoir coming to Acorn in December.
  7. I believe that I saw a blurb indicating that there will be a new episode of Agatha Raisin released prior to Christmas with the remaining new episodes dropping in 2022.
  8. Apologies for the double post. Am deep into Forbrydelsen (the original of The Killing) on Topic. 20 episodes in Season 1 - which may be why it drags a little bit - but still highly compelling. I did not love the remake of The Killing and this is far superior so far.
  9. I thought that Billy was a bit less "slow" this episode. Really liked his interactions with George. That look between Brenda and George was significant. This was the least we have seen of Mary in many episodes. She usually has a bigger part -- although her Jesus song with Pastor Jeff was hilarious. Can't stand Dale - he makes Meemaw less likeable. Richard Kind's character and Dr. Sturgis both soften her up a lot.
  10. This was a good episode although I knew the killer was Georgina Reilly from Murdoch Mysteries as soon as she appeared. If the doctor is indeed dead, nice twist.
  11. I just finished Season 2 and am in love with this show. I prefer the ghosts here to the ones on the new US version. The people who created the show (and wrote some of the episodes) also portray many of the ghosts - which is really terrific.
  12. Finished The Long Call last night. It was just okay, I expected more from a series whose creator was responsible for Vera and Shetland. I had read the first book - which I also thought was just okay. I was not invested in either Matthew Venn or the DS - whose name I have already forgotten. I'm not sure that the character of Matthew Venn is strong or distinctive enough to carry a series. From the book, I remember that there was friction between Matthew and Jonathan over the latter's job at the Woodyard and the investigation. That friction was almost completely cut out in the show. Going to start Manhunt Series 2 tonight.
  13. Good finale. Guillermo is so close to finally getting what he wants... I hope he likes Oreos. So glad that Nadja took the Doll with her. Not a huge Colin Robinson fan but very interesting way to set up next season.
  14. Watching The Long Call on Britbox. It's good but not the same quality as Vera and Shetland. I've finished 2 episodes so far.
  15. The former owner of the Laundromat looked like Horace from Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
  16. Have liked Andrea Navedo since JTV so very happy to see her again. I like her relationship with Eliot. Always fun to see Parker and Eliot together.
  17. I really like the evolving relationship between Alexa and Madison. Horrible to say but Renee looked very different from her time as Gabrielle - - the red hair really threw me and she definitely looked older than Lucy.
  18. Danielle Pinnock... She is excellent in both shows.
  19. Bingo... I had the same thought immediately.
  20. Really liked the Addison/Amelia conversation - the best example of adult friendship in a very long time. It sounds terrible to say but no interest in Owen's storyline (other than acknowledging the horrible way that this country treats its vets). Jo looks terrible with her new hair. I did like her with the patient and delivering the baby in a difficult situation. The residents are bozos. If Seattle Grace is this cutting edge teaching hospital (a la Johns Hopkins and the big Boston and NYC teaching hospitals), they would never have had this level of residents. Those positions are so coveted and the competition to get into one of these programs is fierce. These residents would be in some community hospital in the boondocks. They are boring and ridiculous to watch. I agree with the poster(s) above that there would be a huge malpractice action if a resident killed/severely injured someone while operating alone.
  21. I don't recall George mentioning to Mary how nice she looked in her date night dress? At least one of the kids said something. Do not like Dale - too sarcastic and bitter. Contrasting Dropout Georgie with PhD Linkletter being rousted from a park bench was quite good. Nice to see the Principal again. I would love to see some of the snarky teachers but at least one has gone on to other principal cast roles elsewhere (on Ghosts, for example).
  22. Loved it... Especially Sophie.. But not the bees (phobia).
  23. I think her name is Tracy-Ann Oberman. She played Fiona Kennedy on New Tricks (which I highly recommend - especially the early seasons).
  24. I just watched the last episode of Season 22 (at the Psychic Faire). Didn't love it although it was nice to see Colin Salmon and the woman who played the girlfriend of one of the new retired cops in New Tricks. Could not get into the whole psychic/spiritual part and figured out the murderer pretty early on.
  25. Agreed. I am watching the UK and US versions at the same time. She strikes me as the worst ghost in both shows.
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