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Everything posted by Turquoise

  1. Meanwhile in the southern part of the state it is 63 and sunny after two rainy, gloomy days. But since I am in Illinois, I must be near Chicago, right*?? 🤣 (*The attitude of anyone not actually from Illinois)
  2. It's a still from a loop (don't know if I'm using the correct term) Jill posted. She had them jump down, and then reversed it so it looks like they're jumping back up backwards. DBD and The Precious Baby just sit there.
  3. Vibin', Thrivin', and Filterin'. Heavy on the latter.
  4. I wonder if that dress was Kaylee's bridal shower outfit? It does look rather fancy for a regular Sunday service (even in a GOOD church), but good for her for getting another wear out of it.
  5. We are heading to Nashville as soon as Mr. Turquoise gets home from work. His family gets Thanksgiving, we stay in Illinois with mine for Christmas. I'm hoping everything goes OK. His brother hosts and always makes a great meal. My MIL has an obsession with size and some unhealthy eating habits, and feels the need to critique everyone. We had to move her into assisted living this year due to memory issues, but unfortunately that part of her personality is very much intact. I know she is declining and may not have a lot of holidays left, but it can be hard to be patient with the snide comments, whether directed at me or others. I am hoping for a peaceful few days and that Mr. can have a nice visit. We plan on heading home Saturday so we can have a decompression day before heading back to work.
  6. I'm glad the defense is leaving Router alone. It's been through enough already.
  7. I will have to remember to tell my son he's an "only child". Also, that I was a complete tropper pushing his 9.3 lb self out unmedicated.
  8. I understand Pat wanting to be at the wedding. I'm a grandmother too. Mine are all small and it'll be years before there are any weddings, but I want to be there. The difference is my family would push me in the wheelchair and celebrate I was able to make it, rather than insisting I walk down the aisle (with a lot of assistance) as proof of a miracle. Maybe it didn't contribute to her fall, but it certainly couldn't have helped with her healing.
  9. Perhaps Jill shouldn't have announced that it was her wish for her mom to walk down the aisle? She posted as if her dad said it, but we know Jillybean. I'm sure it was enough strain to travel for the wedding, they should have just pushed her down the aisle in her wheelchair. Since when do parents sit at the head table (I know, I know, it's Jill...)?
  10. Jill's trying to get people to watch her newest YouTube video. She says it's PACKED with events, including "Kaylee's last moments with us." I can't roll my eyes hard enough. So.much.drama. Also not giving her any clicks.
  11. If Jonathan and Kaylee have her parents over for dinner, shouldn't Jonathan dip up first? Kaylee would WANT to follow the HOLY example her mother provided. A video of the expression on DBD and BME's faces would be priceless.
  12. (Full disclaimer, I wasted way too much time looking for the photographic evidence) Wasn't Kaylee the one the family had "fun" with sticking a rude note on her back and Jill posting for the world to see? Perhaps this was the wedding version.
  13. When you open the article the title actually says second baby, son Augustine so I don't know why link is phrased differently.
  14. I was thinking Aunt Cade and Lil Mama should have had a baby by now...apparently I missed the announcement last week. https://people.com/parents/gabby-barrett-cade-foehner-welcome-second-baby-boy/
  15. Why did no one help Kaylee adjust her headpiece? It looks like it's sliding off in a lot of the pictures. Nemo looks like he's over it.
  16. Well, I called it, although I don't feel that it was too difficult... Nice of Jill to write a tribute to herself and take a dig at Not Nurie #1: "You never give up on me, even when I make mistakes". What horrible mistake could the poor girl have made that it needed to be highlighted in Ode to Jillybean?
  17. It really should be Not Nurie #1 since this is the LAST birthday she gets with the BEST MOM before she goes away forever (or a few miles down the road).
  18. Painstacking penny pinching is not so you can care for your children or help your seriously ill mother. It's for "much-needed" vacations and showing off. So very Christlike.
  19. Perhaps Ivy and Fern will be grateful they "must" have long hair. They avoid the Mom Cut.
  20. What nice pictures of Gwen. They look happy.
  21. Yeah, I got that vibe from the sermon as well. I was talking about Kaylee's rehearsed speech about how HAPPY she has been working in the ministry her parents take credit for.
  22. I was just writing about this when I saw you already posted. Sounded like a hostage speech...er, I mean SUCH a BLESSING for NotNurie #1!
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