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Everything posted by cherrypj

  1. This article, Behind the scenes of a Survivor marooning, was amazing. There's a bit in there about Jimmy Quigley, the guy that actually hides the idols. I'm pretty sure he cleans out the holes and rocks thoroughly. I certainly would!
  2. I'm re-watching season 29 right now, and she's a badass. Calling out Rocker, Drew, etc. Jeremy hasn't been eliminated yet, so Natalie's full-on Mel Gibson in Payback/Braveheart/whatever persona hasn't yet surfaced, but it's coming. Oh, yes.
  3. The One Where Rachel Finds Out has Chandler at his stumbling best. Chandler: Come on, Ross? Remember back in college, when he fell in love with Carol and bought her that ridiculously expensive crystal duck? [Everyone looks at him. He realizes he just spilled the beans about Ross's crush on Rachel.] Rachel: What did you just say? Ch: [panicked] ahem... um... Crystal duck. R: No, no, no.... the, um, the... 'love' part? Ch: [stuttering incoherently] F-hah.... flennin....
  4. I really enjoyed those, too, but haven't picked up any others by Bardugo. I just finished The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons. It's good: sprawling, great world-building, includes a map and a glossary (de rigueur for fantasy!), if overhyped. But dammit, it's book one of five, and I broke my rule that I'll not read a series that's not finished.
  5. How do you burn out on dead people? (Serious question!) They're not exactly publishing anything new.
  6. You're not wrong. The collapse of threads, I think, has led to the collapse of this entire topic. It's very odd to put things I don't like alongside things I do.
  7. The fourth book is even more of a slog. Couldn't get started on it.
  8. I love N. K. Jemisin. Each book in her Broken Earth series won the Hugo. Amazing.
  9. Vicious by V. E. Schwab: what a crackerjack of a book. Even had a Hell Yeah! moment in it. Has anyone read Vengeful yet?
  10. Wouldn't TPTB have edited those players much more strongly and favorably? Yes. I can see Kara getting a really nice, even heroic, edit. Quite possibly, "she watches in frustration as the Goliaths fall apart," she "struggles to keep her neck off the block by making friends with the Davids ('any one but me!')," and she "wins a crucial immunity challenge" (since Nick doesn't!).
  11. Or maybe there was really nothing there. Not sure what the difference was between this thread and the other, "no spoiler" thread.
  12. There are no captions. Someone, pretty please, tell us what John said?
  13. I really like Martin Holmes at Inside Survivor. His Edgic articles are well-done, even if you disagree with him.
  14. I love this quote: "When you point your finger, there are three fingers pointing back at you."
  15. I finished Magic Bites a few weeks ago, and enjoyed it. But land alive, it was violent. I don't think I'll keep going. Change my mind, as the meme goes! :) One thing I do, with non-fiction books, is look through all the photos/graphs/charts before I actually start reading (it gives me a sense of what I'm gonna get). In Big Game by Mark Leibovich, the first photo is a very un-photogenic picture of Mark Davis (Al's son), owner of the (soon to be) Las Vegas Raiders. Since I don't especially like football or its billionaire owners, it was an easy decision to toss it. (It was recommended by NextDraft, which usually gives good ones.) I just finished Anne Tyler's latest, Clock Dance. It's good and zany and thoughtful as always--I love Anne Tyler--but also disquieting. I always feel bad after reading about fractured parent-child relationships. It makes me worry that it could happen to me and my kids--no matter my best intentions. (Olive Kitteridge was the same way.)
  16. Angelina is clearly the villain of this season, deserved or not. But her comment in episode 8, about men getting credit for something a woman says first, was SPOT ON. Just for that, I like her a lot more than I did through the first seven episodes.
  17. Either Paul is handing out Hollywood Handshakes like hotcakes, or ... these bakers are really just that good. Given that Prue has been close to creating her own Prue Benedictions numerous times, I favor the latter theory. (Taking naming suggestions for Prue's version.)
  18. I loved this episode. It was just so well done. Humorous, great baking (blancmange excepted--yuk!), superb editing, plenty of Hollywood Handshakes. Just an absolute smile on your face episode.
  19. I'm a sucker for the Hollywood Shake! Love it. I stand by my belief that he only gives them out when really warranted (certainly not willy-nilly). I read (the CC is ALWAYS on) that Noel said, "bog water." Hmm, still not appealing. I noticed Briony's hand in this episode, too. She adapts spectacularly.
  20. Is there a Wagon Wheels US-equivalent? I know there's the Pinwheels marshmallow cookies--maybe that's what I'm remembering. These are on the list for my next challenge!
  21. When you tear a ligament, your body will overcompensate for the injury, going into full-on protection mode. Fluid will rush into the space and the muscles will tighten around the injury, causing a lot of stiffness. I don't think Bi will be able to move well on Day 10.
  22. That would have been a great season, if Coach and Phillip had ever worked together.
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