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Everything posted by Turquoise

  1. Mr. Turquoise has a hybrid-we've been together 4 years, he's had it longer than that, As far as I know all he has done is routine maintenance and a couple of recall items. He does have a spare tire (he has a Hyundai). The gas mileage is nice-my MIL still lives in Nashville, so he runs down for the weekend every 6 weeks or so. The first time I drove it I found the quiet a little jarring-it doesn't make the "start" noises I'm used to, and sounds like it dies at stoplights. You do get used to it. We're going to have to go car shopping soon too. I rarely drive since I'm remote, and I love my single-girl Mazda (it has seriously been the best car I have owned), but it's not practical with 3 grandchildren. We can't get all three carseats in either car, so every time we have them and want to do anything, we have to take both cars and divvy up who gets who.
  2. I reread it. In addition to throwing shade on Timbits, she managed to work in a blurb about her sister the crippled quadriplegic (her actual terminology).
  3. It wasn't just you...although I assumed it was staged since Carlin has quite a bit of jewelry on and her hair at least partially up. I guess she cannot see the disconnect between posting more than once about being in bed all the time, can't function, but then when it's Evan's birthday she's fine. All done up, and let's par-tay!
  4. I had a hysterectomy in March, for severe fibroids. I had to have it done via abdominal incision due to my uterus being so large (18-20 weeks "pregnant"), but since they ruled out cancer I was able to have the minimally invasive through my belly button. I was sent home the same day. My recovery nurse suggested I rotate Tylenol and ibuprofen every three hours whether I felt like I needed it or not, and only add the pain medication as needed. That routine worked well for me, and I only needed pain meds to lay down at night, and then only for a few days. My doctor also suggested walking, so I took a morning and evening stroll each day. I had to wear pj/sweat pants for a couple weeks, but I work from home so that wasn't a huge deal. The itching at the incision site was bad about a week after surgery, but it only lasted a couple days. My husband and I went on a short hike to keep me distracted. :) Hope this helps. If you have additional questions feel free to message me, I'll try to help. I do not regret having the surgery for a minute, and my recovery was easier than it was for other surgeries.
  5. I realize pointing out Jilly's grammar is like shooting fish in a barrel, but Phillip's burden to be a missionary required a video? He made it just for them!
  6. Such a drama queen. Timbits was born 11 months after The Golden Child, NotNurie #1 16 months later, NotNurie #2 less than a year after that. Then all the others…she wasn’t THAT lonely.
  7. Me too! I opened the tab back up later and this disembodied voice was droning on about the pikchur. I believe my statement was "What is this fresh hell?"
  8. Yeah, I call bullshit on this. Anymore, you can get lab results in a few hours. With my last two surgeries, I had the pathology reports the next day. Didn't he have his alleged biopsy back in July? Even in rural West Virginia it should have been done long before now. Ma's "broken brain" and her dad's health issues were not enough to keep Jilly from heading out on VACATION. Did you know she was on vacation? She was. Also, I suppose her preparations for NotNurie #1's wedding (aka getting a new dress and perhaps some jewelry for herself because that's what the bride WANTED for BME) will prevent her from providing any assistance when Ma goes home.
  9. In case you forgot we were ON VACATION... Aren't those the dresses the "little girlies" wore on their "special trip" with Mama to the mill? Yet there is the whole family, with the mill in the background. No special trip at all, just a photo shoot. More misrepresentation from BME. What a SEVERE shock.
  10. This could be fun! 14. Do YOU have a decorated hot water heater in your closet? Yeah, didn't think so. 15. My extensive collection of stuffed animals 16. I know the location of the GOOD Olive Garden 17. My marvelous garden 18. My mad photography skills during church services
  11. I'm there with you-back in my apartment days I went to the pool to swim, preferably on weekday evenings so I didn't have to dodge 30 other bodies while I was swimming. My Irish coloring also preferred the evenings. That's another thing about Janelle-she's fair-skinned, and has already had skin cancer. I would think sitting in full sun in the afternoon is not in her best interests.
  12. Tim has gone from "dating" Nurie to Renee. Wonder if he'll still be around to date Janessa?
  13. Don't Gracie and Michelle share a middle name? I guess they could go David Robert, which isn't bad, but I don't like David Duggar that well. Although if they're going to name after family members, they should take a name from Abbie's side this time.
  14. Yes, apparently it is. I looked up the list of Bates kids and the majority of name combinations are...not something I would choose. Warden Justice is particularly bad. I guess now one of Cambree's kids will have to carry on with the Layne.
  15. My DIL has a name not traditionally spelled with a y, but her parents threw one in there. She hates it-her name is always misspelled or mispronounced. So while I have seen the name Layne before (and, dating myself and outing my music preferences, I immediately think Layne Staley when I see it), I wonder how many are going to feel like she does later on. When my son & DIL were having kids, "no superfluous y" was one of their rules in choosing names. I don't know what to say about Cambree.
  16. Abbie looks cute. I like her dress. Esther's dress looks uncomfortable to me, but I know second-skin maternity wear is trendy.
  17. Small vent about something that I realize is a minor annoyance in the big picture... So I moved from Nashville to southern Illinois a year and a half ago to be close to my aging parents and my son/grandchildren. In the last few months I have been contacted by multiple recruiters in Nashville (nice, where were they when I lived there? LOL). I always thank them and explain I moved. Then I get "I have positions in Chicago too!" I live closer to Nashville than Chicago. By over 100 miles. It is annoying yet hilarious how many people think Chicago is synonymous with the state of Illinois. I volunteer I would be open to hear about remote work, I work remotely in my current position. Crickets. Like I said, small annoyance. I do have a job. I had this experience again today, so it's fresh on my mind.
  18. I feel like a pair of cargo shorts would be more comfortable for them, and give them a place to put wallet, etc. I personally detest purses, and it always annoys me how a lot of women's clothing has tiny little useless pockets.
  19. I guess the "pink drink" also magically repairs SEVERELY torn "things" in knees? 🙄
  20. It's just sad that's there is even need to ponder how much freedom a 32 year old woman is "allowed".
  21. That would have been extra cute for the baby since his grandfather was Rick. I think Jill mentioned he was going to be Freddy. I wouldn't have thought of that nickname, I bet Jill & Derick didn't either.
  22. So Ma had a setback, but let's talk about how it is negatively impacting Jill and her ability to rest. Much like Amy's accident threatened Jill's pregnancy.
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